The story of life and learning the value contained in it #wewrite

in Steem Venezuela4 days ago (edited)
Obey the team leader


first task image

"Guys the sun is starting to shine faintly a sign that night time is coming soon, let's end our hunt today, let's go home," said one of the team leaders.

One of the members said, "But, there are still plenty of fish! Why don't we continue to hunt."

The team leader replied, "Let's leave it alone, we can continue hunting again tomorrow. Just be grateful for what we have gotten today. Obey my orders."

Without saying much, all the seagull friends obeyed the team leader's orders, together with their friends they immediately ended the day's activities and prepared to head back to their respective nests. On the way they sang together happily.

From this story we can draw conclusions that relate to our daily lives in a group organization.

A good organization is one in which the members are obedient to their leaders, therefore the running of an organization should not only be to achieve the interests and benefits of the leader alone. Got it!

Splendor is not happiness


Second task image

Once upon a time an alien and his friends visited the earth, they traveled in a UFO around the earth and saw the beauty of nature around them.

But suddenly their airplane engine experienced an emergency so the plane had to be stopped immediately. The plane landed in a haunted and lonely wilderness.

At that time, all aliens got out of the plane and tried to walk around the forest while waiting for the plane to return to normal flight.

One of the aliens named Manu tried to find a place in the forest that was comfortable so that he could take a short nap to rest.

After some time the plane was able to function properly again, all aliens returned to their aircraft. But Manu was still fast asleep.

After waking up Manu just realized that the plane had flown and He had been left behind by her friends. In his heart he muttered "Damn, what is my fate now."

He then continued to walk around the forest to look for help, finally Manu arrived at a river with a very beautiful view. He stopped on the banks of the river and in her mind He only felt very scared and anxious. He never cared about the beautiful scenery in front of him.

What is my fate now?

Who can help me now?

From this story we can take away two important lessons for our lives.

First, when you travel anywhere you must remain careful and alert, don't let your guard down. You will miss your flight or lose your belongings.

Secondly, the beautiful scenery in front of the eyes is just like human life which is full of luxury and splendor. People think their lives are very fortunate, but their minds are always restless.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, hopefully useful and inspiring all who read it. Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.


Greetings 🙏 @miftahulrizky


Amigo, en tu primer ejercicio, escribiste un ensayo sobre el tema del liderazgo y la obediencia. El ensayo literario se caracteriza por lo siguiente:

A diferencia de los ensayos académicos en donde se privilegian los tecnicismos y conceptos científicos o filosóficos, donde importa más el qué se dice; en el ensayo literario importa más el cómo se dice (la forma por encima del fondo). Por ello, es común la utilización de recursos literarios como el humor, la ironía, las digresiones, etc.

Desde mi punto de vista, lo hiciste bien, pero faltó más recursos literarios. Aún así, creo que si afinas algunos detalles, destacarás, pues tienes talento.

En el segundo trabajo, utilizaste el género literario de la narración. Sin embargo, desde mi punto de vista, hubo un error: Los cuentos no tienen conclusiones. Es el lector quien llega a ellas, de acuerdo con sus vivencias cotidianas y también con base en su bagaje como lector.

OJO: Te hago estos comentarios, con mucho respeto, pues en un taller la retroalimentación es muy importante.

Me encantó leerte. Suerte.

La tarea no consiste en escribir un ensayo, sino en describir lo que ves y lo que sientes. Por ejemplo, dices: Veo el cielo, un sol, veo 14 pájaros negros volando sobre un campo. Eso es describir una imagen.

El siguiente paso es describir lo que sientes. En la lección 1 hay una larga lista con sentimientos mencionados para aclarar qué es un sentimiento.
Entonces, dices: Me siento triste, solo porque esos pájaros pueden volar y están juntos. Me siento excluido y así uno. O dices: Me siento feliz, la imagen se siente cálida y soleada.

The task is not about writing an essay but about describing what you see and what you feel. So you say: I see the sky, a sun, I see 14 black birds flying above a field. That is describing a picture.

The next step is to describe what you feel. In lesson 1 is a long list with feelings mentioned to make clear what a feeling is.
So you say: I feel sad, lonesome because those birds can fly and are together. I feel locked out and so one. Or you say: I feel happy, the picture feels warm and sunny.

Cierto. Mi comentario giró en torno al texto escrito. Creo que todos los que hemos participado en el Taller no nos hemos limitado a describir, sino también a contar; lo cual me parece interesante.

I really appreciate any constructive suggestions from you.

To be honest, I have never studied literature, what I wrote today is the result of a brief thought. However, I did not realize that what I wrote contains literary elements, but in the future I will try to study literature so that my future writing contains value and art.

Sé que vas a destacar si haces mínimos esfuerzos.

I hope you can apply to be a teaching team next season, so that I can study in the ocean of literature.

Jajaja. LO tomaré como un cumplido que valoro mucho.

Tentang apaan Adoe

Hai @miftahulrizky saya sangat termotivasi apa yang anda simpulkan apa yang anda tulis, dimana kegoisan dalam mencari rezki dalam kehidupan bekelompok memang sangat membutuhkan kekompakan,

Dalam terjadi tanya jawab dalam postinagan anda bukan tanpa alasan semua itu menjadi modal dalam kesuksesan saya sangat senang membaca postingan anda selain mudah di pahami dan mempunyai makna dan akan ter motivasi untuk kita semua

Postingan anda lebih kepada peringatan, dimana jangan lengah dalam melakukan pekerjaan dan hidup jangan sampai terlena dengan kehidupan, terimakasih kawan atas postingan yang sangat menarik.

terimakasih pak Azwar, awalnya saya sempat bingung mau menulis apa dengan kedua gambar yang di berikan, namun setelah saya mencoba menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk berpikir ide-ide kreatif bermunculan seketika.

Yang pasti saya hanya berusaha untuk menuliskan sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain.

Dear Free Writer,

We are very happy that you have joined #wewrite and we hope that you have fun writing together. What you write is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Also, read your comments, they can be very useful. Below you will find the review of your publication.
We thank you for participating in We-Write.

What went good - 1 point-
What to improvedescribe every detail of what you see and next what you feel!
Title - 2 point-
Hashtags - 1 points
A flashy start - 2 points3
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points1
Following the rules - 1 point-
AI text is forbidden-
Verification date:September 9, 2024

please add #wewrite #freewrite see lesson 1


All good? - You could be nominated for the 5 best of the week.

Hello I am dissatisfied with the way you graded this post, on what basis did you give me a 4 out of 10?

Is it because in the story above you didn't find both answers to the assignment? Or because you didn't read it at all.

Note: It doesn't matter if a short story, a poem or an article is written but if we want to make our text attractive we should add a "dose of us". This can be a personal anekdote, a joke or be done by describing what we see or feel and to do that we can use a single word as well.

I hope, as a good teacher, you have to explain what is missing and what needs to be improved?

The primary focus for the comments should be on how well the requirements of the challenge or assignment have been met, and most importantly what improvements could be made. @steemitblog

Cc @inspiracion

The question asked is:

  1. describe what you see on the pictures
  2. describe what you feel if you see the pictures
    Both you did not do.
    So you misunderstood what was asked and it did not went good so no points.

Title: Your titel is not an eyecatcher, not inviting enough to click if it shows up in a long list of articles (compare it with all the titles of contests and the diary game) also think how newspapers try to attract your attention with what we call "a clickbait".

Hashtags: you did not use the hashtags as mentioned in Lesson 1- task 1 - result no points

Although you did not follow the rules, your title is not inviting and you wrote something completely else I gave you 3 points for a flashy start. 3 although 2 is the maximum... which makes me think this is wrong and I should edit it.

Creativity/out of the box thinking: 1 point

Following the rules: no points (you did not follow the rules, you did not describe the picture, describe your feelings and did not use the right hashtags.

So the points you received are for a flashy start (although you wrote the wrong) text and 1 for the creativity.

Here I can understand you cannot find the answer to the task given in the content of the story that has been written.well I try to help you to highlight one picture.

  • question 1 what do I see from the picture:
  1. Dusk: "..the sun began to shine dimly "
  2. seagulls : all the seagull's companions obeyed the order of the squad leader
  • Question 2 explain what you feel if you look at the picture;
    answer I have explained in the sentence "On the way they sang together happily

notes: It doesn't matter if it's a short story, poem, or article

I wrote it in a short story,so do you still think I didn't answer the assignment?l

Title: unattractive to you doesn't mean unattractive to others, so it's a personal point of view.

hashtags: I used the hashtag #wewrite01 and #creativewriting, do I have to use all five hashtags mentioned.

Sungguh kisah yang sangat inspirasi, walau hanya sekedar karangan sendiri, tapi anda bisa mengambilnya sebagai ibrah atau contoh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Yap benar sekali, semoga kita semua dapat mengambil pelajaran dalam postingan ini

It is just not about writing a story, but about describing what you see and what you feel if you study a picture.

You are right that there are many precautions to be taken when traveling somewhere. Besides, seeing the front wheel full of luxury may seem like a joy but it may not be for him. Good luck to you.

I am glad to hear that you agree with the precautions I have outlined in this post. Thank you

The most important attribute of a leader is their ability to manage their team. Your article demonstrates how far that leader achieved success.
Your second picture shows the loss of an alien on Earth.
You have done justice to the two images. Good luck.

Aku senang anda telah membaca artikel saya sobat, terimakasih telah memberikan komentar positif disini.

I like to hear more about from you.

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