SEC-S18-W4: My selfies and me| Stories Behind the Smiles.

in Steem Venezuela20 days ago

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Image made by Canva


Hello everyone! I hope all steemian friends doing well and are safe and sound. I am a person who loves to take photographs as a token of memory . To me, photographs tell the story of every memory. When I was in higher secondary school , I asked my father for a camera as a reward for my good results. He promised me that he would and true to his word , he gave me a digital camera. This was about ten to fifteen years ago. From then on , I loved capturing photos. Believe it or not , my friends and I used to take pictures by moving the camera in front of us which - in today's term s, would be called a "selfie". At that time , we didn't know what a selfie was or how to take one. We took these kinds of photos without any knowledge of trending selfies, but we enjoyed doing it anyway. I thought I was so advanced and fashionable! Hahaha! Now, I laugh at myself by remembering that.
As a photoholic person, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to share my favorite selfies and their stories. Although it’s quite difficult to choose from so many favorites, I want to share some of them. Before that, I want to invite some of my Steemian friends @eliany, @waterjoe, and @nanadi, to share their selfies and stories too.

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Selfie : 1


The first selfie is of me and my baby daughter, Sehrish. This selfie was taken about two and five years ago when she was fourteen months old. The picture was taken on the day she finished her long series of vaccinations, which started when she was just one month old. Every time she was afraid, sad, and unhappy to get injections, she cried and screamed each time. As a mother, I cried with her. But that was the final day of vaccinations, and finally, this painful journey ended. I took this picture as a memory of a happy ending, the end of needle fear, and the end of pain. After the last session, she was so happy, and this picture is so memorable to me with my happy baby.

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Selfie : 2


The second selfie is another special picture for me. It includes my whole family. The picture was taken in December 2023 when my whole family visited my place in Chattogram for the very first time. It was winter, and there is a place called “15 Not Ghat” situated on the Karnafuli River. We took them there to sit by the river and enjoy the beautiful sunset. There was a special food called “piaju,” and we all sat there together, enjoying the beauty of the sunset and the winter breeze from the river with piyaju and tea. We spent quality time together, and trust me, this was a memorable evening for me. This selfie is evidence of that precious moment.

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Selfie : 3


This selfie was taken with some of my colleagues at a recent event last month. We are all members of a community welfare group, and that day we had a day-long special event. We had a lot of fun with the busy schedule. During a free moment, I took this picture of us to keep it as a memory of new friends and bonding. This picture will remind me of that day and the friendships we built.


Selfie : 4


The last picture was taken last year on February 24, 2023. In this picture, you see me with my best friend and cousin, Trina. It was our M.A. convocation day, and we had just become master graduates. This picture is very special to me because she is my best friend, and we had always dreamed of completing our M.A. degrees from the same institution. On that day, our dream came true. We completed our M.A. degrees from a very renowned university in our country. This picture is also special because we had to fulfill this journey with lots of difficulties and responsibilities. But beyond everything , we did it. It was a memory of a happy ending and a happy journey with my best friend. So, this picture is very close to my heart and a precious memory of life.

In conclusion ,Photographs are more than just images; they capture emotions, journeys, and milestones. Each selfie I have shared holds a unique and cherished story, reflecting the joys, struggles, and love in my life. I hope my Steemian friends will also share their wonderful selfies and the stories behind them.


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My X/Twitter share link is 👉here

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Your daughter is beautiful, this selfie will always remind you of the time she was a baby, how funny she was. The selfie on your M.A degree convocation will always reminds you of that special day and achievement. I wish all the best, and thanks for sharing with us.

@sumayaorin hola, que linda te ves en tus fotos, me encaaaanta como se visten, tu maquillaje y es hermosisima tu bebe, jamaaas dejes de sonreír, sea cual sea la situación que estés viviendo.

At first, I really love the picture of your daughter. She look so beautiful, that will always be like a memory for her when she grow up. And this will always save as a special day on her achievements. I wish her well in her future endeavors.

 19 days ago 

Hola sumayaorin

Que buenos momentos captados en selfies.!
Y es que hay que inmortalizar momentos vividos con amigos y familiares.
Además estoy de acuerdo contigo ya que es díficil escoger unas cuantas fotos cuando hay tantas que nos gustaría compartir.

Y aunque un poco atrasado: felicidades por tu maestría una meta más alcanzada que sin duda debe hacerte sentir plena.

Y para tu participación te deseo lo mejor 🌹🤗


Me encantó la foto con tu bebé después de terminar toda esa fase de las vacunaciones.

La última foto es preciosa. Tu cara y la de tu mejor amiga es de satisfacción; y cómo no tenerla, si culminar una Maestría es una experiencia académica y de vida inolvidable.

Me encantó leerte. Saludos.

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