My experience with The Diary Game||Myself and the Diary Game by @samuel20

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago


Greetings to everyone here participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge.I am glad the challenge has kept the ground running and we are in the third week of it already.Permit me to make my entry in Steem Venezuela community.

The Diary game is one way we keep a diary/record of our daily activities.This include records of what we did,what we ate,the places we went and other activities carried within the day.Ofcourse picture evidence is needed to prove the veracity our diary game post and to make the writing to look more beautiful.

My Experience with the Diary Game

I joined Steemit the towards the end of July 2020.I made my Achievement 1 and 2 post within the first few days.I was then told about the Diary Game by @focusnow he told me that it is a detailed post about my activities for the day.I decided to join too even though I was still a novice.I read diary post made by @beckie96830 @whitestallion @focusnow and other persons that has been on Steemit before me.Then I was able to get a clue on what to write.

Then I started writing it in the early days of August 2020.I wrote for each day because that was the rule.One of the first few posts was voted around $72 and it gave me enough motivation even though I didn't know the value of the vote in my local currency back then.👇


Atleast I was happy until the value was explained to me and so I got more happier😃.

At a point @focusnow divided us into groups of five members so that five of us can read and comment on each other's posts for proper engagement.This means that once I make a post,I will alert my team members,they will make four comments and I will make four replies making it a total of atleast 8 engagements per post.This strategy worked so well back then.As much as I can remember my team members then were-@whitestallion(team leader) @samuel20 @marydexplorer @iamdanny and @dlioness We had a fantastic team then and things went as smooth as planned.

Advantages of the Diary Game

There are lots of advantages that I have seen ams experienced through the diary game.Let me at this point highlight some of them.

  • Detailed Writing

Ordinarily I am science inclined and i was used to calculations and formula and not essay writing or detailed writing.At first,I was doubting if I can write the diary game post because writing at length wasn't my thing.

Interesting I started writing it and I found out that I could write as much as 500 words.This means that I have such ability but never knew until an external force called the diary game acted on me.So friends,the diary game has helped to write in details since I joined it.Thats a good testimony.

  • Record Keeping

The diary game is one of the best ways to keep record of our daily activities.Sometimes we cant recall our activities after a long period of time.However,with the advent of the diary game,you can easily scroll through your recent posts to read about your past activities.For example I was able to recall my activities on a particular day in December,2020 courtesy of the diary game.

The saying that the shortest pen is mightier than the longest memory can perfectly be explained and understood from thediarygame.It keeps a memory that ordinarily we can't keep within our brains.

  • Learning from Others

Learning they say,never ends.We don't only learn in the classroom or in the laboratory.One can still learn through reading.As an individual I have learnt quite a lot through reading other peoples diary game post.Some of the things I have learnt are some fitness habit, eating habit,time management habit, health habit and social habits by reading the daily activities of steemians like @ngoenyi @patjewell @chiabertrand @analuseidy scattered all over the world.


  • Earning and Rewards

There is no doubt that i have earned countless times through writing my diary game post.This is indeed a great advantage because you just wrote about your activities and then got rewarded for just doing that.Truth of the matter is that rewards has a way of motivation people to write more and even more.

It is also important to note that there are times when I dont get votes from my diary game post.I did not relent because of such,I kept on writing and engaging with others.So friends do not focus just on votes,keep your eye on producing quality contents in your diary game.

Disadvantages of the Diary Game

Basically I wont say that there are demerits of participating in the diary game.It serves the author the purpose of keeping records of their activities for future use.However,the diary may expose people's privacy to the public.Although as adults,we should know what to and what not to bring to the public space.

I have invited some persons to join the diary game over the past couple of months.They really enjoyed the project,got the experience and shared beautiful contents too.Some of the people I convinced to join the diary game are @frank10 @chukwu10 and many others that I cant recall at this moment.


I have learnt and garnered a lot of experience all through the seasons and period of the diary game.I have had the sweet,bitter,funny and memories shared during the years of diary game.I am wishing the diary game a happy two year anniversary come the 22nd of May,2022.

I am inviting @pelon53 @nneoma08 @tenguhatanga to participate in this contest.


Reading this posts bring me memories about your interesting diaries in the old days. I would always rush many times to read your post.

The diary game has really been good and life changing. It has been fun and life changing through the knowledge obtained from it. I got to know you better reading your diaries. I can still remember your many trips to the village and there would be no network. Hahahaaaah.

Thank you for the invitation bro. I made my entry too. Here

Good luck

Wow diary game gave you an upvote of $72 thats massive! Thats like a one year motivation for me!

Yes the diary game teaches steemians to be detailed. I for example has learnt that firsthand. And i am so glad i did.

Thank you and all the best in this challenge

Thanks for supporting my post @ruthjoe indeed the diary game has taught me a lot and I am glad about it.

Definitely detailed writing has been a key benefit I have gained via the diary game.I am glad the project is approaching 2 years by the 22nd of May.


Steem on!

Diary game is very good as one learn how to keep records of his or her daily activities. Excellent write up. Kudos!

I really appreciate your visit to my post @msquaretwins the diary game has been of great benefit to all especially myself.I have had a good record of my activities courtesy of the diary game.

 2 years ago 

En el The diary game vamos aprendiendo tantas cosas y una de ellas es redactar nuestro día a día y tratar de que sea lo mejor posible, cuando comenzó la segunda temporada de The diary game muchas personas fuero saliendo ya que no recibían apoyo, como otros si pero ese apoyo que muchos recibimos acá fue por nuestra constancia y dedicación así como lo hizo usted amigo, acá obtenemos un gran aprendizaje..

Profile Summary:

#steemexclusive: ✅Club75: ✅Free-Plagiarism: ✅Free-bots: ✅

Thanks for reviewing my post @wilmer1988 I will continue to comply by the community rules as well as Steemit best practices.

You have made a great entry into the contest as you have been able to highlight a few ways the diary game has benefitted you on Steemit. Without any doubt, it securely enhances record-keeping and even earning from your activities, that's quite awesome.

That being said, you have highlighted how delicate it is when we share our movements with the world, in my own opinion, you can always protect too sensitive information while writing the diary game. It's a great piece, well done and I wish you luck.

Hi @fredquantum,

Glad to see your comment on my post.The diary game is much loved by all and sundry.Infact it is one of the ways that newbies start to develop their writing skills in the course of their blogging journey on Steemit.

in my own opinion, you can always protect too sensitive information while writing the diary game.

I agree with you totally.We should know the right details to share on Steemit.

My brother I agreed with you that learning never end and sometimes reading people write up and ideas really contribute positively to our learning, Diarygame is not only good by giving you up but it can also help you to remain active.

Hi @michael-akpan,

Thanks for visiting my blog and for making a comment on my entry.You are right,we learn a lot through reading other peoples diary game post.I am a testifier to that.

Upvotes can't be a regular thing,so consistency is the key to success on Steemit.Being active and having proper engagement is an important tool.

Wow! Your first diary really serve as a motivation for you, truly all you wrote about the diary game is simply the Truth. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I wish you success!

Hi @goodybest,

Good to see your comment here.Definitely,upvotes are great motivation although it doesn't come all the time.We have to maintain consistency with or without upvotes,we steem to the moon.

Thanks for visiting once again.I am sure you have benefitted a lot via the diary game too.

 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias amigo por su invitación.

Me gustó cómo estructuró su publicación. Y tienes razón aprendemos de otros leyendo sus diarios.

Saludos y bendiciones

Thanks @pelon53 for your engagement on my post I am sure you have also benefited from the diary game too.I appreciate your visit and your compliments.


Great post! From your post I've noticed that it had its up and downs BUT the ups more than the downs. :-)
All that counts is that you enjoy it so... keep on writing those diary entries. Good luck!

Hi @patjewell,

Nice to see your comment on my post.Surely everything in life has pros and cons and so the diary game isn't an exception.I enjoy the diary game and will make effort to continue writing it.

Best regards!!

For a diary game, so many new steemit friends which are both home and abroad will get to know the kind of work you do, and your day-to-day activities and may probably learn from them.

I'm happy and glad to know you always read my day-to-day activities via my diary games and you learn something out of them. This is amazing and I'm motivated. Thanks alot for this kind gestures

Overall, I love your article because you really kept in a lot of effort in producing it. I wish the best in this Contest

I really appreciate your response @chiabertrand surely I go through your diary and have learnt and known from it too.Steemit is like an umbrella can brings us together irrespective of country, religion,tribe or status.

I am sure you have lots of memories and experience in the course of the diary games too.

I go through your diary and have learnt and known from it too

Thanks once brother

Steemit is like an umbrella can brings us together irrespective of country, religion,tribe or status.

You have just said it all.

I am sure you have lots of memories and experience in the course of the diary games too.

Yes of course I do. At times I need to go back to an old diary of mine before I can obtain useful informations when I want to carry out something. Indeed thediarygame is a wandeful way of storing so many information

Thank you for this thorough engagement.You are a progressive steemian and I am impressed @chiabertrand

It's my pleasure bro, you have also been my source of inspiration all along and I'm really happy for that..

I started knowing you since you were a teacher in steemkidss community and also how you use to produce great articles at SCA. So I have learned a lot from you all along brother.

Thank you @chiabertrand Steemit has made me to come across bright minds like YOU.

Cryptoacademy and Steemkids have been a mutual community for both us.I really relish the memories.

Cryptoacademy and Steemkids have been a mutual community for both us.I really relish the memories.

All is thanks to Steemit my brother. Let's just pray for more better days ahead as we keep doing our best in this platform

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