SEC-S10W6 – You also learn from mistakes

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Greetings to every member of this community, it's another week in the engagement challenge contest and here is my shake-up for this week's engagement challenge from this dignified community who blessed us with a delightful topic titled “You also learn from mistakes".

What is your opinion about the phrase "you can also learn from mistakes"?

“Mistakes are facts of life. It is the response to the mistake that counts.” – Nikki Giovanni.

In life, everybody is prone to make mistakes in this world, this is a fact and not just a mere assumption. Someplace along the line, we are going to make a poor decision or do something we shouldn't have to. Some even make the same mistake multiple times before they come to learn, but we can usually learn better from those mistakes made than we do from our success stories.

pexels-photo-374918.jpeg photo of a mathematics mistake, source; Pexels

For me, I believe mistakes permit anyone and everyone attentive enough to learn something new from the situation and move on positively, and conceivably make the person a better person.

Cicero once said: “To make a mistake is only human; to persist in a mistake is idiotic.” This is to say, we are to learn from our mistakes and correct our path in life. It must not have to be our own mistakes, as mistakes serve as rich life experiences even as they have the power to ruin someone’s life, or worse break a soul.

Also, someone can only learn from their mistakes after they have admitted they’ve made one. The moment you start accusing others or worse the universe itself, you distance yourself from any feasible lesson to be learnt.

My experience

I have made a ton of mistakes in my life and I believe making these mistakes has created in me a better person and helped me see certain things differently.

Making these mistakes lets me know my limits and capabilities, the things I can and cannot do, and in turn, helps me discover more about myself. I must say, I have had to mourn a few mistakes in my life and some of these mistakes changed certain things in my life, such as affinities and relationships.

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Periodically, it is difficult and painful to think about how things would have been different if I had not made certain mistakes, but I also know that I have learned a lot by accepting certain mistakes and forgiving myself.

Mistakes taught me the kind of person I am and I would like to be, and the type of person I should not be or don't want to be. It taught me not always depend on people.

But the biggest lesson in all is that nobody's life is perfect. That everyone in the world makes mistakes or at least has made a few already and learned from them. Hence, I acknowledge that making mistakes and learning from them positively makes us better people.

What advice would I give to people who think that mistakes are failures?

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Einstein

To those who feel mistakes as failures, failures are the stepping stones to success, meaning learning from our mistakes is our guide to success. The mistakes we make, make us better people and help propel us into striving hard for success.

pexels-photo-8363153.jpegmaking mistake quotation, source;Pexels

Our mistakes not only teach us what went wrong but rather also how we can correct and/or avoid such mistakes repeating themselves. Hence, mistakes are not the end product, but a guide to direct your path hence you have to change your mindset of seeing mistakes as failures.


Mistakes can make one lose self-confidence and fault others, and yes, learning from our mistakes is never an easy feat, nobody said it was easy as some mistakes can be life-threatening. But trusting yourself gives you the power to overcome.


I like to invite @Ruthjoe, @yakspeace, @ikwal and @suboohi

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



Absolutely! Mistakes are an inevitable part of life, and they provide valuable lessons that help us grow and improve. It's through our failures that we gain wisdom and become better versions of ourselves.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.



You have created a very good post. Of course every person makes many mistakes in his life. But it is also true that every time we make a mistake we learn something new and we take a positive step forward.

Best of Luck

I completely agree with you. Mistakes are an essential part of growth and learning. It's important to acknowledge them, learn from them, and use them as stepping stones towards becoming a better person.

 last year 

Los errores son la prueba fehaciente de que somos seres vulnerable y necesitamos aprender, obtener antes la casi obligatoria experiencia para poder desenvolvernos con efectividad en una determinada situación. No podemos pensar en los errores como una forma de fracaso quienes llegamos a la vida desprovistos de toda habilidad para subsistir; todo lo que necesitamos para salir adelante, desde que nacemos, es producto de la experiencia que se obtiene de los errores y los aciertos. Y esa condición inherente a nuestro comportamiento nos acompañará por siempre. Éxitos, amigo...

 last year 

I agree, learning from your mistakes is the best way, and the one who does so never commits the same mistakes. However, people either ignore it or they have a short memory so they do it again and again.

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