SEC-S18-W5: Photographs and emotions From my collections

Dear friends,

I am Jyoti from India and I'm here going to participate in this SEC 18 Week 5 contest : organised bt Steem Venezuela community

Photographs and emotions..jpg


Photographs and emotions.


This photo was taken during my nice wedding, usually everyone takes photos with the bride and groom at the reception and while taking photos. As usual this reception going smoothly, people were go on stage and taking photographs, there was a dance performance going on at one side, then the dancers ran towards the bride and groom on the stage and made them dance too. Mean while my daughters and her cousins also joined them. The moment was so happy and different, the bride and groom danced with them. The stadium came to a standstill for about half an hour, an unforgettable event for me and my family.


This photo was taken last year 2021. We went to the institute to inquire about the ground class course for my daughter. At that time my daughter was studying in her final year in college. If we had made an appointment that day, she would have sought permission from the college and come to the institute with us. Then we inquired about the course details only then they said that they teach ground course in India and flying course in Canada.

And they explained to us about the regulations and laws to go to Canada. They told us in detail how to start preparations for going to Canada and how to prepare ourselves step by step. On the other hand, while studying the ground class course, they also explained to us what the syllabus would be and how the exams would be. Also we asked them about course piece loan education loan and visa details. That day will be an unforgettable day in our life and I will consider it as the day that the foundation was laid to fulfill my daughter's dream.


Generally in all weddings the engagement ceremony is conducted before the wedding to confirm the bride and groom. In this way, engagement events are usually held in our festivals and weddings. We call it "Nitchayadantha". Before that, the groom's family came to the bride's house and asked the bride formally. We took this photo when the groom's family came to see my husband's brother's daughter. I find this photo of me, my husband and my son together with her to be very emotional.


When we hear the news that our children have achieved, we are more happy than when they were born. Just like that, this photo taken by my daughter when she went to Canada for her pilot course and got her student pilot license for the first time brought tears to my eyes. This is why we have suffered so much. All our troubles disappeared when we saw this photo. The fact that she was the first to acquire an officer rank in this photo made me proud. This photo made us all proud and became very emotional for our entire family.

I want to invite


to participate in this useful contest and win.


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-



Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Saludos que bueno que a ti hija realizo su viaje a canada para realizar el curso. Que quería. Me imagino la alegría que debio de sentir ver como su Sueños se hacían realidad. Es algo que jamás se olvidará. Momentos de éxitos.

Saludos me agrado leerte. Buena suerte

yes, It is something that will never be forgotten that my daughter achieved. Thank you for stopping by


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sahmie

Thank you @sahmie for the valuable support

 25 days ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Que maravilloso es leer que tu hija logró su meta de ir a Canadá a estudiar inglés... Estoy segura que su algarabía arrojará maravillosos frutos y tu te sentirás súper orgullosa de todo lo que logre.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

You are right, I feel super proud of everything she achieves. Thank you for reading.

Hi @jyoti-thelight

Achievements of children are very precious and proud feeling for parents. I wish you and your daughter to get success at every stage of life.

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