My experience with the diary game; Lasting memories by @graciella

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago

Hello family. The past two weeks have been amazing since the start of the steemit engagement challenge and like wind it's already the third week. I'm really glad to be participating in this contest that talks about our individual experiences with the diary game.


Firstly, I joined steemit on the 10th of December 2021 so today makes me exactly 5 months on this beautiful plartform. If you've been here even for just a few weeks then you must have read a few diaries from several users.In 12 days from now(22nd May), the 2nd anniversary of the diary game will be celebrated and every single one of us have participated in it or had an experience from it.

Advantages of the diary game

  • First, the diary game gives us a plartform where we can freely talk or tell us about our day, what happened, the good or bad. Nothing is more fun that having an audience who you can always share your day with whenever you want.

  • Also, whatever we send to the plartform is locked there forever. So the diary game also serves as some kind of storage where we can keep memories for a very long time. Even in 10years to come, you can go back to a particular day you shared on steemit and remember those beautiful or trying moments.

  • The diary game is like an open "diary". Instead of taking down notes of your day in a book where no one will see, you get to instead share it on this vast plartform and in turn get to read the diaries of other people.

  • A diary game can involve an activity or something which will help, educate or inspire someone. There are just some days that we go through a lot of stress and difficulties but somehow you manage to pull through. When someone reads about those days, they too can be inspired to keep pushing especially if they are in a similar situation.

Disadvantages of the diary game.

  • Steemit is a place full of soo many different people. There are just somethings that ought not to be shared on the diary game on a place like this because once it's shared, there is no privacy and anyone at all can see it.

  • Jealousy: Some people might just start hating you or get jealous because of something that happened to you and you decided to share in your diary game. The world is just full of complicated people sometimes that because of two or three successes you shared in your diary game, you end up creating an enemy from someone who doesnt even know you personally.

  • Misjudgments: okay, let me take a situation where someone shared as part of their diary a little quarrel that happened with their partner. It's very easy for someone to easily misunderstand something on the diary post of another person.

  • Easy stalking😂; Yes stalkers still exist and I don't know if this is an advantage or disadvantage but diary games just makes stalking people too easy. I can easily just read your diary games and keep track on your activities.

Personal experience with the diary game.

After creating my achievement 1, the 2nd other post i created on steemit was a diary game.
I was sent a sample by @wase1234 and was told a diary game is simple a review of your day. It sounded really easy and from my introduction on that post you will easily know I was very exited to write it.

With time, I went through other communities, saw a lot of other people writing diary games and discovered not every community accepts them as I began to know more about the plartform.

My very first and only curator 01 vote came from a diary game I wrote in Communitad Latina.
Till today I still remember the excitement and happiness I felt when I had that vote. Although I've never had another steem curator 01 vote, I'm thankful to a diary game for giving me one.

I mostly write them when something important or worth sharing happened during that day like the diary game of 19/03/2022 where I witnessed the coronation of the paramount chief of Buea. Aside that, I don't really like the diary games of I woke up, brushed my teeth, took my bath etc. But I write those when I don't really have anything else to post. I've not been writing diary game posts for sometime now but I have been reading from others.

To me it's gets boring sometimes to keep track of every single activity especially when you need pictures to back them up. But when I write them it's never as bad as I think. Its a great way to store accurate memories or minute details, dates you may easily forget on your own of things you can look back at from the future and smile or just be glad to remember them like the first day I met @wase1234 or like the day i went out but forgot my identification card at home.

Well so far that has been my experience with The dairy game and more are to come. Thanks for reading...


I will be inviting @majerius, @chaibetrand, @temitopef and @msquaretk to join the contest. Here is the link...


Proof of upvote and resteem; Screenshot from my blog

 2 years ago 

Excelente amiga.

Me gusta mucho la sinceridad con la que expresas las cosas, pues tienes mucha razón, en especial en cuanto a la privacidad que debemos tener y el cuidado por nuestra seguridad.

Yo también creo que debemos tener mucho cuidado con lo que vamos a publicar, más si se trata de problemas personales o sitios específicos que pongan en riesgo nuestra seguridad y la de nuestros familiares o amigos.

Entre tantas cosas, déjame felicitarte nuevamente por tu sinceridad, creo que es lo más importante que debemos decir.

Te deseo suerte.

Así es. Si bien Steemit es toda una familia, sigue siendo una plataforma abierta donde debemos elegir las cosas que publicamos sobre nuestra vida personal.

Muchas gracias por leer y por tu dulce palabra. Yo aprecio...

Thank you dear for inviting me to the contest, I will surely join the contest.

Diary game helps in keeping record and memories, we also know one another personally and our culture through diary post. But with diary post there is no secret again, as whatever you shared will be exposed to the world.

Thank you once again

That's true.
Thanks for stopping by😊

hola @graciella, , gracias por compartir este post, pues sí que también compartimos el hecho de que llevas un diario de lo que vas haciendo quizás hoy uno no lo valore tanto pero pasados unos años seguro nos gustara revisarlo en esta página para ver en que andábamos 5 años antes, así que comparto esa ventaja contigo.

You have really taken your time to put into writing your experience with dairy game. When we share our daily activities, people get to know us and more importantly may learn one or two things.

I am glad you got a vote from Sc01 on one of your diary games. Keep keeping on and making quality contents.

Kind regards

Yeah true
Thanks for reading

Well presented grill..
Especially in the section of the advantages and the disadvantages. But I want to ask something

During the times when we just randomly take pictures around the town to put in our diary game and people be looking at us funny is that an advantage or a disadvantage 😹

😂😂 i really don't know
But it can be fun

 2 years ago 

Hi @graciella

It is true what you say and the Steemit platform serves as a place to store your memories.
I'm glad that you can participate in diary games, it really is an option to write even if we have nothing else, we can always write a diary,

Thank you for participating in this contest, I wish you much success.

Profile Summary:

#steemexclusive: ✅Club75: ✅Free-Plagiarism: ✅Free-bots: ✅

Hi, the user graciella jus made (in 2 month(s)):

  • POWER UPs: 334.384 STEEM

CLUB75: Elegible. You should power up 0.000 STEEM

I'm glad to participate too.
Thanks for the review

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