Desafío semanal DEPORTIVO #SV-SPORT #81 | Sport is good for the body says by @ajegena

in Steem Venezuela6 months ago
Greetings to you all my friends on this platform called steemit, it is me again your friend @ajegena it is great privilege to have you all in my blog. Am not here to greet you only but also here to participate in a contest organized by @wilmer1988 in #Steem Venezuela which says my weekly sports challenge, as well you are all welcome to my blog post

My weekly sports challenge exercise goes on five (5) different ways:

Firstly before I proceed I will like us to know what exercise or spots is all about. Sport or exercise can be defined as a situation or way in which every individual exercise his or her body system because every individual body system needs some exercise for better health and fitness, so sport is one of the best solutions to take care of body system

My first sports challenge exercise goes on stretching of my waste side by side in the body and such exercise enables my waste and my body to be active to perform any action given


My second sports weekly exercise goes on bending of my waste and stretching of my hand by nailing down,this exercise help my waste in other not to have any pain


My third weekly sports exercise goes on my normal and regular exercise which I love the most which is push Up, but this season I was a to reach up to (50) time because I did the other one first but I promise myself to pass the 50 in my next exercise.


My fourth weekly sports exercise goes on my stretching of hand and my body as well, this exercise contribute in stretching of the back neck


My fifth weekly sports exercise goes on site up, this exercise help in giving me six packs strength and balancing in body


Thank you all for your precious time and I love you all, I wish everyone success in the contest as well in life. stay safe and be bless

I invite


Thank you, friend!
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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 6 months ago 

Saludos @ajegena

Gracias por mantener una buena actividad en la plataforma.

Tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @teamvenezuela de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

Apoyado por: @inspiracion

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Una rutina de estiramiento necesaria para activar todas las partes del cuerpo, te motivo a continuar realizando constantemente.

 6 months ago 

Hello @ajegena, good exercise routine.

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