Supernatural Story __ My Real Life Encounter About A Restless Soul or Was It A Regret?

in Steemit Achievers3 years ago (edited)

Believe It Or Not


There are things that cannot be explained by science nor cures of something that cannot be treated by modern medicine, neither are the circumstances that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

It is said that when somebody commits suicide, you commit a mortal sin and you cannot enter the Heavens and that you will remain in the purgatory. They say that the soul will not have peace of mind and that they will roam the earth asking for justice. Well, I hope and pray that it will not be the case because what I am going to tell you is about the death of my daughter and how she died.

I just came from my office when my daughter told me that she dropped her subject in Steno because she was mad at their teacher in Steno who happens to be their school registrar who had once humiliated her.


They were filing on line to enroll for the second semester when the registrar told them to wait for Sister XXX because they won’t be accepted because they are not married yet and that live-ins are not allowed to enroll because it is a Catholic. We, along with boy’s mother, waited for Sister Dean to return from a workshop seminar to accept their enrolment because it is the only way that we can help them finish their schooling for the future of their child, with the assurance that they will be rightfully married when my daughter reaches the right age.

At last, our request was granted and they both continued with their studies. Perhaps the registrar was indifferent when they were accepted that when my daughter would greet her when she entered their room, she would ignore her but she smiled at the rest who were there. The same situation happened every time she entered their classroom that she reached height of her anger and pity to herself that she surrendered her class card. When I learned about this, I told her that she won’t be able to graduate if she will drop her steno subject because it is part of the curriculum. I comforted her to keep calm and not to worry because she will be 18 soon and that dad will be arriving after 5 month time. I even told her that I will make a huge 3-layered wedding cake for them as big as our side table! I thought everything was settled and forgotten.

Fast Foward

It was Nov. 1 when my daughter entered our front door at the boarding (remember I left our house) when I saw with a wink of an eye that she had no face. I shook my head and closed my eyes for a moment and I saw her pale face, but I felt the tingling sensation down my spine. I uttered inwardly saying “God Forbid”! We had a small talk on something about her “hubby’s” brother to be married on the 27th because his GF got pregnant and they are qualified to be married because the girl was already 19 years old. She added that what if they will also join with their wedding “Bisan sa Likod Lang Sila” (Even if they will be at the back only). I felt my heart broke into small pieces but I didn’t showed my feelings. I calmly said there’s no need for them to sit at the back because we will be giving them a grand wedding when dad comes home! I felt her insecurities of being a single mom and perhaps despised by that registrar or those who find joy in backbiting instead of facing their own personal problems in life!

She just came from school she said and told me that they will be having a Mr. History Night soon then we talked about her coming 18th birthday. The big event came and she dressed up. Even with her school slacks she still looked beautiful with little makeup and lipstick. She even borrowed my chain bracelet for the occasion and that she will return it after the event. Anyway, it will be my last she said. I told her to stop saying such words and to think of her baby first thing and foremost! It was during the TV program entitled MKK when she came back to the boarding house and returned my pink scooter along with my bracelet. It only took few minutes since my daughter left when my hijado (older brother of the father) told me to go to the clinic and he was crying saying “Maninay good evening… will you come with me for a while?” I said why? But my heart was already pounding. When I reached the clinic, their neighbors were there too. I saw my daughter so limp and pale. I thought that she only collapsed and asked why, what happened, what did the doctor say? Nobody answered.

Then the doctor told me that she hanged herself inside their room and that she’s gone despite their efforts to revive her. I didn’t knew what to do and touched her neck. There were dark marks that of the rope. I was so shocked I didn’t know what happened next. My eldest son was already crying and my three younger kids were shrieking. Their Ate was gone.
It was already late afternoon the following day when they asked me to have the body embalmed because it is the protocol of the embalming company that they should not wait for 24 hours for cadaver to be embalmed. I wanted to see her before they “butcher” her I said. I have seen the black and blue marks around her body. They looked at each other when the blood was still fresh and bubbling. I asked if she was still alive? Nobody answered and they continued with their work. When all was settled, the single bed used was set aside at the back of their kitchen where the blood was also buried.

It was midnight when those in the kitchen were running inside. They said that somebody was shaking the bed back n forth and there was the strong smell of formalin! They said that my daughter is still around! My kumare told them to hush or else I will be in panic again.

My hubby couldn’t do his work when he had an overseas call from their mother company. He wanted to come home the soonest time possible but they had hard time to find another officer since he was a second mate officer during that time. He arrived a week after.

Midnight Visitor

The vigil was full of people. They were close-knit neighbors and mostly relatives of the guy. It was showering outside when they heard a loud beeping of horn coming from our car. The engine was off. Everybody went running outside, rubbing their arms as if their hair all over their body was standing upright and the pores of their skin bloated! They said that my daughter is there. One fearless man or he said he tried his best not to panic, tried to disconnect the wirings of the battery. Yet, the light was still on. They asked my hubby to talk to his daughter as she might have something to tell her dad.

My hubby slowly sat at the front seat and slowly talked to her daughter while his tears was flowing telling her “Anak, gimingaw jud si daddy nimo, sorry kayo nak nga wala ko diri kay ngita man ko kwarta para ninyo…ug naa kay isulti o isumbong nako, padamguha lang ko nak ha… I miss you so much anak ko!” Then he went on crying as hard as he could while the onlookers were also crying. I wasn’t there to witness that incident because I haven’t slept for one week and they were careful not to wake me up. I was even angry why they didn’t wake me up. They said that perhaps my daughter sent me to sleep so as not to witness that moment.

The following day my hubby told me to go back to our house. He said that his younger brother took care of everything and returned all our belongings back to our house. He said that he wanted to sleep because he had not slept since he arrived and after that incident the previous night. I was only half awake when I heard footsteps in our sala. I knew those footsteps so well! I just listened and sort of happy she went with us at home. I felt she sat on the edge of our bed. I felt the pressure. I silently cried and passed away. It was a dreamless sleep. When we woke up, we hugged each other and silently cried for the loss of our eldest daughter. Then I noticed that my wedding ring was missing. I stood up and looked under the blanket and under the bed but it wasn’t there. I got my pillow and found it was under it! I got the message. It was her wish.

The vigil took two weeks because my hubby said that he still missed his daughter. In between those days, our neighbors experienced different happenings they couldn’t explain. In front of our house was a parking area for motorcycles. They saw that our car engine was on and started to run without a driver. They thought that my eldest son was playing tricks with them but when they looked inside, there was no one inside so each one jumped and put their bikes to safety. They said that it was my daughter again.

Nov. 27, 1997

She turned 18 that 16th of November, and she committed suicide on the 27th which was supposed to be the civil wedding of the elder brother of the guy. She was sent to her final resting place on the 13th of December. There was a fiesta on their Purok so there were dancing and singing. One of their buddies went inside their house (my kumare’s house) to pee when he saw the gas stove ignited and lit up by its own. He said “aayyy Sik… (they called her intisk because of her tsinita eyes) ayaw jud ko hadluka ha…kabalo jud ka nga plangga teka! How fast he ran!

The Baby, my grandson

I didn’t take my grandson with me because it would be too much to bear for the father. His mom and the rest took care of him. He was purely breastfed by his mom that he won’t accept to be bottlefed. The father would go to their neighbor who also had a baby and say “Maayo… patutuya me….” He asked for their mother’s milk. It was blessing in disguise that there were three mothers nearby who had babies too. Since then, they would take turns to breastfed my grandson when it’s feeding time or sleeping time for him.

He became a sickly baby. There was a certain time when grandson was feverish and his grandma was cuddling him. Suddenly, she felt her arms grew light, as if somebody tried to carry her grandson. She panicked and cried talking and referring to my daughter saying “Please have pity on your son, he’s still young and weak! Don’t take him away from us! The neighbors went running inside and looked everywhere, rubbing their arms.

There was also one time when my grandson was playing inside his crib when he stood up holding the rails and waved his hand as if reaching for someone saying “mama…mama..” then they saw the curtain move as if somebody entered the bedroom. My kumara would run and pick our grandson uttering “please no…have pity on your child…I promise to take care of him!

When somebody goes out, somebody would ssshhhh above the window so they see to it that they look up the window and wave or say “sik…lakat na mi”

The Big Puzzle

After 40 days, when things seems to be quite and talking about these happenings. They kept the thin nylon rope that was used for strangling herself which she took from my grandson’s native hammock which was only the same size and length that of a fighting cock’s rope. Just like that! The ceiling was low and no ceiling yet because it was newly built for them. They looked at the marks of the rope and the distance of their bed. It was a mattress so when you stand up, your feet would sink deep which would be impossible for you to jump and do the acrobat to the center then tie yourself singlehandedly! It was impossible even how hard they tried unless she brought a stool and used it to reach up but there was none.

Then the story came out from them that the adjacent house (there’s a creek that divides the neighbor’s house) also had a story about a girl who also took suicide that’s why they always told my daughter to close their window especially when it’s already 6PM. Having said, the old folks talked about calling a “Surano”. They looked for a Medium to help them solve why they were bothered. I went with them and crossed two creeks before we reached his house. He took the rope and did what has to be done. He said that it was not my daughter they’ve buried and that they should have consulted him first before she was embalmed. So that was the reason why her blood seemed not that of a dead person! He said that somebody carried her so she could reach the ceiling.

Then stories crop up that their school (which is only a walking distance from where we reside now) was haunted and that there were supernatural beings that takes advantage when a troubled person is in distress and ride with their woes causing them to unconsciously commit such uncalled for actions. They said that many had seen white ladies and ghosts roaming inside the campus and that they had seen someone was following my daughter at night and even had a back ride when my daughter used my scooter.

Ever since my daughter died, a series of suicide attempts took place on that place. They said that the devil is out for harvest. I refused to believe all these or I refuse to accept the fact that this happened to my daughter. Whatever the truth was. Nobody knows. I still believed that that teacher who was their registrar was the cause of her depressions. She was kicked out from their school and the irony of it all, she’s now one of my neighbors but I now leave everything in the past. I prefer to let her conscience bother her forever. I keep on praying for the repose of her soul. I still missed my daughter until now. Her son is her spitting image and he himself is now a father of an eight month old baby, the same age his mom left him to us.



talk about quality post! five thumbs up!

thankful to those mothers who had breastfed the made my eyes perspire!

True... @sarimanok is certified blogger.. Believe tlaga ako sa write ups niya..

as in ate.. grabe jd!

Thanks for believing in me sister!

Thanks for the thumbs up my dear. Yes we owe them a great respect. They've filled the gap.

Thank you for sharing your tragic life. I am not sure if it is right to say thank you when learning all your experiences about your dear child left me in deep thoughts about why bad things happen. Yes indeed, a person who are depress is devil easy target. One word from someone can hurt deeply. So that left me in humble state to be careful on whatever I say to others. May the people that I hurt forgive me and those who hurt me I have already forgiven. I surrender all to God. If you don't mind may I know her name. I will pray for her. I don't know you but I think there is a reason why I got stumbled from this post. Somebody who read this might called to pray for her and that is me now. I am not perfect person and I sin most but prayers is my allies.

We named her Jesselou after Jesser and Lulu (my petname). Thanks. We need that for the repose of her soul. God bless!

It is quality post.
Praying for her soul sis. @sarimanok

Thank you! Your prayer is heartily needed. Thanks.

Resteem !!! 200% quality post.

It's overwhelming sister. I'll do my best to be worthy of such praise.

Grabe pud ka sad ani nga story ate oi... Nice kaayo ate but very sad. Tinuod jud didto nga lugar ate daghan na nag commit suicide?

Pait pa sa Panyawan among naagian dong. And yes, sunod-sunod to nga panghitabo. Ang ilang silingan about 5 houses away, bakus (belt) ray gigamit. Ang Isa naghikog pud pero natabangan pa. Gituwad murag gabubo ug sako sa humay pra bumalik ang dugo. Ug kabalo lang ko sa unahan nga mao to iya dangatan, maayo pa wala na lang namo sila gipa eskwela didto.

Hala kahadlok pud dra nga lugar diay ate..

dili bya. nagkataon atong mga panahuna daghan panghitabo.

When someone dies with full of grudge, the soul won't be at peace. I pray for their souls. Nice cover photo.

Thanks dear. We need your prayers. I took that photo during sunset on my way home.

Thanks sis. We need that.

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