Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release.

in Reflexiones de Vida11 months ago
Good morning 🌄

Greetings to you all!

DECIDE,ACT AND RELEASE are some words that when we call them in one line then it gives a very deep meaning so I would like to make answers of all questions clear according to my opinions.

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What does forgiveness mean to you?
ForgivenessForgiveness is an act of compensation of anger ,resentment and desire of revenge and it is an act of healing of all these things.

When someone wants to forgive another person then it means he is going to release negative emotions that bind us to love to our relationships. If I talk about forgiveness then it is not mean to say that you are going to totally forget hurtful action of others but forgiveness is a decision that a percentage in his or her consciousness so that he may get rid of pain and motivate him to move forward in life.

Forgiveness is another name of releasing negative emotions that weigh us down. A person who hurts by other actions acknowledge his pain but he refuse to define or dictate his future. When person takes a decision to forgive someone then he always have in his mind that holding on to anger only perpetuates his sufferings while if he will forgive someone then it would be opportunity to find inner peace.

Forgiveness is personal choice of a person because it couldn't be forced because it is like emotion that's why emotions and acknowledgement of pain are some of the requirements if someone wants to forgive any person and it is about finding empathy and to recognize that we all are not perfect and there are many mistakes are person can do and forgiveness is a best option for that person and for us for our betterment that's why we should go for forgiveness after a little punishment.

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When a person have something in his heart related to emotions then he feels more pain when he have any resentment and anger in his heart so we can say that to remain in anger eats away happiness of a person and to forgive someone is just like to fulfill future with joy and freedom.

In your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for any mischief? Tell us about it

Childhood is most Golden part of the life of a person in which we do many mistakes and we learn a lot after disturbing many things in life but there are many people in the life of person and specially the parents who always for give their children for their misconducts or their mistakes so yes I had also many missconduct and mischief when I was little and from all of them 1 I want to share here;

Story of my mischief when I was of 10 years

There was a time when I was playing with my cousin and there was a ball in my hands and my mother was asking to me to don't play here and she was saying that this place is not a playground that's why we should avoid it to do any activities related to sports but I didn't understand and don't follow her and obey her.

After some time there was a window in front of me and ball hits with that window inside a bag with that the window breaks and after that I was very afraid about my mother's reaction so below I am sharing reaction of my mother.

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Reaction of my mother on this mischief

  • My mother give me a big hug and hold me tightly with her forgiveness and I was surprised with this behaviour.

  • She had a right to punish me at that time but she did something opposite to it and she take deep breath and then told me that accidents often happen in the life of person.

  • My mother also explain that all the that window was special but it is more special to her to guide me through practical examples of my life so that next time I may remain careful regarding any mis happening.

  • She explains all these lessons to me and inc conclusion she says that whatever your elders says to you you should do respect and obey them to avoid any harm in your life as she was already saying to me to don't play in home but still I was playing.

That was really memorable event in my life and I cannot forget it....

Do you consider yourself to be a grudging person?

Personally I don't like the person who is a grudging person so how I could choose it to be a grudging person in my personal life for anyone. If a person remains in these things then it only weighs a person down and prevent a person to moving forward in any path of life and to get success in anyway.

Harboring of grudges could be very dangerous to well being of a person so it is very important about acknowledgement of emotions and dwelling on negative experience on sufferings of life because holding of grudges with others could only cause prolonged misunderstandings.

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Instead of creating conflicts day by day and opening disagreements I always try to be very willing for forgiveness because through forgiveness you can bring about reconciliation which permit a person to get a relief of negative energies from life.

When a person choose forgiveness then he makes himself free from burden of any anger and burden of creating conflicts with others so it way a person can promote healthy relationships and can create ecosystem of world more politeful.

Tell us a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or, on the contrary, where you were asked for forgiveness

One of most recent ancedote I would like to share with all of you in which I apologize and seek forgiveness due to my misunderstanding.

My misunderstanding and poor presentation delivering

In last semester which was my 6 semester and I was in university then there were some groups in my class who have to prepare presentation and my group was 4th one in which there were 6 members and everyone have to give their best so that impression of remain best in the presentation.

All members of groups take their responsibilities for making slides and for collecting knowledge regarding topic so we make slides in one day and after that it was a time to prepare that slide but my mother was not feeling well that's why I had to complete some of the task in my home and due to this reason I find little time to prepare for my presentation.

My misconduct

I prepare my presentation just in one hour before presenting it in front of class so I was also little bit confused but I tried to cover my part very well and I was confident that I did everything good but after presentation my teacher ask me about something that I explain during my presentation and my teacher says me that it was incomplete and unauthentic information whatever I have explain to others.

My teacher says that there would be more good impression of my group on her if all members would give there best but due to my miss guidance of information that I provide to class overall presentation was average and after that every member of my group was feeling disappointed from me.

Two members of my group also argue with me that I should practice more about the topic if I don't know and they were feeling sad and I could easily see disappointment in their eyes. I decide to apologize to all of my friends so I ask for forgiveness to all members and explain my situation that why I couldn't be able to present very well.

All of my friends understand my situation and forgive me within 15 to 20 minutes and they give me another chance and after that we requested to that teacher so that we make prepare another presentation and can give her so it was a thing which really inspires me that when you don't do any misconduct for no reason then it becomes more easy for you to ask forgiveness.

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  • After some time my all group members also comes to me and they also apologize for their words and for their misbehaves with me.

  • All were justifying that they don't know about health of my mother and they don't know that's why I was not able to prepare my presentation but now they understand so they are here for apologizing.

  • I talked to all of them in a very humble way and says to them that these are very little mistakes in our life but we can learn many many more if you think them deeply.

What I learn through my this experience was something very simple that I am explaining in just one line below;

When you don't have clearity about someone then you should not shout upon someone for no reason or if you are angry with someone then you should make it clear with the act of forgiveness which is much good thing in front of me

I want to invite
To participate 😊

Have a nice day 🌞
 11 months ago 

Hola amiga @sahar78, gracias por participar en este desafío.

Has dado tu opinión sobre el perdón y liberar el corazón.

Eras muy traviesa y tu mamá tuvo compasión de ti al romper la ventana con la pelota. Los padres siempre aman mucho a sus hijos y les dan buenos consejos.

Tuviste una razón para no prepararte bien, ya que tu mamá estaba enferma. Que bueno que tus amigo después lo comprendieron, a pesar de que la nota fue promedio.

Fue un placer leer tu publicación. Saludos y bendiciones


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Hello friend @sahar78 , thank you for participating in this challenge.You have given your opinion on forgiveness and freeing the heart.

Thank you so much sir @pelon53 for visiting my post and I am happy that you consider my post attractive and like my thinking about forgiveness and about freeing heart from pain.

You were very naughty and your mother took pity on you by breaking the window with the ball. Parents always love their children very much and give them good advice.

I agree with you that it was very naughty at by me but really I didn't do it with my happiness or with my will it was just by mistake but still parents loves their children a lot that's why my mother for give me on this act and give me a good advice.

You had a reason for not preparing well, since your mother was sick. It's good that your friends later understood it, even though the grade was average.

Yes that was a real reason to not prepare my presentation in a way in which I could at that time so it was first time in my life that I was not able to perform very well but after that my friends for gave me and consider my situation which was a plus point for me from my friends.

I am happy to see your comment here and I am also happy that you read every point of my post in a careful way and I would try my best to win it.


El perdón es sentimiento, que cura o sana cualquier herida, por muy dolorosa que pueda ser.

Ese incidente marcó tu infancia, por desobedecer, pero recibiste el perdón de inmediato, así deberíamos actuar y no guardar rencor.
Saludos y mucho éxito.

Forgiveness is a feeling that heals any wound, no matter how painful it may be.

I extremely agree with you that when we have any pain in our life due to someone words or act then it not seems to be much easy to forgive someone but we have to give value to forgiveness to have strong relationships because forgiveness note only make the bond more stronger but it also heels wound that a person have.

I am happy to see your comment on my post and I would try my best to win the engagement challenge thanks for your visit and I am also hoping to see best entry from you.


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