SEC-S16W2 | Solo vs Group in Travel | I don't like solitude

in Traveling Steem4 months ago

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Hello everyone, hope all is well. Today I will be taking part in a very interesting challenge in this community. Previously I invited @cymolan sir @muzack1 and @ridwant sir to participate in this challenge.


1. Your choice for travel alone or group: state your reasons by listing advantages and disadvantages.

Everyone has the choice to travel with a group or alone. Here I will answer according to what I often do, which is that I don't like being alone because being alone is boring. Therefore, when traveling I often invite my close friends, at least I will invite the friend who is closest to me. The main reason is so that when traveling I will have someone to accompany me on every trip, because it is very influential on our safety. By inviting the closest person like a loyal friend, then he will understand our condition and of course we will help each other when we need help.


If we go alone, it is feared that something will happen that is not in accordance with our wishes. Then at that time there is not necessarily someone who will help us. In addition, when we go alone we will feel lonely, with no friends to talk to. So that's my reason, maybe this is the reason of many friends there.

2. The difference you experience on general costs by traveling in these modalities.

After affecting our safety in traveling with the group then also for the problem of costs will also save, why is that?, the main reason is that when going with loyal friends who understand each other, then we will definitely bear the costs together. Then for other equipment will also help each other and cover the shortcomings together.

So it is unfortunate when we have to go alone, which makes a large cost to be borne alone. At that time, we will find it difficult to save. Although in terms of food, alone is more efficient, but for a lot of food it is impossible for us to taste all, try if we go with a group, surely we can exchange. That's my take on costs.

3. For the case for going in group: which people would you like to take with you in the trip? Alone: which activities will you do?

In the case of going with a group: I would take my best friend first, then other close friends. We will usually spend the end of the year or during vacation to visit nearby attractions. Not only that, I am also often invited and invite my family to take a refreshing trip to a comfortable place in Eid.

As for when I have to be alone: The activities I do are only personal interests that do not involve other people, even if I am able to do it myself. All of that I have thought about before doing it. If I can't do it, then I invite the people closest to me first, such as my siblings or best friends.

4. As recommendations: What are the best spots for you to travel in group/alone?

As for which places are best for me to travel with my group or friends, namely cool places such as mountains, lakes and so on. Sometimes I also often travel with my closest friend and my friend on weekends by the sea to stare at the beauty of the morning sun.

As for the best place to be alone itself is when worshiping or some needs that do not have to bother others. So at that time, I will spend time alone. This is really rare, because I don't like being alone, at most I will take a best friend with me. Many people are alone when they are sad and vent with nature, but I prefer to be with my family and friends.

That's all my post, thank you for friends who have read and see you in the next post.

Best Regards

 4 months ago 

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

Thank you friend for participating in this week's engagement challenge. We encourage you to visit the other participants' posts as well.

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 4 months ago 

Thankyou very much @ripon0630

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Bepergian sendiri maupun dengan kelompok, dua hal tersebut memiliki sisi baik dan sisi buruknya.

Sisi baik jika kita pergi bersama kelompok, kita dapat membagikan pengalaman dan tertawa bersama, dan yqng palingbpenting kita dapat menghematkan biaya, karena dengan kelompok kita dapat mengongsikan biaya dengan kelompok kita.

Dan sisi buruknya adalah. Kitq tidak memiliki kebebasan yang luas karena, harus mengikuti bagaimana kesempatan orang banyak.
Dan sering sekali jika bepergian dengan kelompok saya kurang puas.

Dan contoh sisi baiknya dari bepergian sendiri, kita memeiliki kebebasan yang cukup untuk menikmati perjalanan tersebut, karena dengan kebebasan dalam sebuah perjalanan itu sangat penting, karena dengan kebebasan kita mendapatkan kepuasan di perjalanan tersebut.

Dan sisi buruknya jika kita pergi sendiri adalah, contoh jika kita pergi ke gunung misalnya, gunung adalah salah satu tempat yang beresiko tinggi. Maka kita sangat memerlukan teman satu tim atau kelompok.

Terimakasih sudah berantisipasi dalam kontes ini dan semoga sukses dalam kompetisi minggu ini temanku. 😂

@walictd Your perspective on group travel makes so much sense. Having close friends along not only makes the trip more enjoyable but ensures safety and shared costs. I totally get that fear of feeling lonely when traveling solo. It's great that you prioritize shared experiences. Best of luck in the challenge!

 4 months ago 

Amen, thank you friend

 4 months ago 

Everyone has the choice to travel with a group or alone. Here I will answer according to what I often do, which is that I don't like being alone because being alone is boring.

In my opinion, the preference for not traveling alone due to the perceived boredom resonates with many like me. Going on trip to new places with friends adds an element of enjoyment and shared experiences, making the journey more vibrant and memorable. Isn't it ?

After affecting our safety in traveling with the group then also for the problem of costs will also save, why is that?, the main reason is that when going with loyal friends who understand each other, then we will definitely bear the costs together.

My observation aligns with the idea that traveling in a group not only enhances safety but also significantly reduces costs. The mutual understanding among friends helps to reduce expenses, making the overall travel experience more economical and enjoyable.

In the case of going with a group: I would take my best friend first, then other close friends.

As a person who values friendship, I can relate to the choice of taking best friends on a group trip. The bond with close friends adds a layer of comfort and shared enjoyment, enhancing the overall travel experience.

All the best

Friend I agree with you that being alone is boring that's why you always love to be with your friends and family members so how can you travel alone that's why group travel is your choice which I really like because it is just similar to me haha 😆

As well as you have also explain some of the recommendations to visit particular places according to you when you are in solo and when you are with group. I really enjoyed reading your post I wish you good luck

 4 months ago 

Hello dear friend, @walictd

  • No one in the world likes to be alone everyone wants to live beautifully with each other as you wish. Best of all, glad you chose group travel because I like group travel like you. Yes of course thanks a lot more fun as well as group travel with friends is the most fun and hilarious thing that I think every person should have in their life. I pray for you that you can travel to different countries of the world. Great to see your post bro and know about you I wish you all the best for your future days and hope you travel more.

Best regards from @robin42

Greetings friend,
Like you I also like to travel in groups. It is only about family and friends. I agree with you on this point. Besides, I would say that traveling increases our confidence. Every man should develop his heart by seeing the diverse creations of God by traveling near or far according to his ability.

Thanks so much for sharing this informative and opinionated publication with us. All the best for the competition.

 4 months ago 

Traveling alone can sometimes feel boring if you prefer the company and energy of others. It's totally okay to not enjoy being alone. Many people find that traveling with a group of friends or loved ones adds excitement and makes the experience more enjoyable. So, if you prefer the company of others, go ahead and plan your next trip with your squad! It's all about finding what makes you happy and having a blast along the way.

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