SEC-S16W6 | Which country do you think you would've liked to be born? ... I have no clue

in Traveling Steem4 months ago (edited)

The world is big and I don't know every country in it. Is there a better life, more attractive country than where I am now? It's something I can't know in advance and anyone who travels also knows that being on holiday somewhere is completely different from actually living there.

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I have lived in several countries and each one had its charm especially if you know the right people and don't have to worry about how to get by.

There is a Dutch TV program called: I'm Leaving. It is about people who are going to emigrate, consciously choosing another country. The fact that the program is so successful is not because all those Dutch people are doing so great. The vast majority leave unprepared and think that only the Netherlands is dependent on the rules and laws and that no form ever needs to be completed elsewhere.

Leaving with money, wintering in Spain, Portugal or another warm place is still not the same as actually living there. When it comes down to it, you remain the foreigner. I have heard that from many acquaintances: if you run out of money or refuse to pay other people's bills, you can leave. I already wrote something about this in my article about emigration

I'm trying to remember if there's a place where I think I should have been born. I know that during the first years of my life, I felt related to Native Americans, but around the age of 7-8, that feeling was over.
I never felt at home in the family where I grew up. The word "adoption" wasn't really used, but as a child, I definitely thought my mother wasn't my mother. I couldn't bear her proximity and certainly couldn't hug her after she beat me up. This was the advice I once received, on the basis that my mother would if I did so act 'normally' again.

What if I'm not Native American? By the way, America doesn't appeal to me at all.
Maybe I'm just nothing and don't belong anywhere, although my friend claims it's our gipsy blood that gives us the urge to wander. Maybe she's right and that's why I feel better travelling, sleeping on the roadside or in a hut than in an average house.

After my 'native American' period there was a longing for Eastern Europe, not that of hundreds of years ago, as in the Middle Ages, but still./Since I always feel cold and it feels like the Middle Ages are living in me, it may be in one of the southern, warm countries (one without wet feet) where I should have been born. At least that's how it feels to me. Maybe I was born in France and ended up at the stake.
A 'clairvoyant' once said that I had done something terrible in a past life. I don't think I was an executioner in a concentration camp, perhaps some murderous dictator in a country from the fairy tales of 1001 Nights.

I find it difficult to say where I should have been born or where I would like to have been born. With today's knowledge, I see the world in a completely different light. I try to imagine what my life would be like if I had been born in the highlands of Scotland, the Taiga in Russia or near the jungle in Indonesia or somewhere in the forests of Africa.

As far as food is concerned, I like Surinamese, Indonesian and African cuisine the best. I prefer to eat something spicy, fried banana, fruit and rice (just a bowl of rice is fine). I'm not a potato eater, although I do eat it when it's on my plate.


What we see on this painting (or Vincent's sketches) is depressing. I mean this is the dark ages. Ever been there, the poverty, those skinny faces which most likely never smiled in their entire lives. The babies were born in the dark, screaming their lungs into pieces and if not thrown away with the trash. I do not see myself in this family but do respect them. These are the hard working people who brought luxury and richdom to many. Even today people worldwide try to reap the fruits these families never ate.
Note: The painting/picture is public domain.
For more Vincent, sketches and letters see here @solperez might like to pay a visit to the museum.


I don't like pasta and pizza, so Italy will not be the country of my birth, although I have nothing against wine, especially because according to @patjewell we can easily reach the age of 100 if we drink. Perhaps I was in Italy in a previous life as Emperor Nero?


If I am reborn in the country where I belong, I will never meet @ibesso again unless he will be born as my twin. I hope @pousinha will be born elsewhere too, preferably near to me just like @yaladeeds @sbamsoneu @b-naj @elian23khan @nsijoro and @grebmot. We all can meet up with @el-nailul and hopefully @aminasafdar and @rokhani at the crazy party for storytellers @ibesso is going to organize outdoors. Stories around a campfire without a mobile phone. With a bit of luck @dove11 and @weisser-rabe will fly by and we all find out we are born in the land of our Dreams.

Japan is not be the country where I should have been born. Perhaps it was once China, but without the Second World War, it would have been Indonesia or one of the Netherlands Antilles.

P.s. The position for storyteller is still available.


Header: Canva
Photos: taken by me

25% - @ null
10% - @worldsmile

#thoughts #steemexclusive #kittywu


Mongolia ... moderate climate, space, nature, least number of humans per square meter and concentrated like advanced societies would

 3 months ago 

Good to hear from you! Will they accept us? Did you inform? How are you and the cat?


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 4 months ago 

The writing of real feelings is always "crisp" to read, even when the story ends I hope there will still next country to be told. I like the combination of imagination and reality. Moreover, it hilariously gathers everyone to join together while telling stories about anything interesting while sitting around a campfire. Thank you for tagging me


 4 months ago 

Since you told me to which country to emigrate, where I can find what I am looking for you should join the campfire party since you are entertaining.

Note: If I fall asleep during a story it's not out of boredom but because I like it and am travelling.

Thanks for stopping by. 👋🍀

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 4 months ago 

because according to @patjewell we can easily reach the age of 100 if we drink.

Haha! Hoe lekker lag ek nou!

I'm afraid that if it were up to me and drinking, I would not have seen the age of 21. (•ิ‿•ิ)

I must admit, I also don't know which country I would like to be born it. Best, I stick to what I know.

I tell you what: choose South Africa, and I will show you how it is done.

Good luck for the contest!

 4 months ago (edited)

Once I am born in South Africa you need to share with me so you are good. We still reach a high age and comment and upvote on Steemit till we... Decide to write books and publish them at the age of 98... 25 more years to go to collect that bounty, will that generous billionaire still be alive and what if the coins he pays expired? We better ask for gold or the world to live happily ever after.

South Africa here I come - at least the language isn't the first bottleneck :))

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 3 months ago 

Indeed! The language puts you half way here already...
I can just imagine the two of us sitting on the veranda typing away..... Lekker man lekker!

 3 months ago 

That would be awesome 😁💕

 3 months ago 

Lovely, when i first saw the contest it got me into thinking and really i couldn't pick a country hence why i ignored. I am somehow sure it wont be Nigeria but where else? that is the problem, cos we might complain about here is doesn't mean there is better. You are right, if you know the right people anywhere will be good enough aside from war thorn countries. Let me read more about holland cos i seem to know almost nothing about it except from when i used ti buy peak milk, the one from Holland was more expensive and considered as the superior type, then the fabric called hollandaise, let me look it up on Google i have a friend there, i need to know more. Good morning

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 3 months ago 

I saw over 100 entries read most of them. Two good ones you find in my blog. Read them for inspiration there's no need to be serious.

A small tip: if you still like to write about it in freewriters and use the contest's tag - change the title a bit and see if you get upvotes this way or be read.

Do not forget to use Twitter and @steemit next to the hashtags #steemit #steem $steem you can mention @freewritehouse too or another community.

If you write try to stick to your niche there's no need to fill out a questionnaire. Just like you I find most contests not attractive at first sight plus I don't think it brings me much.

Happy writing and Sunday!

 3 months ago 

Thank you my sweet friend, recently I have been more busy offline, finding time and the zeal and inspiration is almost on zero. But will be back, trust that

 3 months ago 

As long as you are doing well it's good. If you feel to it just upvote daily 10 different people.

I am mowing these days so need to schedule more too plus will be travelling in about 10 days.


 3 months ago 

You are indeed a wonderful person, thank you so much. Where are we travelling to, I wish you the safest trip dear.
You also own the wakeupkittypal account right?

 3 months ago (edited)

Yes, both accounts are mine so is the Tales&Stories where I collect stories. I started it to find my own stories back. After all those years #steemit still has no solution for that.

Posts on Steemit will rarely be found on the internet because the tags do not work or only the first 4 and these tags are used for nonsense.
If that issue isn't fixed Steemit can be promoted via X or as many social media we like but it will not work.

@steemit posts should be visible, and if longer than a few days, if people search on the internet all those posts should show.

Anyway, the Tales is #hive-169911 or @hive-169911 and I do not want anyone except me to post in it.

It's good to hear from you. I hope you and the children are doing well.

My travel: I am going to take the youngest to another daughter. She'll stay there for 6 months (working at a hotel it's a school thing) next I go stay with my son for 6 (?) months or so. I'll fly this time. Flixbus was very disappointing plus I don't like to be beaten up by anti social for 30 hours yelling women from the Czech Republic again.


 3 months ago 

There are so many comments on your post. I also came here because your post was suggested on top. I really like your idea about mentioning your friends in a unique way, that was cool. I still don't have any idea which country you want to be born but I get an answer to my question that we should not be specific while writing a content about a contest, we can also divert here and there. I think your own country would be better for you. Best of luck for the contest

 3 months ago 

It is not about answering the questi not if you are a creative writer. If you want to be noticed it's good to develop your own style. My niche is story-writing so I like to stick to that even if it is a contest with boring questions which leaves less room for creativity or personality. I read most entries and can't say I was very impressed by what I read.
Perhaps you like to try writing in a different way too? If so join @freewritehouse and #freewrite. It helps a lot if you just focus on just writing. You can use a daily prompt.

I wish you fun on Steemitnand above all Happy Writing!

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If you like warm southern country and spicy food you should come to pakistan.

It's warm here for roughly 8 months.

We do make spicy food that you will cry while eating it for sure.
Biryani will be perfect food for you as you like rice, it's made with chicken/beef and rice.

If you come to lahore and eat its street food you'll forget about any other tasty food, we pakistani, especially Punjabi live to eat food.

P.s. The position for storyteller is still available.

Who will get it?

I still have those pots of gold so I can do that but first I go to Italy to rob them and ask for an ID, once there I take @ibesso with me and we'll move your way to try out the atmosphere and the food. If it doesn't work out we go live in Indonesia from the money Italy sends to refugees. 👍🤣🍀❤️

 3 months ago 

I’m waiting for you, if you come today it’s raining and cold so cover up, but Thursday will be warm. I can’t wait to cry over @aminasafdar’s dishes, I love that kind of food.👋🌻😋

It's raining? I stay where I am till the rain passed.
Last year it was the same. Rain only.
You should not import all the rainmen in the world!


 3 months ago 

Stop the music and go home, don't leave your umbrellas here!



Desde que leí el libro "Muchas vidas, muchos sabios" siento que todos somos una muñeca rusa de vidas pasadas; karmas, que son herencias del destino.

Tu post me hizo recordar la canción del poeta Facundo Cabral, titulada "No soy de aquí ni soy de allá". El coro de esta dice:

No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá
No tengo edad, ni porvenir
Y ser feliz es mi color
de identidad.

Sabes? Me encantaría salir de mi caparazón de tortuga y formar parte de esa loca fiesta de narradores, aunque yo solo hable español.

Me encantó leerte. Un abrazo.

 4 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

Every country has some uniqueness in the world and it makes it beautiful. You said you can't pick one country to be born in. I would love to see the whole world too, it my greatest desire in life. You said you are not enjoying being the native American. AI guess America is a too good country for living.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

 3 months ago 

I did not say I do not like to be native American I hope you understand I mean 'Indians'?
I would love to be one. Beautiful people, souls close to nature

The last country on earth would be the USA a country far of united, 25% in prison, many homeless even with a job, no culture, history, drama kings and queens always noisy and shouting, lining up at foodbanks being sacked because of the most rediculous reasons, expensive healthcare and an old peadophile ruling the world and fighting each country on the world while not caring about their soldiers once back home? It sounds like a total nightmare to me.

I hope you can achieve your dream 🍀👋

 4 months ago (edited)

Your search for the ideal homeland is as epic as it is moving. You've made me think: perhaps the perfect place exists only in the stories around the fire. If we organize that gathering, I promise to bring the spiced rice. May it be the beginning of an endless adventure! Have a great Saturday evening.🌈🌻👋

 4 months ago 

How about the most important part you being my twin?
I enjoy myself thanks, I hope you too before any strings are pulled again.


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 3 months ago (edited)

Now the strings are yours, I know you'll know how to use them. Have you tamed the gnomes? I like knowing that you consider me more your twin than a ghostwriter, even if I still see myself that way. good night & good morning 🌻❤️

 3 months ago (edited)

The gnomes are lazy complained about the weather so I put them at work inside while I took a nap and next went outside gardening for some hours.

I tried to get some elves but what I saw was not what I had in mind. I need an army to spread some light among the forgotten ones, ignored and those deserving a push up because I like what they write and I don't think joining a club should be a must. It's not that those clubmembers never powerdown.

Since the strings are mine, thank you!/Also for being my twin and ghostwriter 🤗

I mowed and hugged the stressed cherry tree it has some blossom so fingers crossed it heals.

Enjoy the evening/sleep tight!

 3 months ago 

What a lovely day you spent in your fantastic garden, I imagine it to be beautiful. Has your foot healed? I also like to linger and hug the trees, they give me a unique feeling of energy and peace.
Good peaceful night to you too!

 3 months ago 

It's not an English garden far from it. Hugging a stressed tree makes me feel sick.

It wasn't my foot/toe but the youngest idea if it will heal. I hope so but if not the doctor needs to remove the nail unless it falks off by itself, both knees and hands injured because she fell. One knee looks 👎 always good for the health

I found you an elf

 #comment - elf you are special.jpg

 3 months ago 

What a terrible experience, I'm sorry. I hope she recovers quickly and with the help of her favorite fairy, it will soon be just a bad memory. In the meantime, I'll keep the Elf received. Good night, sweet dreams. 🌙

 3 months ago 

Are you okay?

I hope you slept well. A happy day to you.

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