Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W4 | Contagiando alegrías//Spreading joy

in Comunidad Latinalast month (edited)
I am joyful to be part of Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W4 | Spreading joy | with my fellow Steemians and would do it a little differently than how I generally participate in SEC contests. I have uploaded a video for this contest to describe all about Nordic Walk which is not only a physical exercise but provides mental peace too.

I would love to invite @weisser-rabe @patjewell @ninapenda @okere-blessing and @disconnect along with @waqarahmadshah. You have a chance to meet the real me in this video spreading love among the Steemian friends.


We have our quota of everything, including positive energy, so after appearing in a video interview with our Steemian friend @ubongudofot yesterday filled me with joy HERE, I decided to share a video with the lovely audience of Steemit Blockchain.

I will explain how Nordic walking works, but I have no poles required for Nordic walking at my present location, so I will share a stock photo from my album of the same that I photographed a few months ago.

What has made you happy today?

Today was one of those rare days I went for a morning walk, as it was not as hot as it was for the last 15 days since I arrived in India. The atmosphere here is extremely hot, as the temperature is in the range of 32–47 or even higher in the surrounding districts. There is no rain, and there is no hope of rain in the coming weeks.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the weather report on my phone, as it read 27 at 5.30 in the morning, so I went for a walk in the park in front of my house. That was a happy start to the day for me.

As I said in the beginning, we have our quota of everything, including positive energy, so after appearing in a video interview with our respected @ubang yesterday, I decided to share another video with the lovely audience of Steemit Blockchain to share my experience of Nordic walking.

Do you think that there is more pain or more joy in life?

We all know that life is not a bed of roses, but it takes all kinds of experiences to live a life successfully, so I have no complaints. Life has its fair share of joys and pains, and it all depends on how you take them. I would like to quote at this point.

Things change the way you look at them.

While studying in high school and college, I learned how important positivity and gratitude are. It is very easy to get lost in your thoughts and spiral downward, but when you are aware of what is happening and are present in the present, it is very easy to turn it into an upward spiral.

I learned about this from my chemistry teacher and cricket coach, Shrivastava Sir, and it is extremely interesting. It focuses on promoting the mental health of yourself and others and sharing positivity and happiness with yourself and others while being present in the present.

True happiness can come more from making others feel good than from just making yourself happy. Making others happy is personally rewarding and creates a positive environment of trust and kindness.

I started to consider this for myself by first thinking about our needs as humans. We as humans are social creatures, so being kind to others brings us closer to each other. It gives us personal satisfaction.

Do you normally talk more about your problems or your joys? Can you share with us a moment when you felt that emotion?

It is vital to our core characteristics as human beings. As I started thinking about this, I realized that there are many answers to why making others happy makes us happy! And, making others happy makes us happier than just the social aspect. Making those around us happy and feeling genuinely connected to them can improve our overall well-being, because we genuinely feel happy for their happiness.

Do you consider yourself a happy person who spreads that beautiful energy to others?

Nordic walking is a form of walking that involves using two specially designed poles with proper technique to activate all the muscles of your body, right from your head to your toe.

This technique can be used as an effective aerobic technique. It requires a little practice and a little guidance at first, and then it becomes your strength.

This technique is easier than regular walking and is a great way for older adults to enjoy the great outdoors. All you need are two Nordic walking poles and some open space to enjoy a fun walk.

Nordic walkers.jpg

I assure my lovely audience that if they ever feel stressed or out of positive energy, they should try to regain their vitality, and they will feel rejuvenated within no time. I present the pictures of my experience of Nordic walking through these images.

Conscious happiness with others is something that motivates me to share positivity wherever I go, even when I am feeling sad. I personally spent a lot of time motivating myself to make as many people around me happy as possible. Being kind to others is not selfish to make you happy, but is actually mutually beneficial to both people.

So this is my way of helping others with activities that are helpful to uplift the mood, stay fit in mind and mind, and create positive feelings in myself as well as others.

I believe, “Shining with and spreading joy is more than money, but spreading true happiness whatever the way a person can do it.”. The ultimate way to spread happiness permanently in unique ways is to shine permanently.

15% @cotina & 25% @null

ᴵᵐᵃᵍᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵛᶦᵈᵉᵒ ᵐᶦⁿᵉ

Translation in Spanish on Google

Estoy feliz de ser parte del Steemit Engagement Challenge T18 W4 | Difundiendo alegría | con mis compañeros Steemians y lo haría un poco diferente a cómo participo generalmente en los concursos de la SEC. He subido un vídeo para este concurso para describir todo sobre Nordic Walk, que no es sólo un ejercicio físico sino que también proporciona paz mental.

Me encantaría invitar a @weisser-rabe @patjewell @ninenbenda @okere-blessing y @disconnect junto con @waqarahmadshah. Tienes la oportunidad de conocer a mi verdadero yo en este video difundiendo amor entre los amigos Steemian.

Sin título.png

Tenemos nuestra cuota de todo, incluida la energía positiva, así que después de aparecer en una video entrevista con nuestro amigo Steemian @ubongudofot ayer me llenó de alegría AQUÍ, decidí compartir un video con la encantadora audiencia de Steemit Blockchain.

Explicaré cómo funciona la marcha nórdica, pero no necesito bastones para hacerlo en mi ubicación actual, así que compartiré una fotografía de archivo de mi álbum de la misma que fotografié hace unos meses.
¿Qué te ha hecho feliz hoy?

Hoy fue uno de esos raros días en los que salí a caminar por la mañana, ya que no hacía tanto calor como durante los últimos 15 días desde que llegué a la India. El ambiente aquí es extremadamente caluroso, ya que en los distritos circundantes la temperatura oscila entre 32 y 47 grados o incluso más. No llueve y no hay esperanzas de que llueva en las próximas semanas.

Me sorprendió gratamente ver el informe del tiempo en mi teléfono, ya que marcaba 27 a las 5.30 de la mañana, así que salí a caminar al parque frente a mi casa. Ese fue un feliz comienzo del día para mí.

Como dije al principio, tenemos nuestra cuota de todo, incluida la energía positiva, así que después de aparecer ayer en una entrevista en video con nuestro respetado @ubang, decidí compartir otro video con la encantadora audiencia de Steemit Blockchain para compartir mi experiencia de Caminata nórdica.

¿Crees que hay más dolor o más alegría en la vida?

Todos sabemos que la vida no es un lecho de rosas, pero se necesitan todo tipo de experiencias para vivir una vida con éxito, así que no tengo ninguna queja. La vida tiene una buena cantidad de alegrías y dolores, y todo depende de cómo los tomes. Me gustaría citar en este punto.

Las cosas cambian la forma en que las miras.

Mientras estudiaba en la escuela secundaria y la universidad, aprendí lo importantes que son la positividad y la gratitud. Es muy fácil perderse en tus pensamientos y caer en una espiral descendente, pero cuando eres consciente de lo que está sucediendo y estás presente en el presente, es muy fácil convertirlo en una espiral ascendente.

Aprendí sobre esto gracias a mi profesor de química y entrenador de cricket, Shrivastava Sir, y es extremadamente interesante. Se centra en promover la salud mental propia y de los demás y en compartir positividad y felicidad consigo mismo y con los demás mientras está presente en el presente.

La verdadera felicidad puede surgir más de hacer sentir bien a los demás que de simplemente hacerte feliz a ti mismo. Hacer felices a los demás es personalmente gratificante y crea un ambiente positivo de confianza y amabilidad.

Empecé a considerar esto por mí mismo pensando primero en nuestras necesidades como seres humanos. Nosotros, como seres humanos, somos criaturas sociales, por lo que ser amable con los demás nos acerca más unos a otros. Nos da satisfacción personal.
¿Normalmente hablas más de tus problemas o de tus alegrías? ¿Puedes compartir con nosotros algún momento en el que sentiste esa emoción?
Es vital para nuestras características fundamentales como seres humanos. Cuando comencé a pensar en esto, me di cuenta de que hay muchas respuestas a por qué hacer felices a los demás nos hace felices a nosotros. Y hacer felices a los demás nos hace más felices que solo el aspecto social. Hacer felices a quienes nos rodean y sentirnos genuinamente conectados con ellos puede mejorar nuestro bienestar general, porque realmente nos sentimos felices por su felicidad.
¿Te consideras una persona feliz que contagia esa hermosa energía a los demás?

La marcha nórdica es una forma de caminar que implica el uso de dos bastones especialmente diseñados y con la técnica adecuada para activar todos los músculos del cuerpo, desde la cabeza hasta los pies.

Esta técnica se puede utilizar como una técnica aeróbica eficaz. Requiere un poco de práctica y un poco de orientación al principio, y luego se convierte en tu fortaleza.

Esta técnica es más fácil que caminar normalmente y es una excelente manera para que los adultos mayores disfruten del aire libre. Todo lo que necesitas son dos bastones de marcha nórdica y algo de espacio abierto para disfrutar de un divertido paseo.

Caminante nórdico.jpg

Aseguro a mi encantadora audiencia que si alguna vez se sienten estresados ​​o sin energía positiva, deben intentar recuperar su vitalidad y se sentirán rejuvenecidos en poco tiempo. Les presento las fotografías de mi experiencia de marcha nórdica a través de estas imágenes.

La felicidad consciente con los demás es algo que me motiva a compartir positividad dondequiera que vaya, incluso cuando me siento triste. Personalmente, pasé mucho tiempo motivándome para hacer felices a la mayor cantidad posible de personas a mi alrededor. Ser amable con los demás no es egoísta para hacerte feliz, sino que en realidad es mutuamente beneficioso para ambas personas.

Esta es mi manera de ayudar a otros con actividades que son útiles para mejorar el estado de ánimo, mantener la mente y la mente en forma y crear sentimientos positivos en mí y en los demás.

Creo que "Brillar y difundir alegría es más que dinero, sino difundir la verdadera felicidad sea cual sea la forma en que una persona pueda hacerlo". La mejor manera de difundir la felicidad de forma permanente y única es brillar permanentemente.


Hello dear @dove11 thank you very much for taking out time to share your source of your joy and happiness with us, I do appreciate the fact that you were able to went for the morning walk, morning walk is also something that I'm always proud of doing because it actually helps me maintain a strong bones and that was a good decision in which you made as well. I also get to see the fact that you believe in making people stay happy there by making time for them and also share some meaningful thoughts with each other also. I really appreciate your point of views in which you have contributed so far on this great contest challenge, I really wish you all the best sir keep on sharing your good article with us also thank you for being such an happiest person. I wish you all the best in this contest challenge.
Best regards from @princelafresh.

 last month 

Thanks a lot dear friend for your great comment, my best wishes to you for a nice and healthy experience of Steeming on this great platform. I have seen you grow nicely as a newbie as a former community curator in your journey.

Thanks Alot dear friend for your nice wishes.🙏


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 last month 

Okay, you got me reading more. I've never heard about Nordic walking, so I just had to read more. Very interesting. I even read that it can increase the speed of your normal walking by 25%.

That brings me to the topic of this contest... joy! Such a short yet powerful word. There is so much joy all around us. We just need to open our eyes.

Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invite.

 last month 

I am sure not many people know about it but Eddison Park just in front of my house is the hub of Nordic Walkers where I first learned about it and now I am a fan of this art. I am sure what you read is right, it might increase the speed of a normal walk. That's true, there are different ways we can add joy to our lives.

It was great to hear you speak. I loved your video.

 last month 

Thank you so much, I wanted to speak more but no one wants to watch videos so I kept it short.

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Saludos amigo.
Es importante dar a conocer esos momentos que nos causan, emociones para contagiar esa buena vibra como se dice, además de atraer cosas positivas que nos permitan estar alegre.

Espero puedas vivir muchos momentos de felicidad.

 last month 

Thank you so much and sorry for the delayed response as I am in a different timezone that has a difference of 10 hours from your time. I will comeback and enjoy what you have in your posts as I know most of your posts are in the top bracket.

 last month (edited)

Listo! :)

 last month 

Hola amigo, he seguido tus instrucciones y traducido mi post al español. Gracias por el aviso, espero que esto resuelva el asunto.

Hello @dova11 hope you are having a good day thanks for sharing about Nordic walking nice to see how you're spreading happiness through your videos.

Today, you felt happy taking a morning walk, which was a rare joy with the hot weather in India. Life has its ups and downs, but I try to stay positive. Keep sharing your positive vibes it really brightens up the day,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐.

 last month 

!category 3

Hola, amigo gusto en saludarte. Gracias por compartir tu alegría con nosotros en esta edición del challenge!! un gran abrazo, que estés muy bien!
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Don’t forget vote @cotina as your witness or setting us as voting proxy!

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Post agregado a la lista. Sera votado en los próximos minutos.

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Thank you so much for verification and your sweet words, my best regards!


Your post has been successfully curated by our team via @steemdoctor1 at 50%.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high-quality content for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote later this week in our top selection.

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Thanks @steemdoctor1, much appreciated!

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