Steem Women club Engagement Contest |Activities I do to improve on my personal and career development //by @tangwe-rene//



Hello 👏
Greetings great Esteem Steemians,I want to appriciate God for his doing in our life and also for letting us get in another edition of the contest challenge week #4.
The week #3 has passed with it own challenges and now is weeks #4 challenge in steem women club.

Activities I Carry Out to Improve on My Personal and Career Development

Career Development

It has to do with psychological thinking and your mental advancement such arranging your self by doing programming in all your commitment in other to meet up with your demand.

Personal Development

This has to do with my social activities such as interaction with my friends, family.
This also help to build our mental state of mind
Some of these activities we do to improve our personal and career development is as shown below.

1). Going to church

In my family, going to Church is one of the biggest and the most influential activities being carryout .the reason is because without God is like life is Impossible and this is also our own social way in which our raise us up .she love to see her children grows in the lord. For me it is good because it sharper our way of talking amongst our peer and also the extent to which we carry out an action,life without social activities like this is a bit of hello we all need to do this so as for us to grow strong and healthy in our spiritual way.

2). Be with My family

Being with the family is one of the best and the most influential thing that always make a man to always stand at the top of the surface because it helps to build the personal mind set of the family such as bringing that family union together, which also help to build the psychological thinking of farming and try to be steady and focus.

3). Relaxing with my friends

Relaxation is one of the most important thing that count in personal development.the reason is because it keeps you calm from all your sorrow expectially went you are amongst your peers,they always came up with some new ideal discussion that make you to laugh most at time to forget about our sorrows.
This also help to build our mental, emotional, psychological state of mind in processing our daily activities.

4 ). Going to the job site

This is one of the most important thing to ever do such as to think of what give meal or put food on your table
Went you are able to do all these things, your personal and career state of Development is well and more secure 🔐 which help to keep you calm and more focused .
This is the best way in which you can keep your personal and career development more secure inorder to avoid critical thinking of which it is very important for the body systems.

5). Carryout some house Activities

Most at time ,I always goes to the kitchen to carry out some house choice's of whom I believe they are not only main for the woman to do them such as cooking,fry, boiled,and even watching of plate.
Some Men find it difficult to assist the woman in the kitchen but as for me there is nothing wrong with it so most at time went I see that they are tire from caring out a settle activities for a particular work ,I always decide to carry out the kitchen activities for them most at time to let them fee at home 🏠.


In other for us to have a great life the following activities most be put in place to fulfill them such as

• manage your time properly

Most at time many people are not able to utilize his or her time there by making their self not to meet up with their social life

• Recreational moments

Mostly in life , we need to create time for ourselves goes out for side seen, create good moments with the family ,go have fun with your friend ,go to the zoo to take pictures and visit like animals , with all of these ,it Contribute to building the personal and career development of each and every one life.

3).Sport activity

Even though I did not added it to one of my activity,but it is the most influential part that Contribute each and everyone life that has to do with building of the body systems and sharping of the brain.indeed exercise is the best.


I believe with the above mentioned,we are going to have great changes in our personal and career development but before then let me use this moment to invite some of my friends,@chiabertrand,,@baycan,@thegreen to come and paticipate in these great and wonderful contest


Wow. This is really beautiful post. I had not thought about the fact that spending time with family members help to care of one's self and motivates. Family is the biggest Motivation

Thank you for sharing this article with us. You can engage with me through My link

Ok brother am so happy and I am going to do that right away


Hello friend honestly I must say that all the time you have spent with your mother, love ones and friends are so wounderful.

Thanks for sharing.

You are highly welcome and hope we meet in my next entering

 2 years ago 

Nice write up .God is first before any other thing .he deserved to be praise because he is the maker of heaven and earth .Being focused at your jobsite should be something that you need to take it serious than any other thing because that what will always put food on your don’t need to joke with that . Thanks for sharing with us .goodluck

Thank you so much for this wonderful comment .am so greatful and I will continue to do my best as long as steemit platform is concerned.hope to meet you in my next entering

Beautiful activities my good friend . When you have a a regular routine and a close connection with those that matter around you , you will definitely witness a boost in your career development. They act as a base support system .

Good luck for this entry ...

That is the absolute truth brother I really appreciate you for that wonderful comment and hope to see your contest soon

Sure dropping soon brother.
Best regards ....

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