The true women inside all of us

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

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Lately I found myself to be very emotional and tearful.
Can it be because I will be closing a chapter in my life in a few weeks or is it because of the unknown waiting for me?

It made me wonder…

“A woman is an adult female and an adult female is a female who is an adult”.
This according to aunty Google. Now, I don’t know about you but I am totally confused.

The best description I heard of a woman was from one of my Sunday school pupils when we did a lesson on Adam and Even.

She said; “A woman is a lady who sits when she “wee” and cry while she does it”. At the time I couldn’t help to wonder what happens in their family.
Today I realize that there are no truer words than these spoken by a 10 year old.

What are the characteristics of a woman?

Women are different to men in so many aspects and I am not referring to physical aspects. I am referring to those things that labels us to go into the box “woman”.

We are modest, tender, empathetic, gentle, sensitive, devoted, supportive, responsible, helpful, kind, sympathetic, caring, soft, warm, cooperative, trustworthy, nurturing, loving and emotional human beings.

There you go! I am sure you will be able to add a few more.

What are values or qualities of being a woman?

There will be a few different answers to this question especially if you have to ask the male gender.
For me the value of being a woman is what is rested in those points I’ve mentioned under characteristics.

If you have to ask me what is the TRUE value of a woman there is only one answer and that is INTEGRITY. Women lead by example, true to their word and with honesty.

What is expected from us as women?

It is expected of women not only to be good partners or wife’s but also to be mothers, organizers, designers, health experts, teachers, chefs, re-creators, economists, bookkeepers, problem solvers, good listeners, disciplinarians, taxi drivers, artists, fixers, charity organizers, walking encyclopedias, those “know all” person in the home.

What makes woman the best specie on earth?

Have you noticed?

🌻 How a woman can bring smiles to faces?

🌻 How a woman brightens up a room when she walks in?

🌻 How a woman can bring calm to a storm?

🌻 How a woman can make feelings better?

🌻 How a woman can make things go away?

Woman are special and that cannot be denied!

What I have come to learn over the last few weeks is that women are allowed to have weaker moments.

  • We are allowed to feel down
  • We are allowed to make mistakes
  • We are allowed to feel vulnerable and
  • We are allowed to cry.

So often it is by allowing this that we discover that true women which was hiding inside.

Next time you want to cry when you watch a movie cry. If you feel like slamming a door, do it. If you want to shout, shout at the top of your voice.

Do whatever you need to do to discover that true women locked up inside you and lets inspire other to do the same.

“Figure out who are you separate from your family. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that’s the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self. With that, you can do anything else.” —Angelina Jolie, actress

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 2 years ago 

It is expected of women not only to be good partners or wife’s but also to be mothers, organizers, designers, health experts, teachers, chefs, re-creators, economists, bookkeepers, problem solvers, good listeners, disciplinarians, taxi drivers, artists, fixers, charity organizers, walking encyclopedias, those “know all” person in the home.

It is true that most men can also display these skills but in most cases, the women display them most. Women are perfect complements of men in all it's ramifications.

“A woman is a lady who sits when she “wee” and cry while she does it”.

I can't stop laughing with this description. It is true dear child. What you have in mind keeps manifesting during childbearing. A woman seats and wee out a child and she cries while doing that. It's just a miracle. Thanks dear 10 year old,I appreciate your response.

Thanks @patjewell for this informative article as always.

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 2 years ago 

We are woman and we rock!
God knew very well what he did when he took that rib to create us. He extended the compliment of men as you’ve put it.🙏

I'm not sure right now if I've overlooked irony somewhere....

I associate all the qualities you list with a good person, regardless of gender. Especially empathy and caring I have personally experienced more in men and in return some really indifferent, superficial and selfish women... I don't see myself as 100% there either. I really think that the differences between men and women are on the one hand actually biological (physical strength,...) and on the other hand home-made: through social influence ("A boy doesn't cry!"). We should gradually overcome these clichés and then the post is a fine reminder of how it used to be...

Ich bin gerade nicht sicher, ob ich irgendwo Ironie übersehen habe...

All die Eigenschaften, die Du aufzählst, verbinde ich mit einem guten Menschen, egal welchen Geschlechts. Besonders Empathie und Fürsorge habe ich persönlich eher bei Männern erlebt und im Gegenzug einige wirklich gleichgültige, oberflächliche und eigennützige Frauen... Mich selber finde ich da jetzt auch nicht so 100%-ig wieder. Ich denke tatsächlich, daß die Unterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen zum einen tatsächlich biologischer Natur sind (Körperkraft,...) und zum anderen hausgemacht: durch gesellschaftliche Einflußnahme ("Ein Junge weint nicht!"). Wir sollten diese Klischees allmählich überwinden und dann ist der Post eine feine Erinnerung daran, wie es früher einmal war...

 2 years ago 

You've put a huge smile on my face! (•ิ‿•ิ) Or should I say, you raised to the occasion.

I was waiting for the author who was going to say that men has the same qualities or values as mentioned in the post. I will not argue with it but I truly feel that they are in general just more embedded in woman.

I do like your statement about social influence.

One big difference not mentioned is the physical difference, "Sexual dimorphism".

In the end, you don't always have to feel that you must be strong and flawless.

I couldn't avoid this post, funny enough i have skipped it like three times because i thought it was just for women, forgive me.

However, i took time to read it again and if you must know, i have read that three times and i was doing just two things, shedding tears and also smilling.

Do you know why...?

I was born from a Woman, and i could still remember what she went through for me to be who i am today, i owe her that respect same with other women.

She have those qualities you listed above, so i couldnt agree with you less, you are right.

True, these points are facts and words!!

If the 21-century young ladies could agree with these values, imagine how beautiful the world could look like🤷‍♂️.

 2 years ago 

And I had to read your reply three times 😊
Thank you for these beautiful words.
You know what? You have taken all the doubts I had in myself away tonight.
I thank you for doing that!
I thank you for reminding me that I’m a proud woman!
I thank you for your respect! 🙏

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The #learnwithsteem tag focuses on teaching through tutorials and lessons some knowledge, skill or profession that you have. Please avoid using it if it's not about that. Thank you!

 2 years ago 

Oh wow! Thank you! It is appreciated! 🌻

 2 years ago 

We are modest, tender, empathetic, gentle, sensitive, devoted, supportive, responsible, helpful, kind, sympathetic, caring, soft, warm, cooperative, trustworthy, nurturing, loving and emotional human beings.

This is the full description of a woman, that is why a woman that has all this qualities will build a peaceful and loving home, and such a woman will always be happy.

 2 years ago 

I like so much Angelina Jolie's word at the end of your post

“Figure out who are you separate from your family. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that’s the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self. With that, you can do anything else.” —Angelina Jolie, actress

Thanks for sharing and setting 10% beneficiary to the community.

 2 years ago 

Those are indeed some classic words.
Thank you for reading and supporting! I appreciate it!🌻

 2 years ago 

well said sister. Thank you so much for the info

 2 years ago 

Thank you my friend.
I saw your post on VITA BELLA BUBBLE TEA for the first time just now when I was busy compiling the curator report for the last week.
Congratulations! It is a great review with great photos.
Keep up the good work!

 2 years ago 

is it sister? Thank you so much for the appreciation

 2 years ago 

This is such a wonderful post from you ma, woman are a special, wonderful, caring, loving and great species I ever seen. Women are the best teacher, doctor, nurse, chief security officer, a great comforter, and so on. They work 24/7 yet with smiles on their face, my previous boss said Temitope do you know most time woman are stronger than man, despite their monthly cramps, pregnancy hormone, labour pain, they are not broken, yet they seems stronger and protect their home with all they got.

Thank you for sharing ma.

 2 years ago 

Your previous boss was wise.
Wowan are indeed special. Oh yah, we forgot one thing, we can multi task! 😊
But, whatever we said, we still love our hubbies and they are special in their own ways 💪🏻

 2 years ago 

Yeah, woman are good at multitasking, loving and supportive.

This is super😘 maam. cheers to women. Their lovely virtues will never go unnoticed

 2 years ago 

Cheers indeed! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Hola. Cuántas mujeres deben aprender a valorarse!!!!

 2 years ago (edited)

That is so true! We have to value ourselves especially in these difficult times we are currently experiencing.
Thank you for reading my post and engaging with it.🎕

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