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RE: Photo contest: post processing #18

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)

I'm so sorry I have to disagree... (no, I'm not ;-)) )

The very origin has a philosophical dimension which is lost by the fragmentation,
since this was an astronomical constellation of earth and sun or of earth and full moon:

I prefer it to see as the sun with the 6 other ancient planets. They look on the earth through a telescope, searching for the bird of peace...

...the longer I stare on it, the greater it seems to me...

 last year 

I support your disagreement, but I have to disappoint you, my friend... this is not the sun, this is an unidentified (by us) intergalactic spaceship, which some conspiracy theorists roughly call a UFO... this is the older brother who watches our pranks...

Hello dear @ty-ty and @bambuka. I apologize if what I presented does not meet your expectations but I wanted to present some objects that although they are not so interesting at least are important to me (what I think I understood from the assignment) and take a photo of them within what I also understood was minimalism

to find an interesting object to photograph in the house, any object and make a photo theme in the style of minimalism.

Both the small painting (made by my son) and the tambourine, instrument that I play for me are interesting and important, were there and I photographed them.

As I told you from the beginning, I am not a photographer, I am just trying to learn and I appreciate that your impressions and appreciations were made in a "minimalist" way so I could capture them. Best regards!

In the background I worked on a little poem, inspired by your photo.

Find it here, per favore.

Thank you very much for this!

Your photo was - is! - great and can not be better.
To divide it into pieces is not a good idea, it seems to me.
The first composition is already minimalistic.
Minimalistic in the sense of containing only few elements,
and minimalistic in the deeper sense of pointing to a large world with minimal effort.


Thank you!! :)

 last year 

You've done a wonderful job. We're just doing all sorts of jokes here, making up stories, don't take our words too seriously :)
It's just part of a fun party, join in with your jokes here and everywhere :-)

Sometimes the language barrier is cruel and the exact meaning of what we say or what we are told is not fully grasped.
Thanks for the clarification! :)

 last year 

yes, these are most likely translation problems. I translate from Russian to English, you translate from English to Spanish, if you also translate from Spanish to Chinese.... someone will think that we are discussing recipes 🤣😂 😅

🤪 🤪 😅 😅 😅 !!
Sometimes it's crazy
Thank you for understanding. What I will do from now on is try to see it all and translate it in my brain into intellectual banter. :)

 last year 

🤣😂 😅
It's much better and more fun
After all, our whole life is a game, so let it be enjoyable :)

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