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RE: Photo contest: post processing #2 My entry by @esthersanchez

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Es sieht jetzt so ähnlich aus wie ein Relief auf Kupfer. ;-)
Die Schritte im einzelnen hast du nicht beschrieben, das ist schade. Hast du nur gespielt, oder bist du systematisch vorgegangen? Könntest du die Schritte wiederholen und den Prozess rekonstruieren?
Würdest du sagen, du hattest ein Ziel vor Augen? Welches - ein Einzelbild zum Aufhängen in der Lounge zum Beispiel? Oder dachtest du an ein bestimmtes Publikum?
Das alles würde mich interessieren!

It now looks similar to a relief on copper ;-)
You didn't describe the steps in detail, that's a pity. Were you just playing, or did you proceed systematically? Could you repeat the steps and reconstruct the process?
Would you say you had a goal in mind? Which one - a single painting to hang in the lounge, for example? Or did you have a specific audience in mind?
I would be interested in all that!

Translated with (free version)


I thank you for your interest @ty-ty.
When I do this kind of work in photography, I just go where my senses take me. I don't really have a systematic approach. The goal I had in mind was to make an edit that looks like the photo we were provided with my personal touch. If I had to repeat the steps, I would and maybe add something else to it :).
When I saw the photo, I felt I could make it more striking if I gave it an old touch, that's why I added the sepia color to the process and no, it wasn't intended for any particular audience. I did it for everyone's recreation!!! ;)

Thank you once again!!

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