What do you do with your Steem?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago




Hello my dear Steemians,


During last couple of days due to once again having nights shifts I was not able to surf much on Steemit or in Internet, actually it is physically there is no possibilities. Luckily my hubby updates me with some news, mostly he knows a lot. Yesterday I have noticed few posts of users who were mentioning that the payout for posts now changed from being Steem Power/SBD now to SP/Steem. It is soemthing that we have seen so often, since the Steemit exists it is changing backa dn forth. Of course, people will receive less but that is life. Who promise us that we will earn more and this is not a cash machine. Especially, it is funny to see such posts when those ones who are claiming that they are on Steemit for communication and engagement why they are now worried about the payout?


Steemit without Reward: will then platform survive?


What will happen if there will be no reward at all on Steemit and it is a blockchain for only posting and communication. What do you think then happens?

Do you think that then there will be people who were posting just for the sake of communicating? I doubt, the reason is because the majority of people are from developing countries many depend on Steem for their financial support. If there is no reward all those communities will be simply gone.

What will happen with the investors who delegated to UPVU and Co, if there will be a way that will still receive reward from delegation without posting then investors may still stay. But if not then it is an end of Steemit.

No matter what people say, the number of people who are here and still active because of rewards. That is why people who think and care about their future they care about growing of their Steem Power so that they will not depend on others and for that there are a lot of opportunities but there are many who simply withdraw their payout and the account remains small as before.


What we do in our real live with income?


When we think about our real live and what we earn, what we then do differently?

When you have your salary, do you use it all for something or do you try to put some on saving account and not touch for "bad days"? Maybe you put on account of your children so that they have some in their future. Or maybe you save to buy house or to travel to your favourite destination?

*We all do so and we all try to grow our back account. But why not to do the same with Steem, it is our future savings that of course, now not in the best rate, but on the right way and if it will suddenly go up to $1.00 what then you say? *


This about Steem like your saving for Future


It is maybe easy to say for me or some of us who do not rely on Steem as the method of financial income at the moment.But think that if your account is at least 50K you are visible to others, you can either manually vote, get curation rewards, post or delegate. So you are flexible and there are many option how you can get more from what you have.Just think about what you want to achieve and set up the goal. Play the game so long it exists.


CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




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I participate on Steemit for a few reasons…

One, everybody's nice, and I like nice people.
Two, I like making friends from across the world.
Three, we get a little money, and that's pretty cool.
Plus, I like crypto…and steemit is crypto :)

 2 years ago 


I think it is important to have friends around that keeps us interacting and enjoying the social side of Steemit. But of course, due to DeFi character of Steem we also have a good side effect and earning Crypto, that we all hope will go only Up!

 2 years ago 

Я предполагаю, что понимаю причину отмены SBD в вознаграждении. Их просто начнут продавать на внешних биржах боясь того, что Стим окончательно обесценится.
Да, штормит, мы привязаны к биткоину, а он поглядывает на доллар и ключевую ставку банков. Не исключено, что падение битка будет сокрушительным, но так же не исключено, что те, кто вложил в криптовалюту свои миллионы, перестанут играть в эту игру и понесут убытки.
Другой интересный вариант...фиатные деньги (доллар прежде всего) могут сильно просесть, мыльные пузыри имеют свойство лопаться. Вплоть до гиперинфляции. А что крипта? Любопытно то, что она имеет ценность, пока на неё можно купить фиат. Это сейчас. А если на неё можно будет купить товар?
...занимательные размышления))
Что касается Стимит, конечно, многие скорее всего уйдут. Это очевидно, думаю, что процесс уже пошёл. Но мы не знаем будущего и в этом вся прелесть.
Не исключаю, что цену битку снижают биржевые спекули, сознательно, чтобы народ начал сбрасывать последнее. Это было бы логичным спекуль-ходом перед ...туземуном...
В таком раскладе и стим неизбежно подрастёт.
В любом случае я в игре...даже если пропадёт всё 🤣 😂😅

 2 years ago 

hello dear friend @stef1 good afternoon
I'm so sorry you're working too hard, and it's nice that your husband keeps you up to date on things.
I am one of those people who lives thanks to Steemit compensation, and I think most of them are here for compensation
I also think like you, that we have to grow our steem power so as not to depend on others, although it is very difficult to grow your account, when you do not have the support of important curators.
have a great weekend

Hi @jlufer, like in every business people who want to have success have to accept that it will take time and nothing comes over "night", we all need to put our time, effort and be patience. Of course the more Steem Power we have the better for our account and growth :)

I hope for the best and keep going to the dolphin!

Yes, it is important to keep going, usually beginning is always hard the more you reach the easier it will be :)

very nice this post! In my opinion, if Steemit did not have the rewards it could become depopulated. It is true, however, that the new way of doing Social must be precisely that of Steemit. If the platform had problems, we could reduce the rewards, but bringing them to zero would be like turning Steemit into a centralized social network… like those of 10 years ago.

 2 years ago 

Greetings @stef1 We never know what tomorrow has for us. Let's see how this will affect the authors here on the platform. I guess we might loose some of the contributors. Some might start to consider powering down. I won't.

On one hand who knows if we will be working hard if we could predict the future. The life will be boring. To power down now is just loosing everything. Let's go and see what will happen :)

I worked on many sites like blogging and photo sharing where they paid and stop to pay or can say minimum earning later so people reduce to use it because they are not earning much now.

Everyone are different as i also seen some people who use still like before as it's their hobby. With me i am not like them as honestly i really need money and thus i back on online earning after 2-3 years break as it much helpful me for my feature home.
If steemit or any site who paid before and sudden stop to pay and becomes only communication site or blog posting site without rewards, sure 90 % people will stop to post or use. The reason because they paid before and very high rate too as i was on this platform too when STEEM was 7-8 $. So if they stop to pay sure most of people stop to post because of my no rewards. That is my opinion just.

Yes, I can imagine that many who are currently here have their financial interest and this could be the only income for them. At least with Steemit it is predictable and also much depends on users if they like to earn more they have to be more engaged. It is a dream for everyone that Steem will go up, no matter how high but not less than $1.00

Yes exactly because it's their income as they paid high before and thus they expecting same for rest. So if they not pay they will move. It's great if it come 1 $. I wish it go more up.

 2 years ago 

The payout changes when the price of Steem goes down beyond a certain level, I do not understand the technical part of it why it happens but the payout changed to Steem and SP, it has always been the case. Up and down is a part of the game. Since almost 5 years now being here, I have been accumulating my SP. I have withdrawn some 15k SP till date for my use. I am trying to accumulate it as much as I can, but when the price goes up I will surely remove else it will be of no value except for being a number on the screen.

Having SBD and also high SBD gives an opportunity to get more for posts and curation. For everyone it will be good if that comes back. I agree with you, so long the price is low we also trying to collect more once the price is up we might also withdraw some :)

 2 years ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
Please check my new project, STEEM.NFT. Thank you!

In times like these we have to strongly get our grips more tight in holding steem because for one thing it is hard to earn it and with these low prices selling steem should be last on the list.

With regards to SBD price it is one big factor for users to get more out of from their posts, comments, etc. Maybe SBD will come back the soonest time until some good news in the global markets happens that would bring the price of cryptos to come right back up including SBDs.

This is part of the game, we go up and then we go down, riding the storm until it is all clear again.

It is really now coming back and I am glad because it was noticeable how little we receive. At least now the Steem is more or less stable so hope that it will go up :)

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