Are we united on Steemit?

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year



Hello my dear Steemians,


Actually I was going to write a usual post about the beautiful nature with nice photography but in meantime I after reading the post of @frafiomatale I just could not concentrate on my post and decided to do this one.

When i read this post it reminded me the time when I was in school and we had a girl who was new in our class and some of girls somehow did not like her, although there was nothing that she did. She was very cheerful, funny and communicative. But still there was something that other girls thought was not right.

I was not much aware what happened, until one day her mother asked our teacher to collect us and to let her speak, the girl did not attend the classes for some time. The mother said that she wanted to look into our eyes and to see who we are who made her girl to leave this class. She also told us that her daughter will start a different school.

Obviously, our teacher was also not aware what was happening so that day it was a day when we had to discuss the situation. Our girls presented the case like their are victims, also one of their arguments was that the girl did not want to pass to other girls and I remember one even cried.

That time I did not speak up, because I did not know much, but since then I have leant the following lessons:

  • do not look away if you see that someone is unfairly punished
  • do not keep silent, ask people to help
  • you may sorry later but it is too late
What about Steemit and Steemians

Here we have small communities and most of the time we are on our own, but what if something happen and the community is not really feeling good and the users suffer from regular downvotes. Of course, often we say just ignore but what if that is happening regular and the fact of having Downvote makes us feel bad and guilty of done something wrong.

We will try to find what went wrong and try to do our best, post and communicate and engage and remain positive. That is what the Italian community does, but earlier or later there is time when we just need to share that with others and not pretend that everything is fine.

Can we all solve the problem?

I want to believe that yes, we can do that, we are a small platform with still relatively small number of users in compare to Instagram and Co. That is why we need to be strong and together, to show that we are united and support each other with:

  • comments and good words
  • the Steemit Team should lead that
  • Steem watcher have to come to help too.

That is so simple and everyone can do that, to give a hand to someone who need a help.



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png



 last year 

You are absolutely right
Few days back I was surfing and I saw that some of the communities have been shutdown just because they didn't get good support

I don't know why people do this I mean it hardly takes a second to give a like and a good comment.
In my starting days on steam I have experienced the same.
As you said actually Instagram is too ahead from us.

I think as you are a part of steem curator teams, you can pick up this point in your team meetings and a program should be made like giving upvotes and decent comments to others will be beneficial for ourselves I mean something like that.

It is right, many communities came and gone, the those who are hard working and despite of hard time continued posting, they survived.

Now with Steemcurator teams it is a bit easier especially if they follow the rules they are seen and noted. It is a good initiative and we try to cover many through that.

Esto es cierto estimado @stef1, no podemos hacer caso omiso a ésta situación que nos afecta a todos.
No podemos quedarnos de brazos cruzados mientras vemos que nuestros compañeros de italy están siendo atacados y muchos otros seguramente comenzarán a recibir ataques después de ésto, nadie está a salvo.

Considero que es muy mediocre dar downvotes y enzañarse contra los autores; es una situación muy vergonzosa.

Me uno a la iniciativa de defender a los que son atacados por esa cuenta maligna que pretende destruir el corazón de steemit

Thank you Grace for joining this movement, you know that only cowards can chase and downvotes others leaving no comments and also they know that this will not stop them. Together against abuse we hopefully can reach the results. I am glad that you are here and I am pleased to have your support.

Great post! Tough subject to address and talk about. Well done

Yes, we have to time to time highlight such topics, hope more people read and support it.

Thanks for your comment votes

Stef1 sometimes is really difficult to do it. You know. It's hard for me to like and comment on everyone. There are contests in which I participate, but the other participants write and post pictures that are against my worldview. I try to give feedback, but the most important thing for me is not to go against my principles! Nice shot, by the way 👍

Hi @kozanozdra, it is nice to have your comment here, agree it is sometimes difficult to comment on everyone's post but then you can comment on those that you like. I hope you will stay active with commenting at least on the posts that you like :)

of course)))

 last year 

Great post 👍

Thank you :)

Hello @stef1 Sir, I am a big fan of your writing. I learned a lot from your writing. If you are silent when you see injustice, you feel bad for yourself later.

That is nice to see you under this post and I hope that many people will also read it.

Sure sir,

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