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RE: First Rain of Monsoon

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 days ago

Basically, yes. There were people from Africa commenting how much they want to see and experience the snow I complain about in the winter lol. But in this case I also wanted to say that there are countries where people are well adapted to the climate in which they were born, no matter how unpleasant it is, because they have the right clothes and equipment, the urban conditions and organization are perfect and do not make human life difficult.


You are right about getting used to the climate. Whatever conditions, it's a human instinct to strive for survival. So, if I live in a dry climate, I most likely have suitable clothing and my lifestyle revolves around the general weather behavior.

Getting use to the climate is one thing and not liking it or longing for something you don't have is another thing.

Sometimes, we travel a thousand miles in winters to the snowy areas, just to see the snow but as much as we love it, we don't stand it for more than 2 days and come back because we are not used to living in a a snowy climate. If I were living in a rainy region, I might as well despise rain because yes, too much of anything doesn't do any good.

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