LIVING A WINTER IN VIENNA AS A PAINTING RETREAT. 2014-15.steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Dear Steemians,
I have taken longer than I would like to in continuing with this Chronological process of painting in Vienna.

If you haven´t read the previous posts you can get the context of this one by visiting these:

I was able to rent an flat in Vienna and had a little money saved so that I could spend 3 months in an intense process of painting with this new technique I had learnt the previous summer in the Seminar. I painted almost every day for anything in between 5 and 15 hours a day.
I put up my studio in the living room.

This was the creative space.
Once a week I got a visit from De Es ( who came to have some tea and pastries and we would talk for a few hours and he would critique my work and suggest and propose ideas on what I was doing.
Sometimes we also went to the museums to see exhibitions.

Here is a blurry image I got of when we visited Arik Brauer´s ( exhibition at the Leopold.
Some of Arik Brauers work...



This is a photo De Es did of me that I like.


Then sometimes we would meet at friends exhibitions...

@ibizaki, Otto Rapp,me, De Es and Regina Kafeder.

Michael Fuchs having his wife take the picure of us both. (
Went to many exhibitions of artists with whom I became friends over time and still till today keep in contact.

Pre Christmas pic at De Es´s with Regina, Bob and myself hiding int the Christmas tree.

Then I also explored other art scenes of Vienna but I can´t include all of that in this one post as it would be too erratic. Here are some random images...













and tried some ice skating with some friends.


I explored art, the city and the people who live here, then always returned home to spend long long hours painting, listening to music.



I produced a series of paintings made of Oil and egg tempera...
Each piece has a great amount of the sensations I was experiencing woven into them. As I look back at all these photos and the images of the paintings I get many memories.
A lot of writing went on in my booklets.









I hope you enjoyed this part of this adventure that took place from November 2014 till the end of March 2015. I came back to Ibiza a month later because I sold a big painting that gave me more time to paint, so that is why I returned later.
During this period I must say that is when I took up a good habit I still practice: running. I started doing that to compensate the long hours sitting and I loved it in the cold. When I got back to Spain and Summer was approaching I had to go at dawn before it got hot. I still do it and love it.
I also eat lots of cakes and coffee! The desserts in Vienna are wonderful! mmmm!
Best wishes to you all and specially I can´t stop thinking about the hell the Ukranians are going though. I can´t believe this is happening once again here. I really don´t understand the need for war, it´s crazy.

Saludos! y paz!


I'm impressed. What beautiful and unique art you share with us. The photographs of the place are of very good quality, congratulations.

 2 years ago 

I´m happy you enjoyed this post!

 2 years ago 

Que lugar mas hermoso pero creo que no aguantaría tanto frío. Excelente tu experiencia, ese retiro fue una tremenda etapa de concentración y aprendizaje en lo artístico. Gracias por compartir tan inolvidables momentos. Saludos y un gran abrazo.

 2 years ago 

si, añoro esa posibilidad de concentración que viví entonces. Ahora en la vida diaria la atención se divide entre muchas más tareas y responsabilidades!

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga @romanie

Gracias por compartir ésta buena galería de fotografías y pinturas, me agrada saber que la has pasado bien disfrutando de estas exhibiciones.

Pronto estaré dándole historia a una de sus hermosas obras.

 2 years ago 

Gracias por pasarte por aquí a ver el post! me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado. Me hubiera gustado traducirlo al castellano pero últimamente tengo poco tiempo disponible para los posts y voy a lo fácil y espero que lo que hablan otros idiomas pueden disfrutar las imágenes. Con muchas ganas de leer tu próxima historia! Gracias @adeljose!

Wow! Such a wonderful time in Vienna! Among nice people and artistic ambience!

 2 years ago 

yes, it was a lovely time I like to remember! :-)

Hi Romanie, that is absolutely beautiful story full of productive time and obviously while spending time amount he artists and sharing your thoughts and conversations with them I am sure you had unforgetable memories. I can recognize Otto and of course @ibizaki. Love the paintings but also the beauty of Vienna :) Thank you for sharing :)

You post is nominated for „@art-venture“ Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from Xpilar community page and using tag #art-venturehave priority. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

 2 years ago 

I´m happy you enjoyed it and that you recognised people! Thank you for the nomination! Best wishes!

Your post was upvoted by the @art-venture account after manual review. Support of Visual Artworks and Photogrpahy on Steem by @stef1 and @art-venture

 2 years ago 

thank you once again for your support!

Interesante publicación amiga, cada uno de tus post tiene mucha calidad! Cada viaje te ha enseñado mucho sobre el arte!
Las obras son muy hermosas. Éxitos

 2 years ago 

gracias @carlaisl por detenerte a verlo! Saludos desde España!

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