in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Hi Steemians!
today I´m going to share an experience from back in 2014 when I took part in a group exhibition in Austria, related to the art course I did there for a month with Professor Phil Rubinov Jackobsson and Mantra Cora.
In a way this is a follow up to the India experience I shared in the last post about exhibitions of the past.

The way this is related is because, while I was in India I met an artist Nad Wolinska ( by chance in a lunch with another friend who thought we might like to know each other.
We really enjoyed the encounter and she told me about Professor Phil ( was one of the students of the great artist Ernst Fuchs ( in Vienna and founded the Fantastic Art Movement there. So, while I was in India I started reading about the artists in this circle of creativity and I found it very interesting. When I returned from India I was broke but wanted to attend a one month course in Austria in July that year, so I sent out an email to my contacts and published on social media that I was making a special sale of the artwork that I had so I could raise the money to spend a month on this retreat to learn the Old Masters Techniques. And I was so fortunate! soooo Fortunate to have had so many people decide to buy one of my artworks and I had raised more than I needed in the end. So my dream came true.
Anyway, the story about the course I think I need to make into a whole next chapter. It´s an interesting topic in itself. So, what I´m writing about today is the exhibition that we participated in as a group. The rest of the members of this course together with other local artists.
The exhibition was held in a gallery-cultural center in the mountains near Payerbach where I was staying (about an hour away from Vienna)
I shipped this painting "Where is my silence? "(Acrylic on wood. 122x90cm)


The title of this exhibition was Krieg (War). I never really understood the reasons for this as I was quite lost with the german language at that time. I chose this paintings because somehow felt like a kind of inner war of mine.

Here are some images of the evening, mostly taken by a friend of mine Niki Witoszynskyj.
It was a lovely warm summer evening in the austrian mountains.


The Hosts of the venue, If Frauenberger and Thomas Fritsch.


Franz from Austria, the theatrical musician arrived on a horse driven carriage.



set up to give us a concert at the entrance.


Inside the exhibition...

Hans Glasser, Patrick Chan and me


Patrick showing me his art.

A woman who seemed to love my art wanted a photo...


Great artist De Es ( our show.

Hans Glassers art in the back.

Professor Phil and part of the group of artists.


De Es and Prof Phil being funny!

Dakinis art.

As you can see from these images this was a very eclectic show.
The evening was lovely and I have very fond memories from that day.
I will be posting a few different aspects of this trip in Austria that then turned into an important part of my life as an artist.

Funnily enough, this painting stayed in Austria to be exhibited two years later in my solo exhibition in Vienna and it was bought by someone there so it has stayed there to live for good! Funny how things happen.
I will share those experiences in the next chapters.
I hope you enjoyed this little introduction to the next part of my past exhibitions.

Best wishes from Ibiza.

ps.... (currently I´m invested in an art project I can´t yet share so I´m delving into the past, as this also helps me understand the present!). :-)

 2 years ago 

Wow... Very interesting post. I hope you will find the time and write to us about the one-month course.

I take this opportunity to nominate your post for Nomination Day 64.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @o1eh! thank you once again for the nomination, that is very kind of you.
I was also hoping that this conflict between Rusia and Ukraine doesn´t develop into anything serious. I hope you are safe. Best Wishes.

 2 years ago 

I was also hoping that this conflict between Rusia and Ukraine doesn´t develop into anything serious.

Thank you, I appreciate your support. I am convinced that the concentration of troops on the border was intended to exert psychological pressure, thanks to which Putin hoped to succeed in diplomatic negotiations. But since no one has made concessions, he is now forced to attack.

Until nothing starts, there is always hope :)

 2 years ago 

I hope you are right!

Hi friend. How beautiful your exhibition day! I've never been to one, but it must be great. It looks like you enjoyed yourself quite a bit. the photographs are great as well as the works of art. Thousands of hits.

 2 years ago 

Thank you ! I´m happy you enjoyed it!

I'm so glad you achieved your dreams, you were really lucky. Allah will surely bring his work to those who work hard. No effort goes unrewarded. I am happy for your. 🙏🤗

 2 years ago 

Thank you @baycan! That is very sweet of you! You are right, I was very fortunate ! :-)

Oh I love this post because I can relate very easily. Close-knit exhibitions like these (even among yesterday’s strangers) are strengthening our cultures. The empires may be turning into rust again, but the people still come together, and art (all shared expression) is the glue.
Thank you!

 2 years ago 

Thank you @ronthroop. I´ll be posting more about that experience in Austria that developed into long time friendships and... ultimately brought me to Steem! hahaha! I hope to get some time to write and gather some pics soon. Saludos!

How could you not make friends with such cheerful people? Again, I know the feeling, and have made long time friendships too, via similar experience:) Saludos back to you and yours!

 2 years ago 

happy you enjoyed this one!

En AUSTRIA, genial.

 2 years ago 

Si, echo de menos mis amigos en ese país que ahora hace unos tres años que no veo. Podré rememorarlos cuando siga con los próximos posts.

#wox-bestpick of the day goes to @romanie
This post is nominated by @o1eh

 2 years ago 

Thank you @o1eh and @worldofxpilar! :-)

He dear Romanie, how nice to see the Exhibition and to learn about it. It is true once you write about it everything, emotions, memories bring the pictures that are saved in your memories and that makes us to live again the moments. It seems to be wonderful time and experience to visit that gallery. Glad that you are sharing it :)

You post is nominated for „@art-venture“ Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from Xpilar community page and using tag #art-venturehave priority. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

 2 years ago 

Thank you @art-venture, yes you are right. Specially now I can´t travel (due to my mothers condition) I like to remember past times I enjoyed exploring other countries and cultures.

 2 years ago 

Que buena esa oportunidad tuviste para asistir a la exposición en Austria, toda una experiencia de aprendizaje, cumpliendo uno de tus sueños. Hermosas fotos compartiendo momentos que se volvieron inolvidables. Gracias por compartir tan estupendo post.Saludos.

 2 years ago 

Gracias! Si! Una experiencia que marcó un cambio en mi vida. Iré por partes explicando el desenlace en los siguientes posts. Saludos Y gracias por leerlo!

 2 years ago 

You are an artist whose art I love very much, moreover, I am proud of you for your strong and determined stance towards life :) I can see the impression of your fighting spirit in your paintings. Austria exhibition adventure looks very enjoyable. The musician's arrival in a horse carriage added excitement to the atmosphere :D Meeting the artists is one of the most beautiful aspects of the exhibitions. By the way, I must say, your necklace looks very cool and suits you very well :)

 2 years ago 

Thank you @serap for such a lovely comment! . You are someone who really appreciates details. I like that! :-)

 2 years ago 

Your thoughts made me happy :)

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