in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

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Hi Steemians!
I promised I´d post the results of the personalities I had thought for the Avatars for the Labyrinth book The Serendava.
A few of you kindly shared your perceptions and I enjoyed to see if the personality that I had thought out was how other perceived them. Many of you, did get close to the feeling, and a few, very few had a completely opposite perception.
So in this post, I´m just going to share my original point of view. I might change or add some characteristics based on some ideas you gave me.

¡Hola Steemians!
Prometí que publicaría los resultados de las personalidades que había pensado para los avatares del libro del Laberinto La Serendava.
Algunos de vosotros compartisteis amablemente vuestras percepciones y me gustó ver si la personalidad que yo había pensado era como los demás los percibían.
Muchos de vosotros, os acercasteis a la sensación, y unos pocos, muy pocos, tuvieron una percepción completamente opuesta.
Así que en este post, sólo voy a compartir mi punto de vista original. Puede que cambie o añada algunas características en base a algunas ideas que me habéis dado, más adelante. Después del Inglés está la versión en español



Very outgoing being.
Has a great sense of humour
Very cheerful
Optimistic, sometimes too optimistic, so gets into trouble.
Resolute: learned to solve the trouble he gets into.
Very talkative
Likes risky sports
Loves to face his fears
Eats a lot, likes all foods and trying new flavours.
Moves a lot and very fast
Very impatient
He loves to travel to new places.
His favourite colour is yellow
He likes dancing very much.
He has a particularity: he has to run everywhere.



Believes he is a superhero
Always thinks he is right
Smart ass
A bit of a liar.
Knows a lot of tricks
A bit of a magician
His favourite colour is red
He has a habit: he climbs up and down the first two steps before moving the rest of the steps in the direction he wants to go.



Very fearful.
Sensitive, everything affects his mood very much.
Insecure, indecisive.
He looks at everything because he doesn't like to be frightened.
For him everything has a meaning and a reason.
He likes reading very much.
He is a musician.
He has a good sense of smell.
He is very agile and moves fast, jumping.
He doesn't like to touch things with his hands.
He loves flowers and his favourite colour is green.
He has a hobby: whenever he come across rain, he sings he invents a song.



He is a research scientist.
He is very reserved.
A being of the right words for every ocassion.
He is very analytical
He is very practical and straightforward.
He thinks and plans before he does something.
Loves mathematics.
Very orderly
Knows how to listen to others.
Likes inventions.
Likes tricks
His favourite colour is turquoise
He has a hobby: Every time he goes up or down a staircase he looks to the right and to the left to see what is around him.



She is very wise and old
Very adaptable
Has a very good memory
He is a good listener
His strongest senses are smell and hearing.
He is not very fast, more like the contemplative type.
He has travelled a lot around the world and knows many ways of living.
He is very tolerant.
Not easily surprised.
Generally happy.
Loves to tell stories from the past.
His favourite colour is orange.
He has a hobby: He likes snails very much and every time he meets one he tells a story.



He is a little shy but he is not afraid of anything.
He is a poet.
He loves to make up fantasy stories, he is a dreamer.
He has a lot of patience.
He would like to fly but he doesn't know how.
He loves birds and butterflies.
He has a very wide field of vision, although he looks cross-eyed.
He is a bit absent-minded.
His favourite food is wheat grain.
He has no favourite colour, he likes them all.
He loves to be in the trees or among them.
He has a hobby: He gives names to trees and plants.
Talks to stones, trees or any creature in the natural world.
Dislikes speed.



He is a great cook.
He is very quiet.
A bit lazy.
Jovial and sociable.
He likes to eat and talk a lot.
He has a sweet tooth.
He thinks a lot and has a lot of imagination
Does not like sport
Moves slowly
Does not like to shower.
Very friendly with animals, can speak all languages of all animals.
His favourite colour is blue.
He likes to tell stories about food.
He has a hobby: He is always looking for a comfortable place to sit.




Es muy extrovertido
Tiene mucho sentido del humor
Muy alegre
Optimista, a veces demasiado, y así se mete en líos.
Resolutivo: ha aprendido a solucionar los líos en los que se mete.
Muy hablador
Le gustan los deportes de riesgo
Le encanta enfrentarse a sus miedos
Come mucho, le gustan todas las comidas y probar nuevos sabores.
Se mueve mucho y muy rápido
Es muy impaciente
Le encanta viajar a lugares nuevos.
Su color favorito es el amarillo
Le gusta mucho bailar.
Tiene una manía: tiene que ir corriendo a todas partes.



Se cree con superhéroe
Siempre cree que tiene la razón
Un poco mentiroso.
Sabe muchos trucos
Un poco mago
Su color favorito es el rojo
Tiene una manía: subir y bajar los dos primeros escalones antes de avanzar con el resto, en la dirección por la que quiere ir.



Muy miedica.
Sensible, todo le afecta mucho el estado de ánimo.
Inseguro, Indeciso.
Se fija en todo porque no le gustan los sustos.
Para él todo tiene un significado y un porqué
Le gusta mucho leer.
Es Músico
Tiene mucho olfato
Es muy ágil y se mueve rápido, dando saltos.
No le gusta tocar cosas con las manos.
Le encantan las flores y su color favorito es el verde.
Tiene una manía: siempre que encuentra con la lluvia canta una canción que se inventa.



Es un científico investigador.
Es muy reservado
Un ser de las palabras justas.
Es muy analítico
Es muy práctico y sencillo.
Piensa y planea antes de hacer algo.
Le encantan las matemáticas.
Muy ordenado
Sabe escuchar a los demás
Le gustan mucho los inventos.
Le gustan los trucos
Su color favorito es el turquesa
Tiene una manía: Cada vez que sube o baja una escalera mira a la derecha y la izquierda para ver lo que le rodea.



Es muy sabia y vieja
Muy adaptable
Tiene una memoria muy buena
Sabe escuchar
Sus sentidos más fuertes son el olfato y el oído.
No es muy rápida, es contemplativa.
Ha viajado mucho por el mundo y conoce muchas formas de vivir.
Es muy tolerante.
No se sorprende con facilidad.
Es generalmente feliz
Le encanta contar historias del pasado.
Su color favorito es el Naranja.
Tiene una manía: Le gustan mucho los caracoles y cada vez que se encuentra con una le cuenta una historia.



Es un ser un poco tímido pero no tiene miedo a nada.
Es poeta.
Le encanta inventarse historias de fantasía, es soñador.
Tiene mucha paciencia
Le gustaría volar pero no sabe.
Le encantan los pájaros y as mariposas.
Tiene un campo de visión muy amplio, aunque parezca bizco
Es un poco despistado.
Su comida favorita es el grano del trigo.
No tiene color favorito, le gustan todos.
Le encanta estar en los árboles o entre ellos.
Tiene una manía: Les da nombres a los árboles y a las plantas.
Habla con las piedras, con los árboles o con cualquier criatura del mundo natural.
No le gusta la velocidad.



Es un cocinero genial.
Es muy tranquilo y perezoso.
Un poco gandul
Jovial y sociable
Le gusta mucho comer y hablar.
Un poco goloso
Piensa mucho y tiene mucha imaginación
No le gusta el deporte
Se mueve despacio
No le gusta ducharse
Muy amigo de los animales, puede hablar todos los idiomas de todos los animales.
Su color favorito es el azul.
Le gusta mucho contar historias de comidas.
Tiene una manía: Siempre busca un sitio cómodo para sentarse.

I hope you have been amused by these little avatars!
Best Wishes from Spain.

Espero que os hayan entretenido agradablemente.
Saludos desde España.



see previous posts to understand this one: para ver los post previos a este:









 2 years ago 

Me encanto!! sus diseño y descripción. CEYURTI es un pícaro!

 2 years ago 

gracias! Saludos!

Hahaha 😅😅 thanks for the revelation. I personally said different about them often but it looks like I was far from the truth.
Good luck with the book.

 2 years ago 

I really want to thank you for participating, it´s very important to see all the ways of seeing them. Thank you again!

You're dearly welcome 💓

There are plenty of the characters by now and it is true while reading the description they fit them so well. When I see ERANAMOL he reminds me a cat from Alice in Wonderland, wise and patient, with experience of life :)

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much! I´m happy you enjoyed them. I hope that in the future they will be very well used in the labyrinth book. Best wishes!

 2 years ago 

When you describe these characters, I immediately see that they are depicted very accurately. When it was necessary to describe them only from the picture, it was very difficult :-) I guessed almost nothing.

 2 years ago 

I think you did guess the vibe they had quite often, you also added more story to their character that is also a possibility. Thank you so much for participating so much! It was very useful for me.

@tipu curate

 2 years ago 
 2 years ago 

thank you!

 2 years ago 

Thank you! :-)

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga @romanie

Vaya vaya, quedé encantado con cada uno de los avatar creados, se ven espectaculares digno de estar en una buena serie de disney, de seguro será emotivo leer el libro.

Felicidades por su gran talento.

 2 years ago 

Muchísimas gracias por tomarte tu tiempo en visitar a estos personajes! Saludos! :-)

I was some what correct for KAJAMSEN.

 2 years ago 

Yes! and than you for playing this game! best wishes!

Wow! This is amazing! You have created a whole new world of reality and beings. Need more to fill a village!

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your appreciation!

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