ERANAMOL. Can you describe him?/ Lo sabrías describir? . Ibiza 2022 (ING/ESP)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Hi Steemians,
I want to introduce you to another of the seven characters that I have created for my project-book The Serendava. A book I have been working on since Autumn 2019.

You can see a bit about it on this previous post.

Its taking a long time to get all the parts ready, but today I wanted to share with you this character. I will not say what it´s like. If anyone wants to comment a small description of the main traits that he look like he might show, then I can see if I´m right.
I have already run this test though my old art students and I loved the responses.

Hola Steemians,
Quiero presentaros a otro de los siete personajes que he creado para mi proyecto-libro La Serendava. Un libro en el que estoy trabajando desde otoño de 2019.
Podéis ver un poco sobre él en este post anterior.

Está tardando en tener todas las piezas listas, pero hoy quería compartir con vosotros este personaje. No voy a decir cómo es. Si alguien quiere comentar una pequeña descripción de los principales rasgos que parece que podría mostrar, entonces puedo ver si estoy en lo cierto.
Ya he hecho esta prueba con mis antiguos alumnos de arte y me han encantado las respuestas.

Para ver el anterior personaje: To see the previous avatar:

I hope you feel like participating. espero que queráis participar

Best Wishes to you all!
Saludos a todos!




This looks like one of these creatures youre likely to meet in your dreams, or in a vision...or perhaps a creature from Alice in wonderland, haha...I can't really tell. But it obviously has a spooky appearance looking at the only eye it has, the paws and the wheels. I think it signifies something, maybe something positive; a lot of positive things. It can serve as a "Never Give up" motivation or a "You're Greater within" motivation or something of that sort. Because looking at the figure, it obviously looks like a snail but it looks fast considering the wheel and the front legs, which is kind of contradictory and can be motivating at the same time..
@o1eh sees a kind smile, I see a scary and spooky one, sorry 🤣👻 but yeah, it does look like a messenger, like the cherubim and seraphim in the bible.. they're also scary..

Nice work 💪🏿👍

 2 years ago 

Hi! I can understand why he feels spooky. It might be the glassyness in the eyes and the spykes on his head. Thank you for your thoughts on this one!


 2 years ago 

I have never seen such a thing. This is a fast snail! While snails are the epitome of slowness and inhibition, this snail is not.

It's hard for me to judge whether he is a positive character, but his smile shows kindness. Front dog paws ... wheel ... hmm ... apparently this character is a racer or a messenger in a fairy tale.

Still, this is a positive character. I do not see anything in him that could indicate his evil intentions.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @o1eh for your insight on these characters. I really appreciate you reading them out to me as you perceive them!

A snail?

 2 years ago 

a weird snail!

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola @romanie, veo una mascota como un perro caracol en silla de ruedas, lo veo feliz, no se siente minusválido contrario a los que muchos podrían pensar, viviendo con alegría, con la confianza que le ofrece su casco protector de caracol y la libertad que le provee su silla de ruedas. Eso es vivir con coraje y dignidad ante la adversidad. A ver como me va. Saludos y feliz tarde, deseándote mucho éxito en tu libro.

 2 years ago 

Qué buen punto de vista que me has dado. me encanta! Gracias por compartir tus ideas! Saludos! :-)

 2 years ago 

I do love your character articles @romanie I see here a dog riding a bicycle! Good luck with the book my friend. It sounds like really hard work but I am sure it is worth it.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much. I can´t wait to see this book made a reality! it´s been so long working on it that I sometimes loose touch with the end result! but little by little its closer to conclusion. :-)

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