#club5050 Recipe Of The Month Beetroot Risotto

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Here is another one of my recipes that celebrates seasonal produce. It is based on a classic risotto recipe. Today the focus is on root vegetables which are at their best in Europe this time of the year. When I used to live in 4* and 5* hotels I was always excited by fabulous food creations in all shades of purple. Be careful when you cut your beetroot as it will stain your chopping board and your fingers. The purple colour of this vegetarian meal screams healthy as it is full of vitamins and minerals which are incredibly good for both your body and silhouette.

Beetroot in a raised bed in my garden.
Camera: Nikon D5600 Lens: Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ISO: 400
Shutter Speed: 1/80 Aperture: f/4.2

So take a look now at the list of the ingredients below which will comfortably serve 2 people.

3 Raw Beetroots
1 Medium Onion finely diced
2 Garlic Cloves finely diced
1 Stick Of Celery finely chopped
125ml Glass Of White Wine (leave the rest in the fridge to enjoy with the meal)
50g Grated Parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)
2 Knob Of Butter
Balsamic Vinegar
1.5 Litres of stock (Chicken or Vegetable)
300g Risotto Rice

My homemade beetroot risotto.
Camera: iPhone 12 Lens: Iphone 12 Back Dual Wide 1.55, 4.2,1.6,2.4
ISO: 400 Shutter Speed: 1/33 Focal Length: 4.2mm

Camera: iPhone 12 Lens: Iphone 12 Back Dual Wide 1.55, 4.2,1.6,2.4
ISO: 500 Shutter Speed: 1/50 Focal Length: 4.2mm

Here is the cooking method my readers.

  1. Heat the oven to 180°. Peel the beetroot and cut it into
    1cm cubes and place them on a baking tray. Season with
    salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
  2. Cook for approximately 45 to 60 minutes or until soft.
  3. Take approximately 2/3 of the beetroot and place in a
    blender, season with salt and pepper and a glug of
    balsamic vinegar. Add 25 to 50ml of chicken stock and
    blend to a puree.
  4. In a large saucepan over a low heat gently cook the
    onion, celery and garlic in a knob of butter for about
    10 minutes until soft.
  5. Increase the heat, add the risotto rice and
    toast for a couple of minutes. Add the wine and
    cook until absorbed.
  6. Add the stock a ladle full at a time and stir.
    Continue adding stock until fully
    absorbed and the rice is cooked through.
  7. Reduce heat and stir the pureed beetroot
    and parmesan into the risotto.
  8. Add the remaining roasted beetroot and stir in
    an additional knob of butter to add to the creamy texture
    and season to taste.
  9. Serve and enjoy the purple risotto you just made.

The beetroot risotto. Handmade salt and pepper grinders.
Camera: iPhone 12 Lens: Iphone 12 Back Dual Wide 1.55, 4.2,1.6,2.4
ISO: 500 Shutter Speed: 1/50 Focal Length: 4.2mm

I also powered up for the third time this month! #club5050
Screenshot 2021-11-27 at 20.03.09.png


Hi. Nice recipe. I'll have to try to cook it. I nominated your post for a competition.

 3 years ago 

Hi @steem-venera It is lovely to hear from you. I will be really pleased if you give the beetroot risotto recipe a try. Thank you for nominating my post for the #wox-bestpick initiative! Fingers crossed that we will be successful. I am now off to the high street to do some shopping and then I will take few more photos in my garden. It is a nice sunny but cold day here in London. Enjoy your Sunday too and we stay in touch.

 3 years ago 

This recipe, which you have explained step by step and in detail like a chef, looks great :) I adore this color! Your presentation is awesome too. Of course, I have to say that I really like the quality of your photos. Every photo you take shines and reveals itself. I will definitely try your recipe dear @petface :) God bless your hands :))

 3 years ago 

Thank you ever so much @serap I love watching cooking shows, trying new recipes and even experimenting in the kitchen. I also like the colour of this beetroot dish which can also make a nice starter. I love taking food photos and I do my best dealing with more artificial light and limited time as I would rather have my food hot. I will be really thrilled if you give this recipe a try one day!

 3 years ago 

Your field of interest is very yummy :) When I try the recipe, maybe I can make a post about it, yes here it is, Petface's recipe is in Turkey ;)

 3 years ago 

🤩 I love the sound of that really! It will be so awesome. I remember you actually painted a picture of a unicorn based on what we messaged here in WOX about so I will not be surprised at all if one day you really cook this beetroot risotto and post about it here. #bettertogether Have you ever tried to paint food? I’ve got an auntie, she’s 101 years old bless her and she loves to draw. She is now in a care home of course but she still draws literally everything she can get her hands on. Chillies, garlic, mushrooms, peppers, feathers and she is actually quite good. We have framed few of her drawings which look great in the kitchen and dining room.

 3 years ago 

#bettertogether I love this motto :) I loved that your aunt is still painting after she's 100 :) She is definitely someone to admire. I hope she has many more healthy and beautiful years where she continues to draw pictures :) I think the most valuable paintings will be those they draw at this age.
I've never done a food painting. Right now I draw animals and flowers, but I want to try food painting :)

 3 years ago 

I am glad that you want to try painting food really. You can easily combine something edible with flowers in one painting for instance. From a more practical point of view it will be easier to try and paint something cold like sushi, fruit or vegetable salad rather than a whole roast chicken for example 💁‍♀️ Desserts would look awesome surrounded by flowers too. It goes without saying that I will keep an eye out for a food painting of yours being posted here in WOX.

 3 years ago 

Your creative ideas have enlightened my mind, thanks a lot :) Well, have you ever tried to draw or are you interested in painting?

 3 years ago 

You are more than welcome my dear. I took some art classes in school which I really enjoyed and I wanted to apply for an art school as a teenager but my mum, a doctor, was totally against it saying that I will struggle being independent. She said that painting could be my hobby but not my one and only thing hoping to make a career of. She was just being practical really. I got few paintings of mine exhibited in school and I completed two murals within campus. I love watercolours. I don’t paint nowadays but maybe I will again one day. I am always full of ideas which I am more than happy to share.

Thanks for sharing this recipe, @petface. Your beetroot risotto sure looks tasty. Good appetite, enjoy your meal.

 3 years ago 

Happy Friday my friend @zorank Thanks for stopping by and I am glad that you are pleased to find a recipe here in the World Of Xpilar too. The beetroot risotto was very delicious. It makes a nice lunch or dinner. It is also very easy to portion in lunch boxes and take some of this homemade meal to work.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for stopping by @zubairkhan422 I am really glad that you like the recipe 🍽 Nice avatar photo by the way. Is this a parakeet?

Red beetroots are very good for health it is great to have recipe have never tried this but sounds delicious :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you ever so much! I am really pleased that you like the sound of it. I decided to post a recipe of the month because I am quite passionate about food. @bambuka actually encouraged me by saying that it is always good to try something new here in the World Of Xpilar community. I also like receiving comments from other members from across the globe based on a similar dish they have had in their home countries. Later this month I will post a favourite recipe of mine for traditional mince pies. Not many people actually make their own so I hope it will be useful to some. I am also curious to find out how internationally popular the mince pies really are by the feedback and comments.

#wox-bestpick of the day goes to @petface
This post is nominated by @steem-venera

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for your support @worldofxpilar It is fantastic to start the week on a high after being supported by the #wox-bestpick awards programme. This wouldn’t have been possible without you my friend @steem-venera I am really pleased that you still manage to find time and you stick around. I look forward to seeing your next post in the World Of Xpilar community.

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