WOX Blogosphere Magazine #166

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 days ago

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Welcome to the fascinating world of interesting reading. In this magazine , I try to select posts published in the last few days in our community that you might be interested in reading. Remember, every author wants to be noticed, so if you have time, visit a post you liked and leave your upvote or comment. It will be the best reward and encouragement.

Now let's see what we have this time.

The airports have seen more sincere kisses than the wedding halls

The reality of duty and love clashing is something that often goes unnoticed until you witness it firsthand. My brother, a man of strength and resolve, was reduced to tears as he faced the heart-wrenching task of leaving his family behind, but.... his duty demanded that he go. Ohh what a tragedy....

Blade and the Hollywood Dream

I saw many films during my maiden visit to The States, but the one I saw in Grauman’s will always stick with me. It is significant in another capacity as well, because the film I am referring to, is arguably the genesis of our current Golden Age of The Superheroes. I am talking of course about Blade (1998).

Earth's Thirsty Embrace

I live in a dusty, rusty, and arid remote town near a cheerless desert. Despite the big windows in my kitchen, I can't ventilate it because of sudden dust storms which masque the whole home in thick layers of dust in a matter of few seconds. The dust and strangest species of insects easily slide through the closed doors and windows. Yesterday's episode once again reminds me to get the home insulated.

What's not to Love about Nasturtiums?!

I know some people have a bit of a "love / hate" relationship with this plant, but ever since I discovered that the combination of a nasturtium leaf and a little bit of water could create diamonds... I was in love! Yes, they can indeed be a messy plant, straggly even - when left unattended for too long... especially considering their somewhat "invasive" nature.

Saturday Night OR Honeymoon Palsy? || NO, It's a Study Slump Palsy

Saturday Night Palsy doesn't only happen on Saturdays, but the chances are higher on Saturdays (as the name suggests) because people tend to be more relaxed, knowing they have a day off. Some go out to bars, drink alcohol and fall into a deep sleep in very awkward positions, leading to compression of the arm or armpit, which compresses the radial nerve. When they regain consciousness, the compressed nerve causes the muscles to stop functioning.

The Subjectiveness of Genres

The other day I witnessed an increasingly heated Twitter-debate about whether or not Alien (1979) should be definitively genre-classified as a Horror film. People were extremely passionate and resolute on both the “yes” and “no” side of the spectrum, which I find quite amusing because I believe the discussion in itself is rather pointless.

"Buying the Dip"... But What if It's NOT a Dip?

One thing that is somewhat similar is that the constant "buy the dip!" chorus was often fueled by a group of dedicated fanboys (and fangirls) who invariably had huge cognitive blind spots that rendered them completely unable to recognize that they were inviting people to jump onboard a slowly — but inevitably — sinking ship.

Crafting Memorable Events: All's Well That Ends Well!

The ambiance was perfect, with laughter and lively conversations filling the air. I couldn't have asked for a better ending to the event. As I reflected on the day, I realized how fortunate I was to be surrounded by such supportive friends and colleagues. This experience will surely be cherished for years to come.

I invite you to join the initiative Become successful with @wox-helpfund!

 2 days ago 

Thanks a lot for featuring my memorable events. Means a lot!


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