The airports have seen more sincere kisses than the wedding halls

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 hours ago


عداوتیں تھیں، تغافل تھا رنجشیں تھیں مگر
عداوتیں تھیں، تغافل تھا رنجشیں تھیں مگر
بچھڑنے والےمیں سب کچھ تھا بے وفائی نہ تھی

There were feelings of animosity, Indifference and anguish (between us) but,

my departed lover had everything (but)

hadn’t had unfaithfullness

My heart is aching while writing this post. Every time I think of this moment, these lyrics pop into my mind. I'm not sure what I will write in this post because I feel too overwhelmed with emotions to actually think clearly, but my feelings will be pure throughout this entire post.

As Maester Aemon Targaryen once said:

"What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms... or the memory of a brother's smile?"

These are some of the most powerful words I have ever read. What does a person work for? Does he work for himself? Does he work for self-satisfaction? I can tell you that in most cases, it's not about that. Ninety percent of the people who work day and night do it for their families. They work to see their children smile, to provide a good lifestyle for their loved ones. What is duty against the feel of a newborn son? These words hit hard. But sometimes, as Tyrion Lannister said:

"Duty is the death of love."

For years, I used to think, how can someone's duty be more important than their love? I wasn't smart enough to realize what this sentence even meant. But then I saw my brother crying non-stop, standing at the international departure of the Karachi Airport with his newborn son in his arms, trying his very best to bid him farewell. I couldn't stand the scene as I don't like to cry in front of people. That is when I finally realized the true meaning of this quote.

The reality of duty and love clashing is something that often goes unnoticed until you witness it firsthand. My brother, a man of strength and resolve, was reduced to tears as he faced the heart-wrenching task of leaving his family behind, but.... his duty demanded that he go. Ohh what a tragedy....

In that moment, I saw the profound struggle between duty and love.

People often talk about the sacrifices they make for their loved ones, but it's only when you see the raw emotion in someone's eyes that you truly understand the meaning of those sacrifices. His tears weren't just about leaving; they were about missing out on the little moments, the first words, the first steps, the quiet nights holding his child. His duty required him to be elsewhere, but I can tell you that he found it extremely difficult to move his legs towards the departure.

The real tragedy is that this world excels in separating people from their loved ones due to the differences between countries and their resources. Do you think anyone would walk away from their family willingly? No. They have to do it. They must do it to provide for their families. This is the real tragedy, where we constantly have to think of better and better ways to provide.

Global disparities force countless individuals to leave their homes in search of opportunities abroad. It’s not a choice made lightly but one made out of necessity. These separations are heart-wrenching, not only for those who leave but for those left behind. Parents miss their children's milestones, partners endure long periods of loneliness, and families live without the daily presence of their loved ones.


As he walked towards the departure, he didn't even look behind for a second. I'm sure he was crying with his back towards us.....

If you want to cry at this hour, you can listen to this song...


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