My Must-Taste List While In Manado

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago (edited)


Kota Manado, sebuah kota yang berada di ujung utara Pulau Sulawesi adalah sebuah Kota yang bisa di katakan Multi Kultural. Selain suku asli yang mendiami Kota ini, banyak juga suku lainnya seperti Arab, Tionghoa, Gorontalo, Ternate, Papua, Jawa, dan juga suku-suku lainnya.


Bagi beberapa orang yang sudah lama tinggal di Kota ini, mungkin sudah menerima segala hal yang ada sebagai suatu hal yang biasa saja. Namun jika saja kita berada jauh cukup lama, banyak hal yang biasa pada akhirnya menjadi istimewa.
Seperti Kuliner Khas Kota Manado berikut ini.



Tinutuan atau bubur Manado, Konon menjadi makanan khas Manado dan Sulawesi Utara sejak lama, namun menjadi semakin populer saat masa penjajahan Jepang, Konon ketika itu segala hasil pertanian di rampas oleh Tentara jepang, hingga akhirnya masyarakat Sulawesi Utara berkreasi untuk tidak kelaparan dengan mengkombinasikan Beras yang terbatas menjadi Bubur yang di campur dengan Aneka Sayuran, seperti Kangkung, Bayam, Kemangi, labu, jagung. Lalu ditambah dengan lauk pauk seperti ikan cakalang, Nike, ataupun Ikan Asin.


Milu Siram

Salah satu Favorit saya ketika berada di Manado, terutama jika saya berada di daerah Tuminting adalah Kuliner pinggir jalannya yaitu Milu Siram. Sebenarnya makanan ini adalah khas dari Gorontalo, namun terdapat versi yang cukup berbeda di Wilayah Manado.



Pisang Goroho

Konon jenis pisang ini hanya tumbuh di Wilayah Sulawesi Utara. Jenis pisang yang bisa di nikmati saat belum terlalu masak. Biasanya disajikan dengan sambel roa atau kepala cakalang. Sangat cocok disantap di sore hari ditemani secangkir kopi susu hangat, sembari menyaksikan matahari terbenam. Sayangnya lokasi favorit untuk menikmati kuliner ini sudah berpindah lokasi. Sebelumnya berada di Jalan Boulevard Manado, kini berpindah lokasi di Boulevard Tuminting.


Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi kuliner yang menjadi Menu wajib saya setiap kembali ke Manado. Kurang lengkap rasanya jika salah satunya terlewati.


English Version

Kota Manado, a city located at the northern tip of Sulawesi Island, is a multicultural city. In addition to the indigenous people who inhabit this city, there are also other ethnic groups such as Arabs, Chinese, Gorontalo, Ternate, Papua, Javanese, and other ethnicities.

For some people who have lived in this city for a long time, perhaps they have accepted everything as just ordinary. However, if we stay away for long enough, many ordinary things eventually become special. Like the typical cuisine of Manado city below.


Tinutuan or Manado porridge, reportedly has been a typical food of Manado and North Sulawesi for a long time, but it became even more popular during the Japanese colonial period. Allegedly, during that time, all agricultural products were confiscated by the Japanese army, so the people of North Sulawesi creatively combined limited rice with various vegetables such as water spinach, spinach, basil, pumpkin, and corn. Then it's served with side dishes such as skipjack tuna, Nike fish, or salted fish.

Milu Siram

One of my favorites when I'm in Manado, especially if I'm in the Tuminting area, is street food called Milu Siram. Actually, this food is typical of Gorontalo, but there is a quite different version in the Manado region.

Pisang Goroho

Reportedly, this type of banana only grows in the North Sulawesi region. It's a type of banana that can be enjoyed when it's not fully ripe. Usually served with roa chili paste or skipjack fish head. It's very suitable to enjoy in the afternoon accompanied by a cup of warm milk coffee while watching the sunset. Unfortunately, the favorite location to enjoy this culinary delight has moved. It used to be located on Boulevard Manado Street, but now it has moved to Boulevard Tuminting.

Actually, there are still many more culinary delights that become my must-have menu every time I return to Manado. It feels incomplete if one of them is missed.

Thank You For Reading My Post and Thank You For All Curators for the Endless Support, Until Next Time, Peace✌️ and Love ❤️ from Indonesia

Here I Am Explore and Expose The Exotic, Regards @mytravelandscape

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Manado 5 April 2024

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