Homecoming : Books Collection Part 2

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago


Setelah memposting blog tentang koleksi buku favorit saya, saya tergoda untuk melanjutkan tulisan blog ini ke part 2 namun kali ini dengan buku berbeda yang sudah menjadi koleksi saya selama ini.

Buku ini adalah sebuah Novel Dengan Judul "Papap, I Love You" yang di tulis oleh Sundari Mardjuki. Buku ini bercerita tentang Tokoh Utama Bima yang menjalani hidupnya setelah perceraian dengan istrinya, dan Kedekatan Bima dengan Anak laki-lakinya Kaka yang berada dalam pengasuhan Mantan Istrinya Rayna. Berbagai macam Konflik terjadi terutama antara Bima, Rayna dan Kaka yang membawa kita pada suatu perjalanan hidup yang sering terjadi di dunia modern saat ini.


Dalam novel ini terdapat pula sebuah kisah Romantis antara Bima yang perlahan membuka hatinya, dengan seorang Wanita muda, namun konflik kembali muncul terutama karena pandangan di masyarakat Jawa dan Indonesia pada umumnya tentang status seorang Duda.


Novel ini saya beli di tahun 2014, sebagai bahan bacaan saya sebagai buku untuk memberikan motivasi hidup. Novel ini termasuk salah satu novel yang paling sering saya baca hingga berulang-ulang kali, karena banyak sekali pelajaran yang bisa saya ambil dari segala macam persoalan dan konflik yang terjadi di novel ini. Penulis menurut saya sangat berhasil menghadirkan cerita yang mudah di cerna namun tetap dalam sebagai bahan renungan. Sebuah kualitas yang baik untuk sebuah novel motivasi hidup.

Penulis yang seorang wanita, sedikit menggambarkan tokoh utama Bima sebagai seorang laki-laki Idaman, tidak berlebihan walau kadang terkesan tidak realistis namun Bima tetaplah seorang manusia biasa yang memiliki kekurangan. Sehingga kita tidak berkutat dengan Sosok tokoh utama yang sempurna sehingga menjadi tidak relate dengan kehidupan di dunia nyata. Lalu penulis juga sangat berhasil dalam penggambaran sosok Rayna, di awal novel kita seperti di suruh untuk membenci Sosok Rayna, namun semakin berjalannya plot cerita kita akhirnya bisa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang latar belakang penyebab mengapa sikapnya bisa sedingin itu.

Dari segi ending cerita, novel ini adalah loose ending, dimana penulis membiarkan pembaca menginterpretasikan sendiri bagaimana endingnya, walaupun kisahnya tergolong happy ending. Namun saya sangat berharap penulis lebih mendetail terkait hal ini, sehingga tidak terkesan terburu-buru untuk diakhiri. Sayang sekali terutama saat pembaca yang mengikuti kisah Bima dari awal berharap setidaknya bisa mengikuti kisah Bima yang akhirnya bahagia.

Namun saya juga paham, barangkali penulis memang sengaja menjabarkan kisah Bima tanpa akhir yang jelas, sengaja menuliskan bahwa walaupun segalanya mulai berjalan baik, hidup masih tetap berjalan dengan kerasnya perjuangan hidup dan masalah yang datang silih berganti dan tanpa henti.

Lagu Dibawah Adalah Lagu yang di feature dalam cerita novel ini. Mungkin pembaca akan menyukainya juga dan seperti saya yang akhirnya jatuh cinta juga dengan lagu ini.

English Version

After posting a blog about my favorite book collection, I felt tempted to continue this blog into part 2, but this time featuring different books that have been part of my collection over the years.

One such book is a novel titled "Papap, I Love You" written by Sundari Mardjuki. The story revolves around the main character, Bima, navigating life after divorcing his wife, and his closeness with his son, Kaka, who is under the care of his ex-wife, Rayna. Various conflicts arise, particularly among Bima, Rayna, and Kaka, leading us on a journey through the challenges often faced in the modern world.

The novel also includes a romantic story where Bima gradually opens his heart to a young woman. However, conflicts arise, especially due to societal views in Javanese and Indonesian culture regarding the status of a widower.

I bought this novel in 2014 as reading material for motivation. It's one of the novels I've read repeatedly because of the many lessons I can draw from the various issues and conflicts depicted. In my opinion, the author successfully presents a story that is easy to comprehend yet profound for reflection – a quality essential for a motivational novel.

The female author portrays the main character, Bima, as an ideal man, not overly exaggerated, allowing him to remain a flawed human being. This prevents the protagonist from being unrealistically perfect, making the story more relatable to real-life situations. The author also excels in depicting the character of Rayna; initially, readers may be led to dislike her, but as the plot unfolds, we gain explanations for her cold demeanor.

In terms of the story's ending, it's a loose ending, where the author lets readers interpret it themselves, although the overall narrative can be considered a happy ending. However, I wish the author had provided more details, avoiding a rushed conclusion. This is especially disappointing for readers who followed Bima's journey from the beginning, hoping for a more detailed account of his eventual happiness.

Nevertheless, I understand that the author might have intentionally chosen to depict Bima's story without a clear ending, emphasizing that, despite things starting to go well, life continues with its relentless struggles and challenges.

The song below is featured in the novel's story. Perhaps readers will enjoy it as much as I did, and eventually falling in love with the song too.

Thank You For Reading My Post and Thank You For All Curators for the Endless Support, Until Next Time, Peace✌️ and Love ❤️ from Indonesia

Here I Am Explore and Expose The Exotic, Regards @mytravelandscape

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Makassar 9 March 2024

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Interesante libro nos presentas amigo, ideal para sumergiese en la historia.

Thank you

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It is a pleasure to visit you

Hi @mytravelandscape :)

Happy Tuesday to you!

I wish the author had provided more details, avoiding a rushed conclusion. This is especially disappointing for readers who followed Bima's journey from the beginning, hoping for a more detailed account of his eventual happiness.

hmmm yes - I think I would find this somewhat frustrating too! Like you are left hanging in limbo... Is it perhaps possible that the author may write a continuance?

It has been many years since I read a fiction story. These days, if I do manage to read anything between two covers... it is normally non-fiction, motivational or inspirational stuff - but if I am completely honest, I actually struggle to read at all now, because I find that I start falling asleep after the first or second paragraph lol!

I have six novels by an author called Lucinda Riley. She was my late moms favourite author. On her 71st birthday and just a month before she passed, we bought her the six books as her birthday present, to give her something to take her mind off her health, but sadly she only ever got as far as the first few pages in the first book.

So now, I have all the books and I keep looking at them every time I walk past my bookshelf... they are asking me to read them. One day I will :)

Honestly, if i remember correctly i even DM the Author Twitter account asking for the sequel. But she said she doesn't know if there will be a sequel..the book cover said that this story based on True Story..

today while at flight i read again this novel instead of playing with my phone. And now i feel different with the last time i read this book..maybe because now I'm a dad like the main character..it give me motivation to learn about how to be a cool dad for my son.

Sometimes when reading a novel or fictional story, i put my self in Main Character story. And think, if the same situation happened to me in real world, how do i react..by Comparing my self and MC of the fiction make me recognize my self more..but doesn't mean that i should react the same like in the story.

I hope you find time to start reading the Book from your mother favorite author..

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the book cover said that this story based on True Story..

That is even more reason to want to hear "more"! :D

today while at flight i read again this novel instead of playing with my phone. And now i feel different with the last time i read this book..maybe because now I'm a dad like the main character..it give me motivation to learn about how to be a cool dad for my son.

It is amazing how our perspective toward the same thing can change as the years move on!

i put my self in Main Character story.

I think if an author is successful in getting a reader to do that - then it is indeed a great story!

I hope you find time to start reading the Book from your mother favorite author..

Thank you @mytravelandscape

This post has received a 100.0 % upvote from @boomerang.

Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it

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