Cap Go Meh Festival

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago


24 Februari 2024 adalah hari perayaan Cap Go Meh di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Festival lampion yang merupakan rangkaian dari acara perayaan tahun baru China.

Sayangnya perayaan kali ini saya tidak ikut serta dalam mengabadikan kegiatan acara ini. Namun acara ini mengingatkan perayaan di tahun 2018 lalu dimana saya ikut serta sebagai fotografer yang meliput acara perayaan Fest Cap Go Meh di Kota Manado.

Di kutip dari berbagai Sumber, Perayaan Cap Go Meh memiliki sejarah yang kaya dan bercampur antara tradisi Tionghoa dan budaya lokal di Indonesia. Awalnya, Cap Go Meh merujuk pada hari ke-15 dalam kalender Tionghoa, yang juga dikenal sebagai hari "Yuan Xiao" dalam perayaan Imlek.

Perayaan ini melibatkan berbagai aktivitas seperti pemujaan leluhur, pertunjukan barongsai, tarian naga, dan pelepasan lampion. Cap Go Meh menjadi perayaan akhir dari rangkaian perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek.

Secara historis, Cap Go Meh di Indonesia menjadi simbol integrasi dan harmonisasi antara komunitas Tionghoa dengan masyarakat setempat. Pada masa lalu, acara ini mencerminkan toleransi dan saling pengertian antar-etnis. Seiring waktu, perayaan Cap Go Meh di Indonesia berkembang menjadi peristiwa yang meriah, mencerminkan keberagaman budaya yang kaya di negara ini. Perayaan ini juga menjadi kesempatan bagi orang-orang dari berbagai latar belakang untuk bersatu dan merayakan keberagaman budaya yang ada.

Sedangkan bagi kami fotografer, Perayaan ini adalah surga bagi Travel dan Street Photography. Berikut adalah Foto yang saya ambil pada acara Perayaan Tersebut.


Penari Kabasaran Dengan baju adat Khas Suku Minahasa


Barongsai Dancer


Flying Dragon











Me After the Festival

English Version

On February 24, 2024, is the celebration day of Cap Go Meh in several regions in Indonesia. It is a lantern festival that is part of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Unfortunately, I did not participate in documenting this event this time. However, this event reminds me of the celebration in 2018 when I participated as a photographer covering the Cap Go Meh Festival in Manado City.
Quoting from various sources, the Cap Go Meh celebration has a rich history, blending Chinese traditions with local culture in Indonesia. Originally, Cap Go Meh refers to the 15th day in the Chinese calendar, also known as "Yuan Xiao" day in the Lunar New Year celebration.
The celebration involves various activities such as ancestor worship, lion and dragon dances, and lantern releases. Cap Go Meh marks the end of the Lunar New Year festivities.

Historically, Cap Go Meh in Indonesia symbolizes integration and harmony between the Chinese community and the local population. In the past, this event reflected tolerance and mutual understanding among different ethnic groups. Over time, the Cap Go Meh celebration in Indonesia has evolved into a vibrant event, reflecting the country's rich cultural diversity. It also serves as an opportunity for people from various backgrounds to come together and celebrate the existing cultural diversity.

As For us Photographer, This celebration is a paradise for Travel and Street Photography. Here are the photos I took at that event.

Thank You For Reading My Post and Thank You For All Curators for the Endless Support, Until Next Time, Peace✌️ and Love ❤️ from Indonesia

Here I Am Explore and Expose The Exotic, Regards @mytravelandscape

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Makassar 26 February 2024

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

 5 months ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 5 months ago 

It looks like this indonesian celebration in is a fascinating blend of Chinese traditions and local culture, promoting integration and harmony among different ethnic groups. Beautiful shots as always, and by the last photo of you i can say that you can be a lil bit exhausted but happy by your work. Thank you for participating 😄

Yes it awesome Annual celebrations..Glad that after pandemic the Celebration will start can say that, tired but happy

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