Photo Contest: Post Processing #20 [ENG/ESP

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

"It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head."

Henri Cartier-Bresson


Photo Contest: Post Processing #20 [ENG/ESP]

Still life photography is a photographic genre in which inanimate objects are traditionally photographed.

In this genre, the arrangement of the elements in the image, that is, the graphic composition and the framing, together with the lighting, are the fundamental parameters to achieve a good capture, even beyond the photographer's skill.

The favorite elements in still life photography are flowers, food and objects that are usually found on a desk, although it is not limited only to the aforementioned elements.

For this new initiative by @bambuka from the World of Xpilar Community, to take an image framed within this photographic genre, and obviously, to describe the creative process.

In this sense, I searched inside my home for wooden or wicker baskets that could be used for photography, however, the baskets I have are large and I do not have a physical space (tables, walls, etc.) that meets the lighting conditions, among other aspects, suitable for use as an improvised photographic studio.

On the other hand, the vegetables and fruits that were inside my fridge did not look attractive enough to be included in a photograph, so I decided to discard them.

Finally, I chose some objects that I placed on an antique dark wood table, which I leaned against the wall of my living room that is painted in an aged red wine color, and which, due to its location near the windows and balcony doors, provides me with adequate lighting, which I can control at will by opening or closing the curtains.

La fotografía de bodegón o de naturaleza muerta, conocida en inglés como still life, es un género fotográfico donde tradicionalmente se fotografian objetos inanimados.

En este género, la disposición de los elementos en la imagen, es decir, la composición gráfica y el encuadre, junto a la iluminación, son los parámetros fundamentales para lograr una buena captura, más allá incluso de la habilidad del fotógrafo.

Los elementos predilectos en la fotografía still life, son las flores, alimentos y los objetos que usualmente se consiguen en un escritorio, aunque no se limita únicamente a los elementos anteriores nombrados.

Para esta nueva iniciativa del compañero @bambuka de la Comunidad World of Xpilar, se nos solicita a todos los participantes, tomar una imagen enmarcada dentro de este género fotográfico, y evidentemente, describir el proceso creativo.

En este sentido, busqué dentro de mi hogar cestas de madera o de mimbre que pudieran servirme para fotografiar, sin embargo, las cestas que poseo son de grandes dimensiones y no dispongo de un espacio físico (mesas, paredes, etc.) que reúna las condiciones de iluminación, entre otros aspectos, idóneos para usar como un estudio fotográfico improvisado.

Por otra parte, las verduras y frutas que se encontraban dentro de mi nevera, no lucían lo suficiente atractivas como para incluirlas dentro de una fotografía, por lo cual, opté por descartarlas.

Finalmente, escogí algunos objetos que coloqué sobre una antigua mesa de madera oscura, la cual apoyé sobre la pared de mi sala que está pintada de un color vino tinto envejecido, y que por su ubicación cerca de las ventanas y de las puertas del balcón, me brinda una iluminación adecuada, la cual puedo controlar a mi entera voluntad abriendo o cerrando las cortinas.





After doing some tests, placing or removing objects, I decided to choose one of the images I took, to process it with the Picsart and Snapseed applications that I usually use for photo editing as I have described in previous posts.

During the processing of the selected image, I tried to modify the parameters of lighting, brightness, contrast, saturation and shadows, until I obtained a result that complied with the standards that characterize this photographic genre.

Luego de realizar algunos ensayos, colocando o retirando objetos, decidí escoger una de las imágenes que tomé, para procesarla con las aplicaciones Picsart y Snapseed que acostumbro usar para la edición de fotografías como lo he descrito en posts anteriores.

Durante el procesamiento de la imagen seleccionada, busqué modificar los parámetros de iluminación, brillo, contraste, saturación y sombras, hasta obtener un resultado que cumpliese con los estánderes que caracterizan este género fotográfico.


Personally, I was very pleased with this week's assignment, as I had never before ventured into this photographic genre, so the selection of objects, their framing within the camera screen, and their subsequent editing, represented a challenge for me, and at the same time, a learning experience.

Finally, I don't know for sure if the photo I chose was the best or the most attractive of the lot, or even if the placement of the selected elements within the graphic composition was the right one or not, but in any case, I think it was the one I could get the most out of when editing it.

En lo personal, me agradó muchísimo la asignación de esta semana, por cuanto nunca antes había incursionado en este género fotográfico, por lo que la selección de los objetos, su encuadre dentro de la pantalla de la cámara, y su posterior edición, representaron para mí un reto, y a su vez, un aprendizaje.

Finalmente, no sé a ciencia cierta si la foto que escogí fue la mejor o la más atractiva del lote, o incluso, si la ubicación de los elementos seleccionados dentro de la composición gráfica fué la adecuada o no, pero en cualquier caso, creo que era la que podía sacarle mayor provecho al momento de editarla.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 21-04-2023


Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando


 last year 


 last year 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

In my view and opinion is only the fourth of your photos interesting. Frankly spoken, the others are or seem to me as purely shot by chance. (With taste or gusto, no doubt!) But the triad of the 4th picture speaks to me from father, mother, child and from alcoholism and co-alcoholism, from a hidden tragedy. In other words, it reveals a deep sense to me.

 last year 

Hmm... the glass bottle is empty, pot-bellied without a cork (which means it's probably empty, the beer mug looks too dry, and the cup is empty... I'm late again... everything is drunk without me 🤣😂 😅
Interesting colors and shapes, I'm a little lacking in darkness around the edges of the frame, but overall I like it :)

Sorry you were late... 😂😂😂

Probably some other time... and this bottle is not empty


 last year 

... ... well, well... I'll have to buy a plane ticket... I'll take rye bread, pickles, sauerkraut and smoked bacon with me...
🤣😂 😅

 last year 

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


 last year 

This photo is my favorite, it tells a story)

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