Photo contest: post processing #18 -- work on the task "subject" photographysteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)

The conditions of the new stage of the competition from @bambuka seemed impossible to me at first, but @echooo suggested with his bold post how this could be done and I decided to follow in his footsteps and also "sell" something.

When I was choosing objects to create photos for the proposed "sale", my eyes fell on an old case from a NOKIA phone in which my Khomus is stored, And although I understood how difficult it would be to create a successful composition with it, the choice stopped on it.



A Khomus is a musical instrument, but by itself it does not sound like, for example, a guitar, where the resonator is its plywood body. The resonator for the sound of the Khomus is the oral cavity of the musician. There are many types and modifications of this tool and it is widespread not only in Yakutia, where the specimen you see in the photo comes from.


My Khomus is made of bronze and brass, and this determines the peculiarity of its sound. If part of it was made of steel, then the sound would be different. Therefore, those who are seriously engaged in playing the Hamuz always have different modifications of it. One thing was enough for me to study this game, and I don't plan to arrange concerts. This is music for me and those around me.


No matter how I twisted it, it didn't fit well into the frame. We can say that he did not want to be photographed at all without the protection of his case.


In any case, minimalism does not suit Khomus at all, so it turned out that it turned out. There is some asceticism, of course, in all this, but minimalism requires more background. But if I make more background, then the item that I am preparing for "sale" will "drown" in it. in this case, the buyer should see all the features and textures.


I photographed some things through a magnifying glass and its distortions, it seems to me, decorated the frame a little.


Probably, you have already felt how pleasant it is to hold this tool in your hand. It is quite heavy, although small in size. I haven't cleaned it for a long time and I like the oxide coating that has appeared, which gives its appearance nobility.



The khomus is "sold" together with this case from an old push-button phone. I also find some value in it, but of an antique nature. It's a pity to part, but it's also a pity to separate them. They got used to each other for a long time. The price is too high in the hope that they won't sell for it, and I'm not going to reduce it :)


And now you can listen to the similarity of its sound. It is very similar for both performers, but the second one is more accurate.

The following video is dedicated to a lecture with a lesson on playing this instrument. That's about how I learned it.

Camera used: mobilography


Thank you very much for visiting and reading!

With you @lllll1ll


100% SP (and manual translation to SP)

............... #club100 ..............

 last year 

был у меня хомус, из Якутии привёз, да сыну отдал поиграть... надо будет забрать, если ещё жив)) Правда он был из нержавейки.

Хорошо рекламируешь, я склоняюсь к мысли о покупке, тем более он из бронзы и латуни. Не колокольный звук, конечно, но думаю, что его вибрации полезны для организма))

Цена, конечно,... кусается... )))

 last year 

этот тоже якутский. Каждому Хомусу своё время, мой - вечерний, закатный.
Если бы вибрации были не полезны, на нём бы не играли, а играющие погибали бы :), но и тут опять же - всему своё время.

 last year 

тут видимо надо обратиться к хронопунктуре :)
Каждому меридиану своя вибрация в своё время))

 last year 

Вот это да...! Посмотрел сейчас картинки по запросу и не увидел подобного. Все какие-то сувенирные на выдаче.
Сколько ему лет и как часто использовался? Он на заказ сделан или просто куплен у мастера?

 last year 

с 2006-го он у меня, а так сколько ему, не знаю. Два года использовался интенсивно, но на нём это никак не отразилось, но отразилось на моих передних зубах. Пришлось менять. В этом смысле - опасная штука, пока учишься и что-то делаешь неправильно., не слушая учителей.

Me for my own part would have adored your picture #3 (counted from top) if this would show more of the shadow and less of the khomus.

I had such a mallet fiddle in mind while I took this photo:


 last year 

I understand you and support your opinion, but now we have a specific task: to take photos in the SUBJECT genre. And this genre does not imply artistry of performance, but a comprehensive disclosure of the features of the object: form, material, purpose. The version of the photo you have proposed does not say anything specific about the subject, but there is a lot of your attitude to it and it is very well suited for another genre.

The version of the photo you have proposed

You are speaking of my contribution to the "party" and of the picture from the "sun"?

Thanks for reading and thinking!

Where did you get your "definition" of subject photography from?
The source I used reads not like this: "comprehensive disclosure of the features of the object: form, material, purpose".
Therefore I think your definition is more narrow, as I already noticed in another comment (pointing out that subject photography is far more than object photography). And although it "does not imply artistry of performance", it does on the other hand not exclude this perspective.

By the way, if I'm wrong and therefore have missed the broadly accepted definition (if so), then I will withdraw my contribution and excuse me for my mistake.

 last year 

I meant only the photo that you showed here in your comment. It is undoubtedly artistic, and very interesting in execution, but it does not give an idea of the subject. She is only mysterious and beautiful. This is a photo of philosophy and mood :).

Your contest post contains material suitable for the task. There's a photo of a lamp in the interior. Why shouldn't she be like that? Everything is fine there. I look at it and have a good idea of how this same lamp will work in my environment.

Many thanks for clearing!

I meant only the photo that you showed here in your comment. It is undoubtedly artistic, and very interesting in execution, but it does not give an idea of the subject.

That is very right!

She is only mysterious and beautiful. This is a photo of philosophy and mood :).

That is very nice, and as I appreciate your professional opinion, I'm very glad!

 last year (edited)

there is a clear explanation of the SUBJECT photo at this link, but it is in Russian. I can make a translation for you if something is unclear after your transliteration.

I wouldn't "teach" anyone if I didn't understand this topic. I am a designer who also works in advertising, and this is the kind of photo I have to deal with. I don't make them myself, but I choose and use the material for the design of the accompanying material.

Thanks for this also - in the link I find 2 photos which I've already seen in a comment from you to bambooka (while I was to lazy to let translate your words - so it is my "punishment" not to be enlightened).
I'll try to manage the translation - and I thank your for your offer to help me if necessary.

 last year 

It will be difficult to handle the translation of what I wrote @bambuka. I wrote there in the wrong style, but it is understandable to him, and your translator will translate so that you will laugh, but you will not be able to understand much. :)

"CC" @bambuka:

The Google translator in my Chrome browser can display LeonaStage's page well and translate it smoothly (except for the font within an image, of course).
This confirms what I had already suspected after a brief search for the keyword "Subject Photography": In German and in English (Wikipedia, for example) the term is used differently compared to your definition! The Google translator renders "Предметная" = "Subject" from the Russian LeonaStage page as "motif" or "product". This also explains to me the claim that this is a new genre since about the year 2000 (in connection with online marketing). By the way, I don't believe this claim, because in mail order catalogues this has been happening since about 1950.
In English Wikipedia, there is no genre called "subject photography". Instead, one can find interesting descriptions of "subject" versus "object" in photography on the internet.

Briefly summarised:
We are dealing with a linguistic problem in translation. So what Bambuka meant by "предметная" is probably not at all what I had understood according to his English translated text!
Hence the product-related contributions from all those who understand Russian...

Translated with (free version)

Der Google-Übersetzer in meinem Chrome-Browser kann die Seite von LeonaStage gut darstellen und flüssig übersetzen (außer natürlich die Schrift innerhalb eines Bildes).
Dabei bestätigt sich, was ich schon vermutet hatte nach einer kurzen Recherche nach dem Schlagwort "Subject Photography": Im Deutschen und im Englischen (Wikipedia zum Beispiel) wird der Begriff anders verwendet! Der Google-Übersetzer gibt "Предметная" = "Subject" aus der russischen LeonaStage-Seite wieder mit "Motiv" oder "Produkt". Das erklärt mir auch die Behauptung, dass das ein neues Genre sei seit etwa dem Jahr 2000 (im Zusammenhang mit Online-Vermarktung). Übrigens glaube ich diese Behauptung nicht, denn in Katalogen für den Versandhandel findet das schon seit etwa 1950 statt.
Im englischen Wikipedia gibt es kein Genre mit dem Namen "subject photography". Man kann stattdessen im Internet interessante Beschreibungen finden von "subject" versus "object" in der Fotografie.

Kurz zusammengefasst:
Wir haben es hier mit einem sprachlichen Problem bei der Übersetzung zu tun. Was Bambuka mit "предметная" meinte, ist also wahrscheinlich gar nicht das, was ich nach seinem englisch übersetzten Text verstanden hatte!
Daher auch die auf Produkte bezogenen Beiträge von all denen, die Russisch verstehen...

 last year 

It seems to me that @bambuk meant "still life" in general, but he just expressed his thoughts the wrong way, using the wrong word from his very rich language, where almost every word has several meanings. That's what I started talking about there, to find out exactly what he meant. The connection of the "subject" genre with the "minimalist" style seemed paradoxical to me.

When formulating tasks for the competition, you need to try to be very precise, taking into account all the problems of translation and the degree of preparation of participants. That's what we faced, that only a few of them understood the task correctly.

 last year 

By the way, I don't believe this claim, because in mail order catalogues this has been happening since about 1950.

Merchants from online stores simply privatized this genre for themselves and this is wrong))

I can assume that photographing everyday objects in documentary photography can also be attributed to the subject genre.

 last year (edited)

Subject photography is a genre of photographic art that clearly demonstrates the appearance of products and product groups. The task of professional photographers of online stores, bloggers, photostockers and amateurs is to show important consumer characteristics and design in the most attractive way. Photographing objects gives room for creativity, composition, and working with light.

The history of subject photography.
Subject photography as an independent and significant direction of photographic art originated in the early 2000s with the advent of online stores. The inability to see the object of the order in reality imposed increased requirements on the image — it is important to reflect all the nuances in the catalog and show the advantages of the choice.

Here is a good example of such a photo


 last year 

The search gave us the same sites))
What I meant by giving out the task, I outlined [here] ( )

Advertisers and merchants famously privatized a whole genre for themselves. The search gives only a commercial interpretation. Yes, from the point of view of the modern approach, a subject photo is now a photo of a "product", even catalog photography is not mentioned by many gurus. But after all, still life in its essence can be attributed to subject shooting. Individual elements of architecture can also be considered as separate objects.

I understand you as a professional who adheres to the established canons. But some rules exist in order to break them :)

Поиск выдавал нам одни и те же сайты))
Что я имел в виду выдавая задание, я изложил здесь

Рекламщики и торгаши лихо приватизировали себе целый жанр. Поиск выдаёт только коммерческую трактовку. Да, с точки зрения современного подхода предметное фото сейчас это фото "товара", даже каталожная съёмка многими гуру не упоминается. Но ведь и натюрморт по своей сути можно отнести к предметной съёмке. Отдельные элементы архитектуры тоже можно рассматривать как отдельные объекты.

Я понимаю тебя как профессионала, который придерживается сложившихся канонов. Но некоторые правила для того и существуют, чтобы их нарушать :)

 last year (edited)

я не могу с тобой согласиться даже на один процент, если ты охарктеризовал своё задание, как следование определённому жанру. Не умножай путаницу и просто подумай о том, что все эти дни говорится. Потрет тоже можно преподнести как фото еды, если модель покрыть сбитыми сливками и посыпать тёртым шоколадом...

Правила любят нарушать те, кто в них не разбирается, но никому не запрещено создать свой собственный жанр со своими правилами и продвигать его, если это проще, чем следовать тому, что уже создано.

Удачи! Меня уже начинают напрягать эти бессмысленные разговоры.

 last year 

если людоед, то шоколад может всё испортить :)))
Таки начал думать... :)

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