Happy Caturday: missing my orange cats in the countryside.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Time flies too fast; I wished I could slow tons down! The earth must be spinning faster each year; I could feel that my sleeping time had been shortened each year! Something mysterious must be happening in the universe without us knowing! So, I count the days when I could be with my cats again. They should be missing me too, I hope.


I am in the process of trying to tue up loose ends and pack up things or throw away things which have weighted me down from leaving the city. I should have sold my apartment and move to the countryside ages ago. Then the plandemics of coronavirus started to create havocs in people’s lives. Everything came to a stand still during the two years lockdown.


My life was turned upside down and I had to pull myself together to get through the hard time. It was quite challenging as I could hardly talk to anyone which pushed me to make an effort to go through the difficult times. Other people had much worse an ordeal than me.


This valuable process had taught me many lessons and I had became much calmer and stronger spiritually. It was hard when I had to leave my cats with the gardener for almost a year. I was worried if they would no longer recognise me after my long absence.


It took several days for the orange cats to come near me. I had to be patient and just waited for when they were ready to let me touch them. They were very cautious and jumpy for days. Luckily, they didn’t reject me altogether.


I was afraid that they would be angry with me for leaving them on their own over nine months. They might have felt hurt and thought I had left them forever. So, I had to sit down and talk to them; telling them about coronavirus and the crazy lockdown and sufferings by many people. They listened to me patiently and decided to let it go.


I was glad we came back together as a family of good friends once again. I fed them and played with them and watched them sleep at their fsvourite spots. It was such a nice feeling to have orange cats around the house. They were very gentle and timid cats that were fond of sunbathing and rolling in sunshine.


Now I have to try to reduce their weights a bit! They have put on extra weights too fast this year. I would like to see them healthy and strong until their old age. So, there would be no need to see the vet. I was grateful to have these orange cats in my life.


They have made me more receptive and sensitive to all creatures big and small. They have sheen me that all life is precious and cats also have feeling or emotions too. My cats showed that they had good memories and they could understand our language too.


It was quite entertaining watching my cats sleeping deeply. I wondered whether they had any dreams like humans. As they couldn’t speak my language, they couldn’t tell me about their dreams nor could they complain to me about their life. I just hope I could look after them and keep them happy and healthy for many years into the future.


Wishing you a very nice day!

See you.

 2 years ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Many animals suffered cruel separations from their owners, many sad stories left by the coranavirus, your cats are beauties, they look like stuffed animals, I'm glad you have that beautiful connection, they feel a lot and understand.


Thank you very much for your kind comment and understanding.


They are such beautiful cats, too! I always enjoy your photos of them. The whole Corona circus was very difficult for a lot of people... and many were separated from their furry friends by lockdowns.

Hopefully you can be together permanently.
Happy Caturday!

Thanks so much for your comment. Yeah. I knew a lady who had to leave two cats at a temple while she was under state quarantine! She was very guilty and her life didn’t go very well after that.

Hopefully, they wouldn’t release the latest virus from Boston university! It killed 80% of mice in the labaratory! Such advance research on gain of function!

I miss having kittens running around playing in my Garden...

So, you used to have cats as your pets. You should have three new kittens!!
A friend who lost her two dogs years ago; had decided to adopt four kittens! Suddenly her life seemed much more cheerful and more exciting!

Adopt some kittens!

I still have a Cat named George... He wandered into my Garden and decided to stay...

Oh! Good! Do show George’s photos some time.
I used to have a house gecko called George a few years ago. He became so big and we thought someone stole him as he could fetch very good price in some market! I do miss the huge gecko on the wall!lol

Oh! George is handsome and lovely! Very cuddly too!
He looks so happy there.

George is very smart...

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