You know when it starts, but not when it will endsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

You know when it starts, but not when it will end.



Men do not see it coming, but it comes, that moment when temperatures on earth become below zero for an indefinite time. Yes, one knows the moment when it begins, but not when it will end. Many saw it coming, and prepared for that moment, some were called crazy, because they were digging and making subway caves where they would hide when the time came, but nobody was told the whereabouts of these caves.

They didn't dare give details for fear of being harshly judged and even locked up in psychiatric hospitals, or worse, being subjected to legal trials for sowing panic over something that (supposedly) would never happen, but did happen, is happening, has begun and no one knows until when. Some claim to have had ancient connections, others also say that this information has been obtained from extraterrestrial beings, but in truth, no one seems to believe anything like that.

Unfortunately, the less cautious, those who did not prepare themselves, have lost their lives in the face of this harsh cold wave that does not distinguish race, age, or social status. Money is useless, it has also frozen next to its owners. Everything out there seems more like a kind of ice museum, in which human figures, animals, and other objects are so similar to the real ones that one could be confused... in fact, they are real, but they are those who could not escape from the onslaught of the climate, which came as a surprise to many, too many. Even in their frozen faces you can see that gesture of surprise as saying What's going on?. Some even remained static between a cover of ice when they realized what was happening and tried to escape.

There were those who were in charge of preparing large caves, I said it before, in which for a long time they were storing food, energy generating plants, among many other things that would allow them to live well for some years, because as -I also said it before-, you never know when this process may end. That's how a few families find themselves living in a kind of primitive cave but with certain comforts, which they can now value much more.

The mountains, the trees, little by little were covered with ice, there was nothing exposed that could be saved from this, nature has its own particular way of acting, this is one of those ways.

However, we know that everything in life, in the history of the world, is cyclical, and this will end, it is not known when nor where this end will begin, nor is it known how many families of those cautious will be able to survive, but it will be interesting to be able to tell this story, and to strengthen the idea that many transcendental things and often you know the moment when they begin, but not when they will end.

This fiction has been created from the digital art of @xpilar. For more information consult this Publication

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josevasGIFT FINAL.gifLOGOTOP.png
 4 years ago 

Thanks for the great story @josevas217, yes we do not know when it will end

Thanks to you @xpilar for permanently supporting everyone and for sharing your art.
Happy New Year.

Eso mismo le pasó a Noé, no creyeron en lo del diluvio, no lo pensaron. Así está pasando hoy en día con lo del calentamiento del planeta. Yo siempre he sido conservacionista, y lo del calentamiento global es una realidad, los polos se están derritiendo, y una helada es algo que salvaría al planeta.
Sin embargo, no todo son malas noticias, la pandemia, detuvo temporalmente la producción industrial, responsable de la contaminación ambiental que generó la disminución de la capa de ozono y por ende, el calentamiento global.
Este tiempo ha servido para que la capa de ozono se restituya y los espacios de los mares, lagos y ríos se descontaminen un poco. Hemos sido testigos del cambio que ha dado el planeta y la sociedad, definitivamente el mundo ya no es el mismo.

Aprendamos de estas reflexiones y preparémonos para esas contigencias.

Un gran saludo amigo @josevas217

Hola @fjjrg
Si, hay ejemplos de estos casos en la historia, quizás el de Noe es el mas conocido.
Tal como dice, estos tiempos han servido para muchas cosas, y la realidad es que hubo un cambio global incluso en la mentalidad de las personas. Esperemos se haya aprendido mucho más de lo aparente.

Podríamos pensar que la naturaleza es impredecible, sería bueno que quienes se han preparado hayan podido lograr su cometido. Es una buena historia que muestra cómo los cambios climáticos podrían dar una situación tan drástica como esta, donde no todos se enteran y quienes sí toman precauciones son pocos.
Saludos cordiales.

Si, esto es realmente un gran detalle, al final creo que todos somos conscientes de los grandes cambios que están ocurriendo en el mundo, desde todos los puntos de vista, pero muchas veces estamos tan "ensimismados" que se hace difícil ver que eso que ocurre realmente nos afecta a todos. Esperemos que vengan cambios a positivo. Gracias por comentar.

Hola amigo @josevas217 creo que es una frase que aplica muy bien a lo que vivimos actualmente, todos estamos esperando porque llegue ese FINAL, pero solo nos queda esperar!!

Gran historia, saludos!! :)

Hola, si, es que la realidad es que si no se logra frenar gran parte de la destrucción lenta que se viene haciendo, el final no va a ser bueno. Sólo para unos pocos.

Una importante reflexión, sobre todo apegada a la situación que vivimos actualmente como raza humana, hemos detectado el inicio de la pandemia , pero no sabemos cuando va a terminar ni cómo lo va hacer.

Es como dicen los scouts en su lema "Siempre Listos", se debe estar preparado para cualquier contingencia, sobre todo por que a nivel de clima, éste es muy impredecible con exactitud.

Una muy buena participación. Felicidades.

Gracia @centauro1
Fíjate que no había relacionado mi escrito con la pandemia, pero es verdad, no sabemos cuando va a terminar realmente...
Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

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