The island of winds. Competition @xpilar

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 years ago (edited)


Sailing at sea, we had a setback with the arrival of a big storm, strong winds and waves repeatedly hitting the boat we were sailing, our captain tried to control the boat but a sudden movement made the rudder break, we lost our way, our point of orientation had been lost to the storm.
Navegando en altamar, tuvimos un contratiempo ante la llegada de una gran tormenta, fuertes vientos y olas golpeaban repetidamente a la embarcación que tripulábamos, nuestro capitán trataba de controlar el bote pero un repentino movimiento hizo que el timón se rompiera, perdimos el rumbo, nuestro punto de orientación se había perdido ante la tempestad.


While the storm was raging, we crew members were looking for ways to secure the boat and keep us afloat, the captain along with the technicians were trying to repair the rudder to control the ship. We all worked as a team, the storm was passing letting us see the horizon clearly, however the boat continued to sail without any reason, everyone was incredulous at the behavior of the ship, -Land," shouts one of us, "some of the crew had realized that there was an island nearby where we could dock, they repaired the rudder, and the captain set a direct course for the island, but he could not make it.
Mientras la tormenta arreciaba, nosotros los tripulantes buscábamos las maneras para asegurar el bote y mantenernos a flote, el capitán junto a los técnicos trataban de reparar el timón para controlar la nave. Todos trabajamos en equipo, la tormenta estaba pasando dejando ver el horizonte con claridad, sin embargo la embarcación seguía navegando sin razón alguna, todos estaban incrédulos ante el comportamiento que poseía la nave, -¡tierra!, grita uno de nosotros, algunos tripulantes se habían dado cuenta de que había una isla cerca en el cual podríamos atracar, repararon el timón, y el capitán puso rumbo directo a la isla, pero no pudo lograrlo.


A wind current was generated from the island, preventing the passage of the boat, the wind dragged them around the island without allowing them to get close, the pride and foolishness of the capital of the boat did not evidence the natural force that protected that small territory and decided to face the strong gust of wind, the bow of the boat received an impact bending and splitting the deck of the boat in several parts.
Una corriente de viento se generaba desde la isla, impidiendo el paso de la embarcación, el viento los arrastraba alrededor de la isla sin permitirle acercarse, el orgullo y la necedad del capital del bote no evidenciaba la fuerza natural que protegía a ese pequeño territorio y decidió enfrentarse a la fuerte ráfaga de viento, la proa del bote recibió un impacto doblándose y partiendo la cubierta de la embarcación en varias partes.


The boat began to sink while we were looking for a way to save ourselves, some began to sink to the bottom of the sea after losing consciousness due to the strong collision, only two of us could manage to get out of the waters thanks to a large piece of wood floating around us
La embarcación comenzó a hundirse mientras nosotros buscábamos la manera de salvarnos, algunos comenzaron a hundirse hasta el fondo del mar tras perder el conocimiento por el fuerte choque, solo dos pudimos lograr salir de las aguas gracias a un gran pedazo de madera que flotaba alrededor de nosotros.


The Coast Guard received a report of a lost boat, they began to deploy in the great water territory in search of the boat, after long hours of searching, they were able to find two castaways on a makeshift barge, when rescuing them, the guards asked us who we were and what we were up to, knowing that we were two of the crew members of that missing boat, they asked us again about the boat and the other crew members, but we only answered them, they were swallowed by the island of the winds!
La guardia costera recibieron una denuncia por una embarcación perdida, estos comenzaron a desplegarse por el gran territorio acuífero en busca del bote, después de largas horas de búsqueda, pudieron encontrar a dos náufragos sobre una barza improvisada, al rescatarlos, los guardias nos preguntaron quienes eramos y en que andábamos, al conocer que eramos dos de los tripulantes de aquel barco desaparecido, nos volvieron a preguntar sobre el barco y los demás tripulantes, pero nosotros solo les respondimos, ¡se los tragó la isla de los vientos!.


Esta publicación está basada en la imagen creada por el amigo @xpilar.
This publication is based on the image created by the friend @xpilar.


I am a member of the community Knitrias-Project

Soy miembro de la comunidad Knitrias-Project

I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any recommendations, please can leave it through a comment

This has been all for the moment.


Thanks for the great story @jadnven

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In this story are combined several fundaments of a good structure, conflict, action, human arrogance and recognition. Your background is powerful and the characters well drawn. You've created a whole world by the inspiration of the image, @Jadnven, awesome contribution!!

Best wishes for life and projects!!

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