A short break to start new medication. Joy in the chemotherapy room. / Un breve descanso para comenzar con nuevo medicamento. Alegria en la sala de quimioterapia.

in WORLD OF XPILAR10 months ago


Hello my dear friends. Yesterday, Thursday, December 14, was my fourth chemotherapy. The doctor already closed his consultations until January 8, 2024 and told me that we would start with the new year the new treatment which will be Paclitaxel along with a cell blocker called Tractuzumab, it is the medication that worries me because until now they are not delivering it at the High Cost Pharmacy and patients have had to buy it and it has a value of 1,650 dollars. Trusting God that by January they have supplied the pharmacy with the medications.

So I am preparing myself in prayer so that everything turns out as well as it has been happening so far with the help of God and all my friends and family. The doctor told me to rest these days, eat some hallacas and drink some wine. But the truth is I don't agree with the wine thing because it contains alcohol, but I know the intention was to give me a little peace of mind.


When I arrived there were many patients since they had not had chemotherapy the day before, I don't know what the reason was, but everything moved quickly and I left at 1 in the afternoon.


As always, I was accompanied by my sister to help me with whatever I needed during the time I was in the chemotherapy room. He insisted that I wear that tricolor hat that I have on in the first photo and the truth is that I had intentions of wearing a Santa Claus headband to the Christmas festivities and to cheer up many of the oncology patients but my grandson woke up with asthma and I was very thoughtful and worried about him since he was not breathing well. Thank God everything happened and he came out fine in the tests they did and it's just asthma. Today he feels much better, thank God.


For those who don't know, in every chemotherapy room there is a bell, I asked what it was for and they told me that every time a patient finishes their chemotherapy cycles they have the duty to ring the bell and say a few words. Well, today I had the joy of seeing 2 patients ring that long-awaited bell as a symbol of the completion of treatment.


Two who rang the bell as a symbol of their good progress in the fight against Cancer.

Yesterday two patients, whom I had never seen and whom I do not know, made my heart happy and I think that like me, they gave us all a halo of hope in this battle. I was moved by the words they said about everything they went through in their process and how they turned out well in this great step they have taken. Thank God for your lives and your efforts.


Many times we close ourselves in our problem and see it as immense, but we do not open our eyes to see the problems of others that are many times bigger than ours. This whole process has led me to trust people more, there are still many good and strong, brave and hardworking people. And if they have been able to get ahead, we can too because we are all children of God and He is the one who takes us by the hand to get out of this process well.


And here she is, meet my favorite nurse. I had to take a photo with her so you can see why I have become attached to her. He is a loving person, very attentive to patients, very professional. I thank God for her life and for putting her in my path and during this time I am going to spoil her with gifts, details that we all like to receive.


I also took advantage of the photo opportunity to take one of the staff of nurses and doctors who care for all that large number of patients there, it is not easy to deal with so many people but they are there and with great patience they do their job. I confess that at first I was afraid that they would do the chemo there since the hospitals in Venezuela are not very well equipped, but this one is in very good condition, it has powerfully cold air conditioning and although we must bring all the supplies every time We have a chemo, we understand that given the circumstances of the country we must collaborate for our benefit.

My fourth cycle was delayed a week because I got a fever and flu virus, but it happened very quickly and when I went to ask for another appointment so I wouldn't miss it, they gave me this day. I am much more than convinced that everything is the work of God, the virus went away quickly and I was able to attend this day to see that there is also joy within adversity, we just have to keep our eyes open and not get carried away by bad thoughts. With the help of God everything can be done in this life if we put ourselves in the hands of the Creator. A big hug and I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024. May the peace and love of God be with all of us.

@dream.socialclub @wox-helpfound


Tradiccion al Español:

Hola mis queridos amigos. Ayer Jueves 14 de Diciembre fue mi cuarta quimioterapia. Ya el medico cerro sus consultas hasta el 8 de Enero del 2.024 y me dijo que comenzaramos con el nuevo año el nuevo tratamiento que sera Paclitaxel junto con un bloqueador de celulas llamado Tractuzumab, es el medicamento que me preocupa porque hasta ahora no lo estan entregando en la Farmacia de Alto Costo y los pacientes han tenido que comprarlo y tiene un valor de 1.650 dolares. Confiando en Dios que ya para la fecha de Enero hayan suplido a la farmacia con los medicamentos.

Asi que me estoy preparando en oracion para que todo me salga tan bien como hasta ahora ha venido pasando con la ayuda de Dios y de todos mis amigos y familiares. El doctor me dijo descance estos dias, comace unas hallacas y tomese un vino. Pero la verdad no estoy de acuerdo con lo del vino porque contiene alcohol, pero se que la intencion de el fue darme un poco de tranquilidad.

Al llegar habian muchos pacientes ya que el dia anterior no habian hecho quimioterapias, no se cual fue el motivo, pero todo avanzo rapidamente y sali a la 1 de la tarde.

Como siempre fui acompañada por mi hermana para que me ayude en lo que necesite durante el tiempo que estoy en la sala de quimioterapias. Me insistio que me pusiera ese gorrito tricolor que tengo puesto en la primera foto y la verdad es que yo tenia intenciones de llevar un cintillo de santa claus alisivo a las festividades decembrinas y para animar a muchas de las pacientes del oncologico pero mi nieto amanecio con asma y me fui muy pensativa y preocupada por el, ya que no estaba respirando bien. Gracias a Dios todo paso y salio bien en los examenes que le hicieron y es solo asma. Ya hoy se encuentra mucho mejor gracias a Dios.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, en cada sala de quimioterapias hay una campana, yo pregunte para que era y me dijeron que cada vez que un paciente termina sus ciclos de quimioterapias tiene el deber de tocar la campana y decir unas palabras. Pues hoy tuve la alegria de ver a 2 pacientes tocar esa anhelada campana como simbolo de culminacion de tratamiento.

Dos que tocaron la campana como simbolo de su buen avance en la lucha contra el Cancer.

Ayer dos pacientes, que nunca habia visto y que no conozco, hicieron alegrar mi corazon y creo que como a mi, a todos nos dio un halo de esperanza en esta batalla. Me emocione con las palabras que dijeron por todo lo que pasaron en su proceso y como salieron de bien en este gran paso que han dado. Gracias a Dios por sus vidas y sus esfuerzos.

Muchas veces nos encerramos en nuestro problema y lo vemos inmenso, pero no abrimos los ojos para ver los problemas de otros que son muchas veces mas grandes que los nuestros. Todo este proceso me ha llevado a confiar mas en la gente, todavia hay mucha gente buena y fuerte, valiente y esforzada. Y si ellos han podido salir adelante nosotros tambien podemos porque todos somos hijos de Dios y El es quien nos lleva de la mano para salir bien librado de este proceso.

Y aqui esta ella, les presento a mi enfermera favorita. Tenia que tomarme una foto con ella para que vean por que me he encariñado con ella. Es un amor de persona, muy pendiente de los pacientes, muy profesional. Doy gracias a Dios por su vida y por ponerla en mi camino y durante este tiempo la voy a consentir con regalitos, detalles que a todos nos gusta recibir.

Tambien aproveche la oportunidad de las fotos para tomerle una al staff de enfermeras y medicos que alli atienden a toda esa gran cantidad de pacientes, no es facil tratar con tanta gente pero ahi estan y con mucha paciencia hacen su labor. Les confieso que al principio tenia miedo de que me hicieran alli las quimios ya que en Venezuela no estan muy bien dotados los hospitales, pero este esta en muy buen estado, tiene un aire acondicionada potentemente frio y aunque todos los insumos debemos llevarlos cada vez que tenemos una quimio entendemos que dadas las cirscunstancias del pais debemos colaborar para nuestro beneficio.

Mi cuarto ciclo se retraso una semana debido a que me dio una virosis de fiebre y gripe, pero paso muy rapido y cuando fui a pedir que me dieran otra cita para no perderla me dieron este dia. Estoy mucho mas que convencida que todo es obra de Dios, el virus se fue rapido y pude asistir este dia para ver que tambien hay alegria dentro de la adversidad, solo que tenemos que tener los ojos abiertos y no dejarnos llevar de los malos pensamientos. Con la ayuda de Dios todo se puede hacer en esta vida si nos ponemos en manos del Creador. Un gran abrazo y les deseo una FELIZ NAVIDAD Y UN PROSTERO AÑO 2024. Que la paz y el amor de Dios este con todos nosotros.



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Hi Isabela! You look great!

I think it's wonderful that you always have someone by your side to go through thick and thin with you. And the idea with the bell is great; I've never seen anything similar in this context before, but I imagine it's liberating...

All the best for the future!

Thank you very much. I thought it was interesting to show the bell so that many of those who don't know it know the meaning, yes, it's like a liberation. But it is also a confidence that is given to other patients so that they see that it can be achieved, the path is hard and not very pretty, but the end is encouraging and it is the greatest joy to know that you are a little freed from that evil.

 10 months ago 

We, as a whole team, are very worried about you. Very nice to read your post. We feel so much human strength and faith in God in you! We are also glad that you witnessed good stories from other patients.

We wish you that God will always be with you and never leave you for a minute. You will definitely get through it all. We hope that the medicines will arrive on time and you will not have to buy them at your own expense.

We wish you a speedy recovery. We really want to read the post "I beat cancer."

Thank you very much for your support, without people like you the path would be more difficult. I always count on God because he has answered my prayers and those of all the people who pray for me, you, in the church, in my family and my friends and relatives. As the Bible says: where two or three pray, there is the presence of God. I also hope to write my publication soon: "I beat cancer" , with faith placed in God and with the help of my friends. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Hello Isabel <3

I am so sorry to see that you are going through such a trying time on your life and I admire your strength of character. It truly is admirable.

Hello friend @jaynie, how nice to hear from you. A few days ago I was wondering what would become of you? It's good that you are on these paths and knowing about you makes my heart happy. Thank you for your words and the strength and confidence are given to me by the faith I have in God. A big hug.

Yes, I took a long time off social media and all that stuff. A few years in fact. Anyway, it is nice to be back and lovely to re-connect. I look forward to chatting more again Isabel.


Hope you have a beautiful Sunday!

Amiga,lluvia de bendiciones para usted y todos los que se encuentran en este difícil camino pero imposible salir de él ,lágrimas dejé correr al leer su gran trabajo,vea cómo se puede luchar contra la corriente ,me alegro mucho de los que ya han ganado la batalla,póngase positiva si otro puede usted también puede mucha fe y de que va encontrar esos medicamentos en el nombre de Jehová,no piense en eso ,olvídelo que el día de necesitarlo llegarán,que todo esté bien,que pase una feliz navidad y año Nuevo dispuesta a finalizar todo esto ,así debe ser su actitud de guerrera,si se puede,con Dios nada le perturba,no piense en eso,este tranquila cuidese y espero que diga en enero"Al fin lo logré señor"🙏🩷❤️🙏 Amén.saludos

Muchas gracias amiga @petrarodriguez, en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo asi sera porque hasta ahora no me ha faltado y las fuerzas vienen de mi padre celestial Jehova. Gracias por sus palabras de aliento y sus buenos deseos. Espero confiada en el señor que todo pasara muy pronto.

Así le deseo de todo corazón amiga,Dios está ahí presente,esa es una enfermedad cruel,pero lo importante es no detenerse en pensar en eso hay que echar palante con mucha fé,tengo muchas amigas y una rima que la han superado y dan testimonios de valentía de guerreras y otras que se entregan y se pierden,usted eche palante, diviértase lo más que pueda tenga calidad de vida dentro de lo posible,un abrazo y una noche llena de esperanzas y un lindo amanecer lleno de fé ,❤️🙏❤️🙏

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