More tribulation for almost everything with our lives now? I will not be coping at some point because I will not know how

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

I couldn't help but think that our world now is on fire and we can turn into ashes at any time.



If you are living under a rock all these times, then you are a crab or not human being or failed to realize what is specifically happening with modern Israel and Iran. Recently, Iran in "unprecedented" manner, meaning there are no things like it happened in the past where I ran directly shoot Israel with hundreds of Drones, plus cruise missiles, and then faster ballistic missiles to wreck havoc in the land of Israel. Some of the missiles hit but not causing significant damage other than one child who happened to got hurt which needs a medical attention which she got from a falling debris while in the middle of bombardment by Iran's insidious attack on the general population plus some targets in Israel. Now of course Israel will not make this slide and ignore the fact that Iran directly shot at them for whatever reason they said and telling the public that it was just a retaliation about the assassination of few of of Iran's high-ranking military figures and then some more and then proceeded to tell that if Israel would "return fire", then they will have no choice but to "shoot back" at Israel yet again.



I couldn't suffer more from the lingering pain caused by the coming tribulation which can happen in our world following another great war which is why I am afraid of of it and because of that I must trust God on what he can do to make it less bitter for me personally to experience that type of scenario within my lifetime.

But for Israel, this is the time they have the reason to attack Iran once and for all and personally I think that Israel will going to make Iran feel the consequences of their action not only with this recent direct attack to the land of Israel but also because of Hezbollah and Houthi's in Yemen which had been a thorn against Israel from months to decades already not to even mention Hamas in Gaza and other Iran-backed militias in Iraq, etc. So now it seems that if Israel would retaliate and I guess that they will as they got the reason to do so now, it will create a regional conflict as alliances can now be formed like Iran getting the backing of Russia and China's support and ultimately this will create a big mess that every human will feel regardless that they have no interest with now a regional war that could turn into a wider war, the last war for humans, world war 3, considering that Russia is already an ally with Iran which can either prolong the war with Israel or each of these countries damaging the other in a profound way while the rest of the world feeling it moment by moment from the result of their actions in the process.



In the moment that Israel will feel an existential threat, it will not die with a whimper but launch its nuclear bombs into its adversaries.

But with the direct war with Iran and Israel alone will cause a tremendous economic hardship already because of Iran's capability to shut the part of its territory, the straight of Hormuz where Iran's government and military has a control. It is a very important "sea lane" because a big percentage of oil or fuel being exported passes through it. That oil is then needed by India, China, Japan, and most of southeast Asia, so if the oil is blocked over there, then you know the implications of it already, rising commodity prices in tandem with an already worsening inflation which I can already feel and might get worse for me personally because I am a dialysis patient who uses gas money, and dialysis facility which might either close down or collect high amount of payment because of this supposed high cost of fuel brought about that more probable scenario by which not much fuel would come from the middle-east if Israel decides to make a bigger war with Iran. This is really a fucked-up scenario which I am troubled to see happening in the coming days, weeks, and moths regardless of Bitcoin price surge, well at least we have a hope to use as a "hedge" or protection for getting bankrupt, but it seems that it is happening again when the BTC price plummeted with BTC's response to Russia invading Ukraine, however other factors such as FTX and Terra Luna scandal and fiasco happened in succession which made BTC to visit the 15K prices. But it is different now where a war with involvement of Iran and Russia as its ally against Israel and its own allies with have a conflict where again affect you and me in the bitter way on top of what humans are suffering already from a bad economy because it is a certain great tribulation if these points That I discussed would happen.



If shit hits the fan, a life-ending asteroid sized shit will hit humanity for sure when flying nuclear missiles launches, this will come in a few minutes which most people will not realize that they are dead already in the billions, they are lucky while the rest of humanity dies slowly afterwards. That will be beyond a great tribulation because even the water that you will drink will be contaminated with radiation while the few people in bunkers continues to live until their supplies last.



your post is very helpful for the people. I liked your work and post writing. Best wishes

I appreciate your reaction and thoughts, thank you.

 3 months ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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