Is the best business ever will be the one that you will be enjoying to do until forever?

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago



Working from home is a very good thing but doing what you love to do and still getting rewarded is a whole new and better world to land in.

Ahh, making business, a good way to earn, well... money of course. I firstly contemplated about it while I was still in my senior high school particularly nearing my third level of schooling which was going to College. Like many students or people they have no idea what course to take upon ending the High School years because I myself know that I have to make sure that I really wanted the course before going for it. I have brothers and they too suggested for me to take a degree or a trade, like for example my eldest brother suggested me to take "Drafting" because it is sort of "easier" or that maybe because he is already a tradesman himself because he was already practicing his trade as a Machinist and a welder at that time during the moments that I had a short discussion about what should I take in College. My other brother wants me to take an industrial engineer because he was already going to University taking on Engineering degree because these courses makes sense as it is practical for the reason that after graduation at least I have something to show for the companies that I wanted to get hired from and pick me as their employees although I know that it is easier said than done even after College. But both of my brothers didn't end-up being a full time machinist and a welder (as for my eldest brother) because he figured-out that he will not make substantial money from using his trade skills because of the low wage pay of those skills. So my eldest brother took a four years degree course for being a high school teacher specializing in trades for high school students and now he is doing great and is already satisfied about his career and even not thinking about targeting to be a principal or that sort because as he told us, it will make his work more complicated. My other brother also didn't became an engineer because he already pursued working, first a street sweeper around the compound of their company, up to being a lab technician as a paper tester (he works at a big paper mill), then he became a supervisor, and now a manager where bunches of supervisors reports to him so now he is one of the managers in their company and most possibly getting in the ranks of whatever high position he can ascend up to after his managerial position or probably he is in the peak of his career already. The good thing about my brother's careers was their job security, they will not get fired unless they do a very bad thing at work.



Now when asked what my career now, I just indicted that I am in an informal sector.

As for my college degree, I first told my parents when they asked me what course should I take and so I told them that I wanted to work in a hotel so I picked-up this short course of "hotel and restaurant management" or something like that but it is not a four year degree course. But before I applied for taking that course my father walked up to me and told me in a worried tone that what I wanted to take will be difficult to find a job with. But being young an naïve and still unsure that it will be the best course for me to take in college, I just scrolled up and down unto the brochure of the college near us the next "best" course that I wanted to take which was Commerce major in management. All the while when I was in college, I am still unsure and quite do not know even if I ever finished that course that I could land in a job that I wanted to do because I have no one to in my family and relatives that can give me or advice me some pointers or inspiration to do what is the next thing that I should do. Unfortunately my already weakened body and cognitive performance because of my Kidneys had gotten the bets of me and I just stopped going to College cold Turkey. It is because that for me, not getting a degree means that I can never make it in life because I will be disabled to earn some money considering that I have nothing to use to start-up with because at that time I was thinking that I needed a big capital in my hands to make my own business. The fact that thinking that I was gravely ill in those times had me me to think that everything that I will do will just end-up in failure as well. And so for me, missing a few steps in the ladder of my ambition had made me to turn back and wait, and wait, and wait until everything goes well again but it never did until I went physically disabled and concluded to myself finally that I can never make a business of my own.



Our persistence and patience in searching ways to make money will pay-off especially now that gadgets like PC and smartphones can help us advertise our businesses locally or even globally based on our extra know-hows and skills.

But after many years a stroke of luck happened to me because somewhat I was able to finally earn from the Internet. From just tenths of a cent to about $16 dollars per day from previous ventures up to now where at least I can earn some money to support my needs plus the possibility of making more in the future, I can never be thankful enough. As you can see I am really a disabled person, no matter what job I would take it will end-up not going as expected because of the nature of my disability so there's nothing that I can do out there in the "real world" considering that it had gone more harder to find work particularly in my country unless you make a small business which you can rely on to earn money although not all of businesses succeeds judging by the fact that I also witness it along the road when I travel to and from my dialysis clinic, some stores would open and after a while you will see their places of business already closed. In my case, again it is a stroke of luck because I really tried to search on how to make money and I end-up making money anyways and at a regular basis too! Ii really like what I am doing right now, no pressure, no boss, and doing a job that you want is really like not doing a job because you love it. Not much people doesn't realize the potential of this niche about earning money through rewards from social media blockchain technology. That is why individuals that was able to establish themselves in this peculiar way of supporting yourself financially is truly magical as many also says that we make "money out of thin air" although it is not that simple because of many factors surrounding your way to go achieve milestones that you had set for you to enjoy in an extended period of time.



Humanity is blessed for the emergence of Blockchain Technology because of its many ways, means, and forms necessary about empowering us all to defend our hard-earned money, save, and support our lives through rewards and incentives, etc., that we get from some cryptos which offers some and because of it we can live with more financial happiness and security in many levels in our lives even in this era of hardships where every digital currency we earn counts for improving our lives.


 4 months ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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