I'm Lovi'n this extreme humidity, it sucking my body's extra juices out from me as I needed it to be

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

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This meatless arm of mine produces more sweat than both of my legs.

The humidity in these hot weeks is quite beneficial for me for the reason that I am taking advantage of its Sauna effect for me. I have already told everyone (that cares to read my brain farts) that I am trying to have a liberal fluid consumption because it is hard to fight thirst in the first place and I wanted to consume more fluids at the same time. The only way that I can be more free for me fluid consumption is to sweat profusely, in that way I can also get rid of the extra salt from my body as well as other toxins that sweat may contain. But I have to pay my liberal consumption of fluids by my taking advantage of my body's natural way of getting rid of fluids by just sweating it out almost continuously with the help of this heat and humidity.



Many people will say it is just water, beverages, drink, or whatever but for me dealing with fluid restrictions most of my life, a more liberal way of consuming fluids is a treat "best served cold" which I enjoy more during these months of the year.

It really pays because I would arrive now to my dialysis clinic relatively lighter compared to the cooler months where every ounce of my fluid consumption is counted because I would not perspire compared to the continuous effect of high level of humidity in the air. This extra warm moisture in the air is perfect for me to make it an extended Sauna bath treatment with no risk of overdoing it or getting dehydrated in the process. Almost all of people would always try to keep themselves cool if they encountered a humid environment which is why people really invest in ways to keep themselves as comfortable as possible like using multiple electric fans if not an air-conditioning unit for their rooms or maybe even their entire house depending on their budget. But for me because of my unique circumstance I am embracing this rather most uncomfortable heat and humidity with open arms with some kisses because it serves me my purpose. I am not saying at all that I am comfortable with this set-up but I have to weigh-in my needs to be a priority at this instances rather than to make way for what I want which really is a cool room if not a well-ventilated house with insulation.



As a prize for my long-suffering about my sauna efforts, I get to enjoy more watery fruits like my favorite watermelon, Mangoes which I like to eat with meals, and other cooling beverages more.

That is why I really do not "love" hot weather temperatures leading to extreme heat coupled with extreme if not a high humidity level because the body tries to defend itself against it be making the body to sweat around in order for the skin get a cooling effect together with the use of body's tiny hairs all around it to evaporate the sweat so that its cooling effect will stop the body from overheating which can very well cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke with various severities depending on who did suffered from it. In my case here, I am one step closer to overheating because you can already feel it by the warmth of your breath. If your heartbeat would go faster, then if you are not hydrating at least, you will soon suffer a heat stroke. I personally reached that dangerous point when using my "Sauna Suit' but it was prevented by going to the bathroom and cooling my body with showering myself with water. That is why doing a "Sauna" treatment is quite dangerous if you will not be aware of the signs and symptoms leading to heat exhaustion or heat stroke which again could lead to death if things get uncontrolled or get unchecked for an extended period of time. Now with my kind of Sauna treatment, it cannot lead to a bad thing because I would just momentarily sweat around and then follow it with exposure to the wind coming from my electric fan. In essence I am just doing an intermittent Sauna treatment for an extended period of time because of my goal to reduce my body's extra fluids. It will definitely not lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke because I get to cool myself again by turning my electric fan in which after a while I will go back into my work to perspire profusely even at night time where the uncomfortable temperature will not abate until it is near sunrise.



I am taking precautions of not breaking my body's limits with regards to this rather unconventional way of diminishing water from my body because of the current state of heat of the weather. So I am making use of short breaks in between my perspiration by cooling off with the use of an electric fans.

On the day before my next dialysis session again particularly on the weekends where there is an added day for my next dialysis treatment as I only have three dialysis sessions power week, my body's sodium levels had gotten lower already depending on how profusely I am producing sweat day and night non-stop. The lowered salt levels in my body helps me not to be as "voracious" for consuming extra fluids any longer because there isn't much need for my body to make it thirsty by balancing-out the sodium and water equilibrium because my internal salt levels had gone down considerably and why would it not? I also need to lower my blood pressure to normal my normal level which is 110 if not 120 and expelling extra fluids from my body comes with it too. In that way I am protecting my heart not to suffer any hard work which in many cases for most dialysis patient is prevalent for the reason of the presence of extra volume of the blood which causes the heart's blood pressure to rise which again make the heart suffer from big with its left side and then eventually fail to circulate the blood better leading to again, death. Long time ago I realized that in order to prevent my heart suffer the same as indicted in statistics of many patient before, I have concluded that I should cut the cause of such heart complications together with dying because of fluid overload affecting the lungs and breathing by managing my body's fluid levels along with things that affects the heart's health.



Reaching my goal of helping my body came with identifying the root cause of my health issues which I effectively controlled and maintaining to control and it contributed to positive effects for my overall well-being.

I am triumphant about protecting my heart from this big factors because controlling my body's heart by getting rid of extra fluids and extra sodium in my system have truly worked-out positive for me and my evidence is first of all the mercy of God on my uninteresting soul is showing with my comparative longevity considering that not much medical intervention had been done aside from my regular dialysis sessions which I am not totally satisfied either. But my health which I am trying to hold on by choosing the best for me like a good lifestyle with regards nutrition and proper use of natural as vitamins, vitamins that very positively improved my bone health in one of my health issues and thus reversing the progression or worsening of my Leontiasis Ossea condition. It truly is really short of a miracle for me to reverse :Leontiasis" although bone changes had already happened and now irreversible but at least my discovered method of helping my bone to recover gave me a better quality of life compared to the years that I am "a pain on two legs" all the time. It is one of the great things that I had done with the mercy of God and hoping God will continue to bless my soul and more importantly, my spirit.



One great benefits of sweating is it reduces salt from the body which in effect would make the blood pressure go to normal levels which is why I rather be uncomfortable rather than to suffer high blood pressure which is a known cause of heart diseases and most people really have no clue about it until damages had been done to the heart.


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