I'm already happy for just imagining my ideal garden with fruiting and flowering plants and trees with the birds, bats, and the bees

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

Sampaloc Tree.jpg

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Along the way to my dialysis center I had the idea of taking photos of the trees which we always pass-by along the road. This is a Tamarind tree, it provides raw ingredients like its fruits and the young leaves or shoots as ingredients for the traditional dish we call "Sinigang" and or "Sinampalukang ManoK" which is why having this kind of tree is better to have to your backyard garden particularly of your garden is big because this tree grows big and tall.

It is quite too bad for me that my current house sits at a very small plot of land now. It was big before a supposed small business are beside our house got constructed to give us an opportunity to sell some variety of daily goods in our neighborhood plus having a bakery at the same time. The store got discontinued because basically it went bankrupt because it couldn't compete with the rest of variety stores that dotted our neighborhood alone and much less the performance of the bakery where my father makes all of the bread and has the sole control of the quality of the bread sold where he also tries to be thrifty about using gas to bake the bread. Well the customers didn't liked it and so I until the sales dwindled and both stores was shut because also, the variety store couldn't keep up because all of our needs for the house was siphoning its resources to my sadness because the variety store which was made to be just a secondary source of income aside for the supposed main business went bankrupt.


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It will also be good if you have the "Camachile" or "kamatsile" tree because when in season it bears pod resembling a pea pod, those pea pods grows big as it ripens until they burst from the skin revealing black flat seed surrounded by succulently sweet (depending on ripeness) white "meat" with some hues of red together with its skin which turns from green to almost red in the process of ripening.

Now because of that we now got a useless property building beside our house so definitely the former vacant spot which is relatively big enough to really use as an area to put up a very nice garden of vegetables, fruiting plants and trees, and flowering plants as well is gone. That bakery was later made as a home for my eldest brother while he was just starting to make a family and later he sold it to my sister after my brother decided to move out because of some private reason which I will not discuss here. My sister and her husband took over the now a house after they paid my brother maybe some of the expenses he spent over renovating the former bakery and variety store of my parents. It is just funny that the original owner of the former bakery building didn't get any cash which is our parents while my brother and sister are exchanging cash to buy up the house. But I myself now is having a resentment about what had become of our space because it literally shrunk to a degree that I cannot enjoy the rays of sunshine and some breeze coming from outside because the now a house beside our house literally blocked the sun and then replaced by darkness by the shade that was constructed by the husband of my sister to help protect his aviary. Then the light breezes was replaced by bad odors coming from the pet bulldog plus the aviary owned by my sister and her husband.

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This is a very beautiful tree , it has an attractive yellow flowers and bears a fruit shaped like the mature pod of Moringa tree. Now I am intrigued if those pods are edible, I can't really know.

So in short I really felt bad about the setting of where I live because we do not have any space to rear-up some fruiting trees and plants but only a two by 4 meters space at the back of the house which doesn't have a rich soil and a full sunshine. The fact that my parents cannot make it fruitful is also a factor why we can't really make more use of that tiny space where my father has the main say of what would become of it. Well at least my parents are getting some moringa leaves which is planted there while the "Kamias" tree was a few years ago finally got hacked down all because nothing really gets an extended life there because my father is just hack-happy for what rows over that tiny space which they make to bloom with other vegetables complaining about how bad the quality of the soil was and not doing anything about it.


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Almost everyone should have a good variety of Guava trees in their backyard. Guava trees make fruits whole year 'round it it provides a good amount of vitamin C and enjoyment of eating it depending on the variety of Guava that you have like those that are sold in the market which can give you an extra cash if your purpose is solely to market its sweet and tart ripe fruits.

But maybe if I were to build a new house, I can make it smaller and at the same time making room for a garden which can serve what I want it to function with again fruiting plants and trees which I wanted that supposed ideal garden of mine to have. However that thing that I want to happen might not happen because of the bad way that my father manages gardens where he always over-clean everything until he chips away branches until eventually the tree or plants itself succumb to my father hack-happy hands. It is the reason why I finally gave up gardening aside from my worsening bone issue because my father had dominated planting which also interfered with my own work over that tiny plot of soil so that we will not get a conflict over it, after all there isn't much to plant on it if you will not make a vertical garden which is what I was thinking before to do until I really cannot do planting anymore for the reason stated. For now I can only imagine having my own ideal garden will turn up to be but with a small space like we have now, I really have to make every square inch of that space count but then again there was my father to interfere and the husband of my sister eventually make a bigger aviary from it.


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Having some Banana trees or plants in your property is a very good thing to have because not only you can reap some of its fruits but the heart part can also be incorporated if not turned into a dish itself. But the leaves too is very useful to have if you want to make aa big aromatic plate out from it aside from its other uses in cooking either dishes or traditional sweet food items like rice cakes and such.


 last month 

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