I hope that Ukraine will continue to win the war and it is great going now so far

in WORLD OF XPILAR25 days ago



I am so hopeful that now our world will positively change and our global economy to recover following my anticipation of Ukraine's victory over Putin's invasion because of a change in policy from the west about how Ukraine will fight this war without its other arm tied behind its back so that it will put the end on Putin's evil fantasies.

I hate Putin for his unforgiveable evil deeds which not only caused the loss of lives of many innocent civilians, their relatives like the soldiers who fought the Russians, the destructions of their homes, the essential infrastructure of their community, and to the point that the invasion of Putin affected our global economy and consequently it made our lives more difficult that it is already because of many factors such as the "new normal" brought about by the CoViD pandemic which in itself was a big challenge that humanity had faced because there had been none like it and yet it happened to cause us a level of uncertain feeling, fear, disruption on our daily lives particularly the effects in our economies because of the "supply chain" issues which in itself is another factor that had made our lives difficult as a result of the CoViD pandemic which we should really pray to God that would not happen again because it had proven itself to be so destructive that some people really thought that it would likened to be this era's Bubonic plague which thought that would kill a big fraction of the world's population. But at that point when CoViD was raging, the pharmaceutical companies had proven to be much useful in developing vaccines which gave hope for us to basically stop the CoViD infections on its tracks and thus wiped our fear that it will going to get worse so much that it will endanger our lives and the ones that we love and cared about. The CoViD pandemic also caused us economic hardship because of the fact that it caused central banks to print money like the US government did and given it to its citizens in the aim to stimulate the economy which it did for a while but consequently caused inflation in the process and added to the inflation caused by this war of Putin against Ukraine where nowhere I am living near from but also had affected me financially because again, it really pinned down the worldwide economy because basically, the US government also made to print out money so that it can basically help Ukraine for its effort to fight the invaders and again it affected our economy because the overprinting of money causes inflation to worsen in the process.



The world was still facing too much problems in its hands until Putin had gone full loco and created a whole lot of burden in the world especially in Ukraine where unneeded loss of lives on both sides as well as many soldiers that Russia had deceived in order to add to its war effort but ended-up to be batches of imported meat for the grinders in the front where Putin is losing ground, military equipment and men from various countries including from its homestead Russia.

What particularly made me mad and angry about Putin's invasion is that it also affected Bitcoin's pump in February 2022 to basically stop right after the news that Putin's army entered Ukraine and cause to wreck havoc on Ukraine's infrastructures and civilian lives which caused not only great grief in the territory of Ukraine but eventually to the whole world. The price of Bitcoin could have reached beyond 70K at that time of not for this madness of Putin to make Russia "great again" which really couldn't be more farther from the truth because these territories were merely acquired by the Muscovites out of force and not being part of Russia as an ally or one of its states like what USA in relation to its states. I can't see any greatness about it since millions of death occurred in the process just for Russia to acquire its former states and that is for me is not great as Putin wants to project to the world. Anyway, the price of Bitcoin had suffered a lot where the following consequent "great dips" that occurred except for the FTX fiasco to the price of Bitcoin in my opinion was caused by the invasion of Putin because it had made some cryptocurrencies unstable if not they are doomed to fail anyway because of the big downward push of the price. Although the value of BTC can recover fully in time, setting it back at a much lower value temporarily had caused more waiting time for the price of BTC to actually break its predicted prices. So now thankfully because of the ETF approval, the value of Bitcoin relatively had gone more stable that it is not that easy anymore to put more pressure about its volatility in the downside. But I think that its momentum now is affected by the global economic downturn because again, there is war effort on the side of US by printing money in order to support Ukraine along with NATO members while their own economies are also affected by the ongoing inflation. That is why in my opinion affects the movement of BTC although inflation is also contributing about its great valuation followed by the support of many entities that wanted to protect some of their wealth buy buying Bitcoin and BTC ETFs. But anyway regardless of these "noises" surrounding the bitcoin value, it is still on its way in time to reach predicted price points because its fundamentals never changes and its lowering supply and greater demand will do make it as one of the best performing assets and is a high time for countries to adopt it because our global economy will just continue to get worse regardless of what happened to Ukraine even if they win which they certainly can, because continued money printing of the USA government and its treasury in tandem with the Federal Reserve bank to pay for US debt will not cease and that would and should prompt money managers and countries to turn to Bitcoin to not only protect their wealth as stated but also make their wealth gain interests in a much greater scale.



Bitcoin value is always affected by global events in a relatively temporary way although it still hurts when you see it dip with its price but on long-term perspective, you will win more the earlier you adopt it.

Now that the G7 countries had provided a 50 billion loan to Ukraine to which Ukraine will pay it from the interests generated by Russian oligarch's seized assets for it to continue with its fight and struggles against Putin's untrained and incompetent army of "meat-providers", Ukraine will get the upper-hand in defense and offense against Putin particularly after Ukraine was given a signal to strike deep into Russian territory to cause it in striking vital Russian defense system, its oil refineries which in fact is a great strategy because by destroying Putin's oil refineries will push him to sell crude oil in the market which actually will make the price of crude oil to go down as it saturates the market and cause a supply glut and consequently lower the price of oil. Oil refineries are difficult to repair and even if it would get repaired the expense that would be spent to reuse it will not be enough to cover the revenue which it will produce because the trend now is to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in which such refineries will get closed before getting the return in investment if it could be repaired. However, Russia has no expertise to repair its oil refineries because they only make use of companies they have to hire outside Russia and that is not possible now. Ukraine as I see it if the support from the west continues will eventually regain its territories and possibly putting a wide gap of border to Russia because of its ability to reach Russian assets, military installations, and key infrastructures because of the "go ahead" signal by the western powers to basically eliminate the threat at the Ukrainian border and beyond before it causes harm in the process.



Ukraine's added ability to strike deep beyond the border is truly a game-changing factor on how it will win the war alongside its use to stop invading "armor" of Russian army and its infantry because of its use of First Person View (FPV) drones which really made it difficult for Russian army to reach its destination but to easily meet their "Final Destination" in the process.


 25 days ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 24 days ago 

Thank you for your position.

Thanks @o1eh
I can imagine the relieve for Ukraine and the rest of the world if the war would finally end in Ukraine's favor because all of the hardships which we are experiencing right now had solely originated from the evil invasion of Putin. But now at least is figuring out how to deal with him better and it is helping the war effort of Ukraine not only to to defend its country but to take back its own territory.

I am sorry for what happened in your country because your people really suffered a lot with this madness made by just one evil man along with his tentacles and I believe that their time is ticking to their eventual end in due time.

 23 days ago 

You are right, it is very difficult for us now and we really want the war to end as soon as possible. However, there is probably still a long way to peace ahead. But we are not alone, thanks to such caring people like you, we receive a lot of help, both material and moral 🙂. God bless you.

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