Chornobyl & Prypiat. The Chornobyl Disaster 26 April 1986

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

city of Chornobyl

city of Prypiat

Today is a very sad day for Ukraine. A dark page in Ukraine's history (one more, yes...).

Is there any person on this planet who hasn't heard about Chornobyl? We don't count brainless russian troops, they are hardly persons.

Briefly speaking, now "Chornobyl" is an area in Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. It is partially abandoned area which is called the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (or just the Zone). It's abandoned because of a nuclear reactor disaster, which has happened April, 26th, 1986.


I've been to that place twice: in June, 2016, and in October, 2018. This post reflects my excursion in 2016. All photos are taken on Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone.

The tables with the names of villages and small towns that had disappeared after explosion


Why has this disaster even happened? Sources say that it's all because of unsanctioned experiments on the reactor. Few plant operators decided to challenge the capacity of the reactor and did all improperly. The result is terrifying.


This year it's the 36th anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster that divided our lives into "before" and "after". And the name of a little Ukrainian town became synonymous with a global tragedy.

The consequences of the tragedy hasn't been overcome yet. It has forever changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and for hundreds of years has made more than 2,500 square kilometers of our state's territory uninhabitable. This catastrophe was the largest in the history of nuclear energy in terms of the number of people killed and affected by its consequences and in terms of economic damage. And when we think russian terrorists could damage the reactor or even a couple of them again... It's unbearable to think about the size of that potential tragedy for Ukraine and for whole world.

"ARC" radar station in the Zone. Also known as "The Woodpecker" or "The Hidden Moscow's Eye"


The radioactive cloud formed after the explosion in 1986 covered not only Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, which are located near the Chornobyl, but also part of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Ireland, France (including Corsica), Britain and not only...

The fire at the exploded reactor lasted for 10 days. Graphite finally stopped burning only on May, 10th.


You'll ask: how many victims that tragedy caused? Thirty nuclear station employees have died in an explosion or radiation sickness within months of the accident. And 8.5 million people in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia received significant doses of radiation in the days following the accident. A great part of them also died pretty fast...


I was walking around the abandoned buildings of Chornobyl and Prypiat with a small group of people. All you see on the photos is a mixture of real atmosphere and artificial entourage. Why entourage? I think, guides wanted to make their excursions more interesting, so they put some atmospheric scenery around. For example, these doll's parts above.



Most of furniture and other stuff from buildings have disappeared. Sad but true: all was sold by vandals and looters (hello to modern russian troops btw that also stole a lot of things from the Zone in March and April, 2022).

This graffiti below is also just an entourage, it was drawn by a modern artist as a memory of doctors who were saving lives after disaster.


And this is the fourth power unit which actually exploded (I look straightly at it):

A special sarcophagus has covered the fourth reactor same year, 2016 but in November. But on this photo you can still see it uncovered.

And photo below is one of most amazing: a giant catfish in Prypiat river.




ЧАЕС — Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant



Ferris wheel is one of the symbols of Prypiat city


In the center: Mumu (Russian: «Муму»), short story by Ivan Turgenev

The next photo below was taken from the roof of the nine-story building.


The nature of abandoned Zone is amazing... Without human's influence flora and fauna have become... prosperous! Green grass, clear air, blue water (for sure, it's radioactive but seems so pure).



There won't be any conclusion. Because until russian troops invade Ukraine, there is no nuclear safety for this planet: they can bomb any of our 4 working nuclear plants or non-working Chornobyl plant. They can bomb us with tactical nuclear weapon. They they bomb any country with strategical nuclear weapon. Because they are brainless creatures. The history hasn't taught them anything. That's why every citizen of planet Earth should be ready. I am ready. Are you?..


Це ж була річниця(. Суміні події(.

так, я теж аж після обіду згадала... тепер дивлюсь на ці фото розрухи, і така: тю, дрібнички, в порівнянні з Маріуполем, Бороянкою, Бучею, які знищили і далі нищать росіяни.......

Вражаючі фото!

Чорнобиль вже назавжди вписаний в історію людства, залишається лише сподіватися, що такі помилки більше ніколи не повторяться, хоча хто знає що буде в світі в майбутньому...

Наша Валентина он в коменті пише, що вже обстріли Запорізької АЕС почалися :( Російські істоти просто пустоголові, абсолютні мікроби

Тут навіть сказати нічого, за межами розуміння...

Страшна подія... А рашисти знову стріляють над Запорізькою АЕС...

зовсім без мозку істоти, ну як такі на світ з'явились...

Це точно... Бо в батьків було тільки одне бажання - нажертись самогонки...

 2 years ago 

Це дуже сильна стаття. Добре, що ви її написали англійською.

Дякую, частково я її публікувала в інтернет-джерелах, але зараз оновила. В будь-якому разі, тег ексклюзивності не ставила, але інформація для іноземців може бути корисною.

greetings dear friend, your post caught my attention, in my engineering university studies, I made a presentation on the topic of the Chernobyl disaster and what happened in its reactors, it really was an interesting and very emotional topic, for the people who lost life in that accident, especially with the environment that is desolate. very good post, I congratulate you.

I'm surprised you have the nerve and courage to have gone on that excursion personally.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello, @endersontowers, I am glad you found my article interesting. Until now I can't make myself watch mini series about Chornobyl disaster by HBO / Sky. Did you watch it, btw? But the excursion was completely safe — the guide knows which areas should be avoided to step on.
Now, when russian idiots were digging trenches there last month, I think the Zone became dangerous for visiting again because of radioactive dust.

I have seen the short films of the Chernobyl series on nettflix, I really wanted to see it, yes, I am the type of person who evaluates each part of the series and would like to see it with time to analyze it very well, I know it will be very interesting because I like that topic, the Russians follow orders like sheep, they think that this forbidden space is something normal when it is not, it is unfortunate that they have made changes in areas that could still be visited, it may take many years for it to return to normal for a new excursion, you were a of the privileged to be able to visit that area. believe me that soon I will see the series, I love that type of themes because they have left history in humanity.

О! вже минуло 36 років... А я пам'ятаю, як учора... мій чоловік якраз повертався з відрядження додому через Київ... Люди не знали нічого про трагедію...
Ми теж дізналися, коли чоловік повернувся...
Страшні події. Дякую, Юля, що нагадала про них. Потрібно щодня жити, як останній день .. Встигнути сказати головне своїм близьким людям. Як в афоризмі: 'Мені ніколи ненавидіти, я маю встигнути відлюбити все і всіх"

Я хочу, щоб було ще багато-багато днів для слів і обіймів... Але ось сьогодні знову загинуло багато людей... І віра у те, що російські вбивці спиняться, згасає..... Їм паралельно на гіркі уроки історії, це просто віруси якісь! як вони змогли набути облич людських... не знаю...

Це так...Боляче, що так...

Grazie per la tua testimonianza...incredibili foto.!

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