The Moscow metro. Kievskaya Station

in WORLD OF XPILAR6 months ago

Hi friends!!!
Today I will share a b\w photo, as today there is a competition in the community on this topic.
I want to show you an interesting metro station called Kievskaya. In fact, there are as many as 3 such stations and they are in conjunction, but on different lines. This station, which is located on the Filevskaya line in the photo, you can make a transfer from it to the Kiev stations, which are located on the Ring Line and on Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya.
This station is one of the oldest and was opened on March 20, 1937. Its depth is 53 meters underground.
Enjoy watching and traveling through underground Moscow)

Привет друзья!!!
Сегодня я поделюсь ч\б фотографией, так как сегодня в сообществе конкурс по этой теме.
Хочу показать вам интересную станцию метро под названием Киевская. На самом деле таких станций целых 3 и они находятся в связке , но на разных линиях. Данная станция, что на фото находится на Филевской линии, с нее можно сделать переход на Киевские станции, которые находятся на Кольцевой линии и на Арбатско-Покровской.
Эта станция одна из самых старых и была открыта 20 марта 1937 года. Ее глубина составляет 53 метра под землей.
Приятного просмотра и путешествие по подземной Москве)





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Hi @alexey

Sir, when I was Explore XPILAR community,when I saw your first post, I liked it very much. It looked cute so when I scrolled down I saw again that you had posted another one and I really liked the black and white one and I was much more enamored with it and you this one. The photos are very good and I am very happy that you have also shared your memory on the platform and you are doing a great job and the place you are exploring is very beautiful. It looks and this picture in black and white looks very beautiful and the picture you posted before and the one you posted now are both very beautiful.

Your photography is absolutely professional

Thanks) I'm glad you liked it! Come to Moscow and enjoy the beautiful metro stations that look like palaces!

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