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RE: 🆕 July 2023 Newcomers - Where are they now?

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago (edited)

Well observed, dear gorilla. Unfortunately, you've wasted your time. Even the two hundredth beginner's initiative doesn't work. The new people don't yet understand the futility of it and there are always enthusiasts who do what has already been tried hundreds of times before them. You can count on the fingers of your hands the number of users who have had success with simliar initiatives.

Since the beginning of Steem, articles about Steem have been frowned upon and I have long understood why that was always the case. You won't see me (Institute of Chainology) writing anything like that today because it makes absolutely no sense. Apart from system critics who are always happy about lively discussions about things they cannot influence, your knowledge is of no interest to anyone who has the necessary influence to change something.

Not a single essay on Steem is read by someone who has the opportunity to make a difference. Not even if these people actually existed. The reason for this is simple. The Steem serves its purpose. Blockchain works great for every investor. It was never designed, not forked a few times to do more. The legend of mass adaptation has always been a pretty clever softening of hard facts. The mass of users, the so-called plankton, only brings in marginal income and at best serves to conceal disproportionate profits from investors. That's why nobody changes anything. That's why you're wasting your time on articles like this.

Should investors waste money on the have-nots even though the system runs satisfactorily without any further investment? Wasting money doesn't appear in an investor's personality profile, except in private life, where you like to show off what you have. I have never seen so many people write about Steem as since the change of ownership of Steemit Inc.. Of course, this is always an issue, a proper means of earning rewards and attracting attention. But it's no use. Nobody who could change anything is interested.

My only hope was always a smart designed condenser. You saw it exactly that way and started building one. But you probably discovered how big a task this is for a small gorilla. Only a new, cleverly designed condenser is the way to change the Steem without the help of the owner of Steemit Inc.. You can't get to the Blockchain source code and the design of a new condenser would be the only reason to meaningfully discuss the Steem again. Unfortunately, all the new front ends have been a disappointment so far. So far, every designer has only scratched the surface without ideas about what would be necessary, let alone possible. I think I can help you if you have the force and capital to design a new Frontend (Condenser).

Sorry for too much edits.


Я перестала писать про Steem, потому что мне за это не платят. :) Но почитать умных людей на эту тему я люблю.

I stopped writing about Steem because I don't get paid for it. :) But I like to read smart people on this topic.

I stopped writing about Steem because I don't get paid for it. But I like to read smart people on this topic.

A smiley makes not a joke from a poisoned reply. Are you not enabled to think in a serious way, regarding the difficulties Steemians are in since 7 years? Is provocation of a speaker all you have to say about the topics we suffer? Are payments the only category you can think in? It's really a matter of character, what people write down. No, it seems you doesn't properly understand in whole, what I've wrote about. May I help you?

I stopped writing about the Steem because it makes no sense at all to write about the Steem. All possible thoughts was written down, meanwhile. Nothing changed to good.

If you write about policies of the Steemit Inc., better forget it. You are not a member of the Inc.. Do you understand now? If you are a newbie, you can write about. But it is better to do it in replies. Surely you will be helped. Since 7 years clever and not so clever people write about the Steem. Some convinced in a very enthusiastic manner, but not one of the authors was able to change the Steem or Steemit.

Except the club people. They prepared a bloody mess of keyword politics. It was not so clever. This special move kicked us out of Google and the other search engines. Now people try to heal the symptoms and write an explicit search for the blockchain. Let us better think about, what Steem is in reality. For us people standing outside of the Steemit Inc. the only way of change the Steem is to build a new and better condenser.

By the way:
The only one who convinced the Steemians with a very practical change, is our friend @steemchiller. He really changed the experience of blockchain by creating But in public he doesn't blab about much. The just did it.

@afrog вы мне нравитесь. Я пытаюсь разобраться в блокчейне уже 6 лет, поэтому мне нравятся ваши ответы.

For us people standing outside of the Steemit Inc. the only way of change the Steem is to build a new and better condenser.

Это отличная идея. В реализации она затратная, но обсуждения - бесплатны. И согласитесь, в хорошей компании было бы приятно даже просто помечтать, каким он мог бы быть этот конденсатор.

@afrog I like you. I've been trying to figure out the blockchain for 6 years now, so I like your answers.

For us people standing outside of the Steemit Inc. the only way of change the Steem is to build a new and better condenser.

It's a great idea. It is expensive to implement, but discussions are free. And you must agree, in a good company it would be nice to even just dream about what this condenser could be.

Now I like you too. There was not one person all this years, while my postings about the Steem (as @steemwiki as well), who asks for a conversation about what a good condenser must have.

Let's start this chat hereby, where the-gorilla, a frontend and bot designer, is wondering about symptoms. Let's find out ways of healing, to show the-gorilla proper ways of sensible development. It's a way to a hell of work. Willing developers have to take it united.

I opened my mouth so wide, now I have to deliver the first ideas of a new condenser:

  1. Build a team.
  2. Discuss in public.
  3. Include investors.
  4. Just one frontend for all languages
  5. Configurable desktop by build in filters. The-gorilla shows a little varety of hundreds necesarry filters on his frontend. I talk about a powerful for a lot of purposes configuration menu.
  6. Including bots for lotteries, user analysis, pool analysis, etc.
  7. Chat structure like a real social media must have (a proper issue for discussions).
  8. A bot detecting and accusing steal of steem content outside in WWW and plagiarism on Steem.
  9. A FAQ, every newbie understands.

It's just a rough draft. But its really part of the truth. And I have a lot of gimmicks in my head, you will never bring in conjunction with the Steem. I thought a lot about this blockchain alone in my chamber. Maybe we find a new beginning, today.

 7 months ago (edited)

A good draft to start @afrog

I opened my mouth so wide, now I have to deliver the first ideas of a new condenser:

Build a team.
Discuss in public.
Include investors.
Just one frontend for all languages
Configurable desktop by build in filters. The-gorilla shows a little varety of hundreds necesarry filters on his frontend. I talk about a powerful for a lot of purposes configuration menu.
Including bots for lotteries, user analysis, pool analysis, etc.
Chat structure like a real social media must have (a proper issue for discussions).
A bot detecting and accusing steal of steem content outside in WWW and plagiarism on Steem.
A FAQ, every newbie understands.

It will be a lot of work, but if we got it tll it would be like changing the heart and all the veins and opening up for full flow again
It will be like being reborn again

Maybe if they open up the DIP proposal again,

But I have an additional suggestion.
Top 20 witnesses earn 2500 steem per week, about 2000 steem goes to expenses. The remaining 500 steem that remain per week I suggest we as top20 witnesses donate to the project for a certain period of time.
That means that every month from the witnesses there will be 40K to cover expenses

@afrog @the-gorilla

Thanks for reading and for your suggestions. This is only the second response to my age-old realisation that only a new front end can provide the solution to all our problems. I've been writing about this topic for seven years. Sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes not at all. Apart from @chriddi, nobody has taken a serious interest in what I have to say on the subject, during all these years.

I always see the same thing. Serious problems for beginners, silent disappearance of those who got involved with the Steem, complaints about the pool drying up and inactivity on the part of Steemit Inc. These are not all solvable problems. But we can do better for the disappearance of frustrated beginners than setting up welcoming committees and other patches to get them started.

As I am not a developer, I can only make suggestions. I attribute the fact that no joint work on this task has begun to date to the constant competition between the developers and the fact that the task is simply impossible for one person to handle. But at the moment the problems also seems to be bothering other Steemians and the proposal with DIP, which the-gorilla has already brought up, seems to me to be a logical approach.

But I still have something to say about financing. If someone has enough start-up capital and can free up developer resources, I can definitely imagine a payment model. Which means that a new front end could also be a business model.

However it turns out, it is already a big step forward that seriously committed Steemians are now starting to dream about their new frontend. We must finally start to discuss the matter seriously in an appropriate framework. A frontend is the only instance on the whole Steem that we as a community can actually influence. The blockchain itself rests with the inactive Steemit Inc. and a disinterested Mr Sun.
We can take the user experience to a whole new level with many convenient functions.

Oh yes, with a tear in my eye I can still remember the SteemWiki days very well. Man, we were in the flow back then (and I was just a "crash test dummy" and "promotion minister"). How much energy, sweat and soul we put into this brilliant project! And the interest! Well, the old, new, eternal problem: "And what do I get out of it, where are my rewards?" Nobody has ever understood that you can't get anywhere on the Steem without team spirit, besides you haven't invested heavily...
Well, the "wind of change" can be felt - hopefully it's not just a "storm in a teacup" again and again and again.

Danke für dein liebes Freshup meiner ständig schwindenden Erinnerung. It happened in a teacup all the time.
"Persistence is beneficial." I cannot repeat the forever-applicable words of the I Ching often enough.

Your witness proposal is a very good idea, but I don't believe in miracles. For most Top Witnesses, their job is good business and anyone who is still a member of these illustrious Steemians after the 20 preferred lucky ones has no more capital to give away.

Since 2020, we have known that witnesses can only have influence if they act together. You only can expect this if they are treated equally by the Steem logic or if a common enemy appears. I do not believe in witnesses anymore. We have to help ourselves and there are a lot of ways to do it. Perhaps, just imagine a cooperative.

By the way, I've been a top 20 witness on the Blurt. I know, what talking about, when I talk about witnesses.

And you must agree, in a good company it would be nice to even just dream about what this condenser could be.

If we figure out how to build sophisticated bots and condensers this way, I agree. If we figure out who is doing it, I agree. If you know how these hardworking people get paid, write an article about the Steem.

Мне бы тоже подошла работа мечтателя. =) Но пока я вижу это только как развлечение.

A dreamer's job would suit me too. =) But so far I see it only as entertainment.

 7 months ago 

But I like to read smart people on this topic.

Please tag me when you see something 😉

 7 months ago 

Imagine if that happened and all those toxic Hive downvoters came back here!

No way it'll happen though - I've seen the egos at play and they won't budge no matter what!

Да, прямая передача ссылок - это сильно. Но меня все же смущает ваша нелюбовь к пользователям, пользующимся ботами голосования. Поэтому некоторые ссылки будут не для вас.

Yes, direct link transfer is strong. But I'm still confused by your ignoring of users using voting bots. Therefore, some links will not be for you.

 7 months ago 

I'm still confused by your ignoring of users using voting bots.

My thinking is the same as that for the #krsuccess - unfortunately, users are rewarded regardless of what they post. So the majority post junk just to get their rewards which hides the "more genuine" content. I know that this doesn't apply to everybody but the majority have ruined it for the few.

If you don't mind seeing mot users or shit-spam tags, then it's possible to include those posts too.

 7 months ago 

Unfortunately, you've wasted your time.

The story of my life 🤣

your knowledge is of no interest to anyone who has the necessary influence to change something.

I have mixed feelings with this part - in some ways, we all have the influence to change something. Maybe as an individual, it's difficult but as a collective, it gets stronger. As a mob...

I've also gained the knowledge on how to change the Steemit codebase. If I code something that the mob like, then the mob can keep shouting about it... until Steemit sees and knows nothing else. Or we all just go to Blurt 😅

My only hope was always a smart designed condenser. You saw it exactly that way and started building one. But you probably discovered how big a task this is for a small gorilla.

I haven't changed much yet, but now that I understand how ReactJS holds together better, I'm far more optimistic about doing this than ever before... but amongst your pessimism, you repeat that the point that:

Nobody who could change anything is interested.

I assume you've seen my front-end. Whilst I don't think this is directly possible in Condenser, I certainly believe that we can get closer. I'll take a quick break from this comment and dick about with a few bits...

I have mixed feelings with this part - in some ways, we all have the influence to change something.

I'm glad about.

I assume you've seen my front-end.

Of course!

 7 months ago 

Sorry for too much edits.

I didn't have a chance to reply yet but I did notice you editing... I'll wait until you're finished 😉

I know, you're a quite clever dschungel guy. I stopped editing, just before. Feel free to do, whatever you like. But don't eat me.

 7 months ago 

😊 I had my head in the code and trying to write a helpful post for future wannabe developers (and also adding a new feature to my club status tool). Now numbing my brain with some football so will digest and reply another time 😊

 7 months ago (edited)

The output from my playing... needs a bit of polish but it's possibly an improvement.

I'd like to display the image above the text like in my interface but I'm struggling with that at the moment. I'm going to park these thoughts for now. Maybe if they open up the DIP proposal again, I could apply.


Your windows steemit manual is great. Other article. Your work on this equipment is promising. It smells like rock'n roll! Let me fiddle in a condenser riff:
Make a swap in the whole center to the personal steemworld. left an right glides to the side. There you are, your toolbox. One click back swaps to the former blog.

 7 months ago 

Love it. What type of music are these lyrics written for?

I’ve started writing an update post but need to go out until this evening so can’t finish it. I think it’s the most Rock & Roll thing anybody’s ever done to the Condenser interface…. But I’ll have to leave judgement to the flies!

Don't ask for types of music. Today you need an encyclopedia to get all types on the screen. The essence of every music is the blues. A feeling. Without it, no one would ever have had the idea of making music.

Fresh on, after we called coin miners flies, they should start to buzz now. It will be your condenser, Steemians. Let's dream together now.

Maybe if they open up the DIP proposal again, I could apply.

You should apply!

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