in Italy3 years ago


Olympus E-M1 and 30mm macro lens


Hello my dear Steemians,




Hope you are like us enjoying your Spring and if in your country, the same like in UK, the time has been set up to summer time, you noticed that it is not long now to wait and Summer will be there soon.

While checking today what is new happening on Steem, I noticed that Italian community started the New Contest! This time it is open for Photography lovers and it is called:





I would like to invite everyone who loves Photography to take part in the contest and share your best photo!


Spring flower


From our side, @myskye recently started to learn Focus stacking and experimenting a lot with new spring flowers. The first flowers are very tiny and resistant to cold temperature that is why they are the best “model” for Focus stacking.

Commonly, we do not pay much attention to such little flowers, we just notice here and there red, yellow or violet spots and think: that is great, Spring is there! But each of those flowers have their own story to tell and to add to the beautiful palette of Spring their own contribution.

That is the reason why for submission to this contest we have chosen a simple tiny flower of Spring from our own garden.






Some people can be mistaken and think that a picture that is taken very close is Focus Staking, but no, it is digital image processing, that may involve hundreds of images with different focus distances to give a resulting image the greater depth. For that a computer program is used to analyse and merge then the images to create one but focus on all the details.


To see more details about Focus stacking tutorial, please visit @brianhphotos, we learnt much from him.




As always wishing you nice weekend @stef1 and @myskye :-)


Trenner groß.png


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png




spring flower photos are amazingly beautiful, to be honest I also like flowers, good luck always @stef1

Thank you, I believe many flowers in spring are beautiful, because we have such long winter and keen to have some signs of spring :)

if I may know how many days of spring are there.

which computer software used for this digital image processing ?

A very beautiful image. Thanks for the mention.

You are welcome, we learned much using your tutorial and tips, that is worth to mention :)

I'm just pleased you are having fun and doing so well with your macro photography

That's a very beautiful photograph and effect... never heard of it till just now. I'll have to go check out @brianhphotos tutorial.

It's nice that spring really does seem to be here!

beautiful flower in yellow as gold color. good photo taking, i like it.

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