Superati i 17.500 SP .. Prossimo obiettivo 20K !! / Passed 17,500 SP .. Next target 20K !! #welovepowerups Week 23 / #club5050 [ITA-ENG]

in Italy3 years ago

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Image from Pixaby and edited with Canva.

Ciao a tutti, ecco la situazione del mio wallet oggi lunedì 15 Novembre:

17,292.606 STEEM e 40.585 SBD.


Con questo Power Up è la 23° settimana consecutiva che partecipo a #welovepowerups e il mio wallet cresce!!
Il mio prossimo obiettivo sono i 20K SP.

Sto partecipando anche alla nuova iniziativa #club5050 organizzata dal Team di Steemit, che vuole premiare gli utenti che fanno Power Up di almeno il 50% delle ricompense liquide che guadagnano.
Informazioni più dettagliate potete trovarle QUI.

Come la scorsa settimana, anche oggi voglio versare la metà dei miei SBD e quindi 20.30 SBD circa e fare un Power Up di circa 236.873 STEEM in base al prezzo attuale nel mercato interno di Steemit.



Per raggiungere il mio obiettivo mancano ancora 2.471 SP, sono tanti ma riuscirò a raggiungerli prima o poi. 😉

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Volete iniziare a fare Power Up?

E' semplice e veloce, è sufficiente una piccola quantità di SBD:

  • basta andare nel ➡️mercato interno e inserire la quantità di SBD⬅️ che desideriamo investire.



  • A questo punto basta attendere che i nostri STEEM arrivino direttamente nel nostro wallet e siamo pronti per fare POWER UP ⬆️


Non dimenticate che fare POWER UP in modo costante ci permette di crescere all'interno della piattaforma di Steemit e di raggiungere obiettivi sempre più importanti. 😜

Grazie per aver dato un'occhiata al mio post.

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- ENG - 👇

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Image from Pixaby and edited with Canva.

Hi everyone, here is the status of my wallet today Monday, November 15th:

17,292,606 STEEM and 40,585 SBD.


With this Power Up it's the 23rd consecutive week I've participated in #welovepowerups and my wallet is growing!!!
My next goal is 20K SP.

I'm also participating in the new #club5050 initiative organized by the Steemit Team, which wants to reward users who make Power Up at least 50% of the liquid rewards they earn.
More detailed information can be found HERE.

Like last week, today I want to deposit half of my SBD and then 20.30 SBD approximately and make a Power Up of about 236.873 STEEM based on the current price in Steemit's internal market.



To reach my goal there is still 2,471 SP left, that's a lot but I'll be able to reach it sooner or later. 😉

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Do you want to start doing Power Up?

It's quick and easy, all you need is a small amount of SBD:

  • just go to the ➡️internal market and enter the amount of SBD⬅️ we want to invest.



  • At this point, all we have to do is wait for our STEEM to arrive directly into our wallet and we're ready to do POWER UP ⬆️


Don't forget that doing POWER UP consistently allows us to grow within the Steemit platform and achieve more and more important goals. 😜

Thanks for taking a look at my post.


Puoi trovare tutti i miei Power Up del Lunedì qui di seguito..

You can find all my Monday Power Ups below ..

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Colorato Sconto Black Friday Intestazione Email.gif
Quality Comments deserve to be Rewarded. Read more.

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I'm part of ITALYGAME Team

together with:
@girolamomarotta, @sardrt, @mad-runner, @ilnegro, @famigliacurione

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Ciao @mikitaly, siamo a metà mese, spero di finire questo mese con una bella cifra vedremo, lavoro e lavoro, è quello che faccio e mi piace

Bravissimo, vedrai che riuscirai a fare un bel power up. ;-)

It is motivating for the contribution or increase in profits. Greetings.

Of course, every power up motivates you to do another one because you see the results and slowly grow on Steemit.

Sei una forza della natura, i 20.000 per te sono un traguardo raggiungibilissimo

Ce la sto mettendo tutta.. chissà se entro natale.. vediamo. ;-)

Da me avrai pieno sostegno. Forza Miky

23 consecutive weeks are good, I see that this 50/50 club initiative has given good results according to some reports that I have seen about the power up. You really transmit your emotion to us to reach your next goal, which is 20k SP. Greetings.

Thanks so much for your comment, I hope to encourage other users to do some power up..

The numbers keep getting insane. Well done. Are the powered up Steems all from your posts or you have personally invested some fiat into your SP ?

Since I started participating in the weekly power up I've been accumulating steem through my posts and interaction with other users. ;-)

Thanks for the encouragement to power up. #club5050 is booming, I want to take part. hopefully by the end of this month.

Good choice. You'll see that it will help you grow in Steemit.

Since last 6 month I'm not posting any thing in my blog, because I'm very2 busy in my works. But, last two week ago I have posted a in my blog. You can see it.
I will participate on #club5050, of course.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64629.11
ETH 2670.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81