in Italylast year

Il lavoro richiede molta dedizione, quindi avere qualche momento per rilassarsi e assaporare un buon pasto come questo ci dà soddisfazione.

Work requires a lot of dedication, so having a few moments to relax and savor a good meal like this gives us satisfaction.

Un buon bicchiere di limonata ghiacciata non è solo rinfrescante, ma anche abbastanza salutare.

A good glass of ice cold lemonade is not only refreshing, but quite healthy as well.

Le patate sono deliziose, le adoro in qualsiasi presentazione

Potatoes are delicious, I love them in any presentation

Un dolce accompagnato da un buon succo d'uva, semplicemente delizioso

A dessert accompanied by a good grape juice, simply delicious

Una fetta di torta di tonno accompagnata da un tè ben ghiacciato è un altro di quei cibi che si gustano e si assaporano lentamente.

A slice of tuna cake accompanied by a well-iced tea is another of those foods that are slowly savored and savored

E un buon caffè con tanto latte non manca, grazie a DIO posso comprare questi alimenti.... Ti auguro una buona giornata

And a good coffee with lots of milk is not missing, thank GOD I can buy these foods .... Have a nice day

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone


Concordo al 100% sulle patate! Sono deliziose in qualsiasi loro preparazione ed hanno anche il pregio di riempire per bene lo stomaco!

Haaaaaa carboidrati puri haaaaa.
Ti auguro un felice fine settimana

 last year 

Verissimo dopo una giornata di lavoro del buon cibo oltre a sfamarci ci mette il buon umore!
Mi stavo quasi preoccupando non vedendo i tuoi caffè ma alla fine l'ho trovato ahahah!

Caffè e tanto latte haaaaaaaa.
Grazie mille per la tua visita e il gentile commento, ti auguro un felice fine settimana

Hello @lupega.

A pleasure to go through this wonderful post and see such a lovely and provocative dish, I love lemonade, especially when it is very hot this really helps us to cool off.

I liked each of the photos in your step by step, what I regret is not being at that table sharing each of those delicious food portions.

I have always thought that steemit is a wonderful platform that allows us to do these things, that is, to share any pleasure we have with other people regardless of the distance and place where we are located.

I would like to take the opportunity to share an interesting article that seeks to promote an interesting plan of delegations to the community of @project.Hope, personally I am part of this program and in this way I receive weekly steem, it is an excellent method that they offer with the possibility of capitalizing 100% of the liquid rewards, and in the future to have them available for more information you can visit the following link:

I hope you have a happy day. Thank you for sharing such a delicious recipe with all of us.

Thank you very much for your kind comment , in relation to what you propose , I will think about it .
I wish you a happy weekend

very yummy foods you have eaten and share. I love brewed coffee that you had too. Hope you enjoyed tasing these menu, good luck for the contest.

Thank you very much for your kind comment and good wishes.
I wish you a happy weekend and thanks for visiting my blog

my pleasure, wish you a very happy weekend too. 😊

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