🚀 200% POWER UP!! 🚀 - WEEK #8 RESULTS [ENG - ITA]steemCreated with Sketch.

in Italy3 years ago

image.png CC0 Public Domain


Hello everyone!

Here we are with another round of results of the contest 200% POWER UP, one of the initiatives dedicated to users of the Italy Community.

We have reached the end of the eighth week and, as usual, we meet here to analyze the results we have obtained thanks to this procedure.

For those unfamiliar with the project, our goal, taking advantage of current market dynamics, is to get an extra SP by setting the posts to 50%/50% rewards.

Let's see how it went this week.

🚀 200% POWER UP!! 🚀

Below you will find all the screenshots taken by the users who participated and, to follow, a count of how much SP they earned more than the classic 100% Power Up.



Power Up 100% = 30.284 SP

Power Up 200% = 75.931 SP

+45.647 SP 💥🚀



Power Up 100% = 38.552 SP

Power Up 200% = 85.316 SP

+46.764 SP 💥🚀



Power Up 100% = 45.564 SP

Power Up 200% = 103.426 SP

+57.862 SP 💥🚀

This week, as in the previous one, the presence was stable.
In fact, once again 3 users participated, but all contributed greatly and obtained an excellent profit.

Let's do the usual total count to figure out how much extra SP was earned by our participants...

Power Up 100% = 114.400 SP

Power Up 200% = 264.673 SP

+150.273 SP 💥🚀

+ 131,3%!! ✌️👏💪

This post is set to 100% Power Up and the users who participated will each benefit from 23% of the SP that will be generated, for a total of 69%!!

Thanks to @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 for supporting us in the first few weeks. I hope they can continue to do so, because these users deserve to be rewarded for their ongoing efforts.

In the meantime we will continue with the week no. 9, as always wait for the restart post that will arrive soon.

Thank you so much to all of you!!



image.png CC0 Public Domain


Ciao a tutti!

Eccoci con un'altra tornata di risultati del contest 200% POWER UP, una delle iniziative dedicate agli utenti della Community Italy.

Siamo giunti al termine dell'ottava settimana e, come di consueto, ci ritroviamo qui per analizzare i risultati che abbiamo ottenuto grazie a questa procedura.

Per chi non conoscesse il progetto, il nostro obiettivo, sfruttando le dinamiche di mercato attuali, è di ottenere un extra SP settando i post su 50%/50% rewards.

Vediamo com'è andata questa settimana.

🚀 200% POWER UP!! 🚀

Qui di seguito trovate tutti gli screenshot effettuati dagli utenti che hanno partecipato e, a seguire, un conteggio di quanto SP hanno guadagnato in più rispetto al classico 100% Power Up.



Power Up 100% = 30.284 SP

Power Up 200% = 75.931 SP

+45.647 SP 💥🚀



Power Up 100% = 38.552 SP

Power Up 200% = 85.316 SP

+46.764 SP 💥🚀



Power Up 100% = 45.564 SP

Power Up 200% = 103.426 SP

+57.862 SP 💥🚀

Questa settimana, come in quella precedente, la presenza degli utenti è stata stabile.

Infatti anche stavolta hanno partecipato 3 utenti, ma tutti hanno contribuito alla grande e hanno ottenuto un ottimo profitto.

Facciamo il solito conteggio totale per capire quanto SP in più è stato guadagnato dai nostri partecipanti...

Power Up 100% = 114.400 SP

Power Up 200% = 264.673 SP

+150.273 SP 💥🚀

+ 131,3%!! ✌️👏💪

Questo post è impostato su 100% Power Up e gli utenti che hanno partecipato saranno beneficiari ognuno del 23% degli SP che verranno generati, per un totale del 69%!!

Grazie a @steemcurator01 e @steemcurator02 per averci supportato nelle prime settimane. Spero che potranno continuare a farlo, perché questi utenti si meritano di essere gratificati per il loro impegno costante.

Intanto noi continueremo con la settimana N. 9, attendete come sempre il post di ripartenza che arriverà presto.

Grazie mille a tutti voi!!




Excellent results, my friend, the presence of people like you here in the community increases our enthusiasm for progress towards the top. I am grateful to you for all this positive and enthusiasm. Thank you. @girolamomarotta: D)

Thanks to you for the support!

We have many plans for the future and we hope to present something important soon.


Thank you for your kind words, and see you at the top. Thank you also for your support. I published a post in your community. I hope I have benefited some


Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


This is a great idea and I commend you for doing this. Steem on!

Thank you very much!!

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