DeepBlack Nft Marketplace Review

in Tron Fan Club18 days ago

I made it with Canva

First of all I thank my Lord who created me. Who kept me healthy and gave me strength to post among you today. I already informed you that I will try to give you some information about various Nft Collection. In continuation, today I will describe some important information about DeepBlack nft Collection. I hope that through this post of mine you will know many unknown information about DeepBlack nft. Now I move towards my main post.

DeepBlack :-The current DeepBlack floor price is 0.963 ETH. 2 sales were made from the DeepBlack NFT collection in the past 24 hours, with a total trading volume of 1.84 ETH.


Let's know about Item,Floor price,Volume of DeepBlack Nft:- Total items of DeepBlack 3,073,Floor price 0.963 ETH,Volume 1.84 ETH.

DeepBlack Sales:DeepBlack Sales is ranked number 1 at #6651 with a market value of 0.87 ETH in the last 24 hours. #5458 whose last 24 hours market price is 0.9746 ETH is at number 3 #7620 whose market price is 0.69 ETH is at number 4 position #6651 whose market price is 0.73 ETH is at number 5 position #6179 with a market price of 0.73 ETH.


Now let me tell you the status of some Nft Market: Distribution of Blur in the last 24 hours has been 100.00% in this market. Distribution of OpenSea in the last 24 hours Xe 0.00%. Distribution of X2Y2 in last 24 hours is 0.00%. Distribution of LooksRare is 0.00% in last 24 hours.


Now I will share with you the Chat Activity of DeepBlack in the last 24 hours: DeepBlack's Item #6769 was sold first among all, it was sold for 0 ETH. #6769 sold at number 2 Which is worth 0 ETH. 3 sold at number #6179 which is worth 0 ETH and 4 sold number #5200 worth 0 ETH. This was the activity of this nft.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

You gave a nice review about deepblack nft marketplace. You mentioned its total collection, floor price, ethereum volume in your post. Overall a nice review.

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