Would there ever be a next Bitcoin

in Tron Fan Club2 months ago


For many of us will often wonder if there could ever arise another cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, which would have the same significant impact and effect as Bitcoin, which would be so unique that it could be described as a fitting next Bitcoin, well that's something that's difficult to say for certain even artificial intelligence can't say for sure.

Bitcoins effect is really one that's felt almost in all levels due to its incredible unique state it makes it harder to replicate or for their to be another of it's kind or one other cryptocurrency asset capable of having same effect if had, not to add to the fact that any cryptocurrency too that's made today already has mountains to climb to gain relevance which Bitcoin didn't have to being the very first that also gave this unique asset the advantage to be at the level it is today further ensuring it's the most successful cryptocurrency.

Well inasmuch we can't possibly fathom the idea of a very next possible Bitcoin we all know that in the time and age we live in nothing is completely ruled out even when the odds stacked is insane, that's the odds of there being a next Bitcoin is high indeed but then for that to even be remotely possible then some things are required really.

I would like to consider some of the things that is required for there to be a next Bitcoin in the cryptocurrency space.

Things that is required for this to be possible
  • Innovation and Technology

Well for this to be possible first of it would require a much more sophisticated technology than the one Bitcoin operates on, there has to be serious innovations in technology seriously at a much adavnced level, I mean if this were to happen then it could just be possible for there to be a next Bitcoin.

If there could be another cryptocurrency asset, which would emerge and with it and even better technology than the one Bitcoin runs on, it's difficult to imagine but possible as the future holds endless potential so yes a new cryptocurrency which operates on a much higher advance technology one that is improved and offers lots of things the Bitcoin chain may be lacking in presently could really make a case, with better scalability and much easier interoperability with other chains this future blockchain could indeed rightly be the next Bitcoin were this to happen.

So yes for there to be a next Bitcoin there has to be a much better cryptocurrency with an even advanced technology.

  • Adoption and Network Effect

Another thing that would really determine if there is a chance of a next Bitcoin is based on the adoption and network effect. Today Bitcoin is the widely accepted cryptocurrency with institutions and industries and even private sectors and countries themselves adopting it which rightly places it in the spotlight as the number 1.

So for there to be another Bitcoin or one with same effect as Bitcoin then for a fact it has to gain massive widespread adoption, if it's used by many people chances are the network would also be strong like the Bitcoin network and if it even gains more adoption than Bitcoin which I find impossible at this point but let's say it happens then it could become the next Bitcoin or the next big thing that all should watch out for as widespread adoption a very fast one would ensure great stability in the price of that asset.

Regulatory Environment

Another thing which would really determine how successful another cryptocurrency is in respect to Bitcoin is if that cryptocurrency asset could have a much better regulatory environment than the one Bitcoin operates on, it has to have a better one, because if they operate at the same condition Bitcoin operates on them Bitcoin can't be rivaled so it's conditions has to be better and improved.

And one of that improved environment boils down majorly to the regulartory framework of the asset, Bitcoin has to operate today with unclear and constantly envolving regulatory framework and yet it flourishes so for another coin to rival it or be the next Bitcoin then that coin would be one that has clear regulatory framework and comply with it and at the same time this regulations shouldn't impact it's ability to operate and the core value remains intact, in this perfect and ideal scenerio then I believe it's much possible for there to be a next Bitcoin or an asset which may have all it needs to even do better.

The regulatory landscape will play a significant role. Cryptocurrencies that navigate and comply with regulations while maintaining their core values may have a better chance of succeeding.

Market Dynamics

Market dynamic also matters greatly, Bitcoin has a shape it's taken already and recognized for the value it brings so much so that it has been called a digital gold for it's immense value it has seen it drawn comparison to gold, so for a new cryptocurrency aiming to eclipse or atleast be the next Bitcoin it should take a new different approach or dimensions ifnot it would remain under Bitcoin shadow.

So inother for a new asst class to achieve this feat it should look for a usecase Bitcoin doesn't already have, take for instance Ethereum that focuses on smart contract so may it can focus on digital identity or even defi just to be different and offers something new that Bitcoin doesn't already, it should be unique like Bitcoin and offer something that is of great value and that sets it apart among all others.


Mind you it's really hard to see a cryptocurrency that is evenr going to be the next Bitcoin but nothing is everly ruled out in a world with constant technological advancement so while if all these factors I mentioned when factored in could really mean its possible but then it remains to be seen, for now Bitcoin is the king of cryptocurrency and at the forefront of the war cryptocurrency wage on the traditional financial system, one I hope they would emerge victorious, even Trump is backing cryptocurrency now. I mean the future looks bright for Bitcoin and crypto in general.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60625.81
ETH 2406.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.61