Why No cryptocurrency Can Reach Bitcoin Value ||

in Tron Fan Club2 months ago

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I mean when we look at where Bitcoin is in terms of price and where others are that's other crypto asset then it's clear to us that there is much distance between them and it's really fitting when referring to the crypto asset we have in just two categories which are Bitcoin and altcoin as it seems Bitcoin is in a world of its own and distinctively separated from other crypto asset but in terms of price and and it's market capitalization.

Bitcoin is a high prized asset class well above other crypto asset, infact the closet asset to it in terms of price should be ethereum and yet Bitcoin it's almost 21× or even more when compared to ethereum price, yea that goes to show how high it's places in comparison to others.

I remember as of last bull run in 2020/21 how some influencers who were really fan of ethereum were calling for a time when ethereum would reign supreme even eclipse Bitcoin and ofcourse that idea while it's fun to entertain is utterly crazy because the amount of market capitalization it would require for ethereum to do that is simply crazy.

So today I will also list or talk about some of the reasons why I know Bitcoin would always remain ahead of other cryptocurrency asset infact while none could rival it or even compete with it in terms of price.

why it would be an impossible task for any cryptocurrency reach bitcoin price

In times of uncertainty people run to Bitcoin, today many country of the world is facing inflation and for this reason they often run to bitcoin which they use as a hedge, and true some countries blame cryptocurrency for this whilst others that are wise enough sees what an opportunity Bitcoin present and this is why Bitcoin would always stay ahead of other cryptocurrency asset and this is because in times of uncertainty in economics it's to Bitcoin that people run to despite what the regulations might be in their place.

When Bitcoin was created it was in a certain of high economic uncertainty around 2009 and this was created as an alternative as a safe heaven for people to go to when hell break lose in the world of finance and due to this Bitcoin has set the pace as the sole top cryptocurrency asset as it's more trusted than any crypto asset.

In terms of infrastructure too, they can't be any well developed cryptocurrency infrastructure than Bitcoin. Ofcourse am not saying that other cryptocurrency asset doesn't have sufficient and good infrastructure, or other project doesn't have good development going on in it even currently for some asset, the thing is when it comes to a well developed crypto infrastructure then Bitcoin sets the model for all to follow.

The manner in which Bitcoin is developed draws people into the network and makes it more trustworthy, from the wallets to its payment processors everything is well organized and structured in a manner that transactions is quite easy and those who want to save can store their asset in a Bitcoin wallet without fear as this is a highly sophisticated and robust network and this guarantee the integrity of this decentralized cryptocurrency asset hence the idea of hacking it is laughable at best. So the development and infrastructure in place in the Bitcoin network ensure they are a thousand steps ahead of other cryptocurrency asset making it difficult for any crypto asset to dethrone it.

Also the fact is that most cryptocurrency is facing lots of uncertainty when it has to do with regulations even Bitcoin, but the thing is this it's more easier for Bitcoin to be accepted more easily than other cryptocurrency asset, infact Bitcoin often takes the lead whenever any country wants to accept crypto it's always Bitcoin first before they open up to other asset and this much exposure almost guarantees that Bitcoin is a step ahead of other cryptocurrency asset and as long as this remains so it's hard to see any asset dethrone it in market capitalization or even in terms of value.

Whenever people hear about cryptocurrency is Bitcoin that comes to mind first this mean if they want to even favour any one it would be Bitcoin, take El Salvador for instance, they are a crypto friendly country, guess which of the cryptocurrency asset it's being accepted as payment method, yea you guessed it right. It is Bitcoin and that's exactly my point, you can't see anywhere were any cryptocurrency asset is accepted and Bitcoin isn't one of them ifnot the only one but some may favour Bitcoin but frown at other cryptocurrency asset which has always been the case.

Also advertisement has helped ensure Bitcoin can't be matched by any other cryptocurrency asset as most times when the media is talking about cryptocurrency they end up advertising Bitcoin even in world news and big television stations Bitcoin is mentioned like in BBC and CNN like when Bitcoin broke it's previous all time high of $69k during the ETF approval news this brought even more mass attention to Bitcoin this goes to show why Bitcoin is and will always remain the number 1 cryptocurrency asset class.


Ofcourse we that are in the market are well aware of other asset there are like ethereum, solana, cardano, BNB, trx, polkadot, steem amidst others so if Bitcoin is what we need to bring attention to all other wonder project then so be it, we are all too happy 🙂


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 2 months ago 

Most of the time I actually wonder whether it is possible for any value of any crypto to reach the value of bitcoin

If there is no Bitcoin, there will be no Crypto Currency, Investors invest in Crypto Currency as an alternative to Bitcoin,
Khibbai has talked about important points, thanks keep it up

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